Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 178 Sure Enough, People Compare Themselves To Others, Making People Mad.

"Oh, so that's the case! No wonder Kagura said that Xinbaji and Gintoki are also like this. Xinbaji is better, but he doesn't cook, but Gintoki is different. During those few days, he only eats sweets, crazy I bought a manga to read, I forgot the name of that manga, but what is certain is that it is definitely a manga that is not suitable for children." Alyssa said to Tang Yuan in a low voice.

"Ha Qiu!" Yinshi sneezed suddenly, wiped his nose and said, "Who is talking about my handsomeness behind my back again? Is it a mistake to be handsome these days?"

"You are less narcissistic, no one will say you are handsome." Alyssa glanced at Yin lying on the bed and said: "Look at your languid white hair, no girls will like you like that Damn you! You're less narcissistic."

"Oh? So, then you were the one who spoke ill of me behind my back just now, otherwise how could you be so clear?" Yin Shi said with a smile.

"No...no!" Alisa retorted with a blushing face.

Tang Yuan shook his head secretly and said: "Alyssa is very late, you don't go back to sleep early, staying up late is not good for your skin.

"That's right, then I'll go back to bed first, and you guys go to bed early too, good night 730 bye." After Alisa finished speaking, she fled here like a refugee.

"What's the situation? Is Alisa coming here to talk to you about something? Could it be that you were discussing me behind my back?" Yinshi said gloomyly

Tang Yuan shook his head and said: "I'm not so boring, I don't like to discuss other people's privacy, by the way, why hasn't Yamazaki come up now? Could it be that he has been caught by others? Or on the way to buy instant noodles , was hit by a car? My stomach was already growling with hunger.

Yinshi patted his thigh and said: "If you don't tell me about it, I really forgot. After so long, why hasn't Yamazaki come back? Could it be that he had to go through a wormhole to get these instant noodles? No, I have to Go out and find her!"

After Gintoki finished speaking, he walked out wearing a hotel bathrobe.

Xin Baji yelled towards Yinshi's back: "It's cold outside, put on your clothes first, you'll be in trouble if you catch a cold later, do you remember the last time you had a high fever?"

After Xin Baji finished speaking, he used a coat towards Tang Yuan.

Yinshi took the coat and said to Xin Baji without looking back, "Thank you!"

Just when Yinshi left here, Tang Yuan could occupy a large bed by himself. Tang Yuan stretched out on the bed, lying on the bed very uncomfortable, with an enviable expression of enjoyment.

As soon as Yinshi walked out of the door, he saw Yamazaki walking towards here with a black plastic bag profusely in sweat [Ten saw Yinshi and shouted: "I finally brought you what you asked for."

Gintoki frowned and looked at Yamazaki and said, "What's the matter? I want you to bring me a bowl of instant noodles. Why did it take you so long? Could it be that you want to travel through outer space? Then you can buy it through a wormhole. ?"

"It's not like this, so what? I seem to have lost my way, and then I lost myself in order to find the way, and finally couldn't find the way back. It can't be blamed on me. If you want to blame, you can blame this place. It's like a maze." Yamazaki said out of breath.

"Okay, seeing you like this, I can't say anything, just give me your things, and you go back and rest!" Gintoki took the plastic bag from Yamazaki's hand and said: "By the way, you have found a place to live. Yet?"

Yamazaki pointed to the door next door to Teramondori and said, "Oh, we live here."

"Then we are still neighbors. I live across the door. If there is anything I will knock on your door." After Yinshi finished speaking, he wanted to get into his room, but he seemed to think of something. things, so I turned back and asked: "By the way, how much do you charge for a night in this (caen)?"

Yamazaki stretched out five fingers mysteriously and said, "Guess?"

Yin Shi frowned and said: "Guess your sister! Hurry up and say, we are this number!"

Gintoki stretched out two palms to show Yamazaki.

"Wow! No way! Why are you so expensive?" Yamazaki said with some disbelief: "If the actual housing price hurts what you said, then the room rate we pay is only half of yours.

"Damn it, how did you get it? Why is it so cheap?" Gintoki said incredulously.

Yamazaki shrugged and said: "I don't know very well, but the lobby manager seemed a little scared when he saw us wearing this uniform, so it was only a little money to open a room for us."

"Fuck! It really doesn't make sense! Why is it just different clothes, why is the treatment so different!" Yin Shi Yintian shouted.

"Hehe, we are not very clear, maybe this should be our prerogative as a policeman? Hehe." Yamazaki smirked.

"Hmph, go play with your eggs!" Gintoki yelled at Yamazaki, then entered the room sullenly.

Seeing Yinshi's unhappy expression, Xin Baji felt very strange, so he asked: "Yin Sang, what's the matter with you? Why did you become like this after going out for a trip?"

"Hmph, it's not that Yamazaki, they opened rooms that are half cheaper than ours!" Gintoki said very unhappy: "This is not reasonable at all, why! Everyone is protecting Simen Tong together, why? The treatment would be so different!"

"Don't think too much about this, maybe this is the difference between civil servants." Xin Baji comforted: "Go to bed early, and you won't think about these messy things after you fall asleep."

"No! I'm going to sleep after eating, it's still early, and I slept a little too much during the day, so I feel particularly energetic at this time." Yinshi said while unwrapping the package of instant noodles.

"Be careful, if you get diabetes in the future, don't blame us." Tang Yuan took out a bag of sugar from the bag while looking at Yin, and poured it vigorously into his instant noodle bowl.

"What are you afraid of? Life is just rushing for decades, be happy when you should be happy, and don't get involved in your own feelings because of some trivial things." Yin Shi said without turning his head.

"Whatever you want." Shrugging his shoulders, Tang Yuan took two buckets of instant noodles from Yinshi's face, threw one of the buckets to Xin Baji, then went to get boiling water on his own, and started instant noodles. .

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