[Does Host draw titles? 】


The second good thing is the title. This thing is similar to the manifestation of rules and is extremely powerful.

Similar to his loli killer: the little loli will involuntarily develop a crush on him.

【Ding! The title is being drawn...]

【Ding! Extraction successful! 】

[Congratulations to Host, for winning the title - No Woman in My Heart. 】

Women only affect how quickly a man draws his sword.


Loli can make your sword faster!

Sister Yu can make your sword more powerful!

The rich woman can give you a sharper sword!

Holding a girl in your arms will double the damage!

[Effect: Every time a loli with a score of 95 or above is harvested, the Host's sword drawing speed increases by 1%, up to a maximum of 10%. 】

[For each Royal Sister with a score of 95 or above, the power of the Host's sword will increase by 1%, up to a maximum increase of 10%. 】

【Ding! The current effect is that it is detected that the Host has four Royal Sisters, and the power of the sword increases by 4%. 】

Lynch walked a 6.

This system always gives him something fun to do every time.

But this time the title is not only practical, but also powerful.

You must know that in battles between masters, mistakes are often made by a thousand miles.

A speed error of 0.1 second can determine the outcome of a battle.

A few injuries may mean the difference between life and death.

When the title is fully stacked, 10% of the speed and 10% of the strength can be said to have raised his strength to another level.

The current increase of 4% in power cannot be underestimated.

The third item, the five-dimensional fruit, is five fruits with different colors.

【Ding! Five-dimensional fruit can enhance human potential. 】

[Red fruits increase strength, green fruits increase speed, blue fruits increase durability, yellow fruits increase defense, and pink fruits increase nerve reflexes. 】

Things that increase potential are treasures in any world.

Potential is something that sounds mysterious and cannot be touched, but it is real.

For example, after Luffy ate the Nika Fruit, his potential has reached the Four Emperors level.

And Gion, no matter how hard he trains, he will be an Admiral candidate at most in his life.

Being able to airborne Fujitora and Green Bull, and not allowing Gion to become an Admiral, shows that her strength is still far away from that of an Admiral.


The five fruits were only about the size of a fingernail, and Lynch swallowed them in one gulp. The sweet and sour taste whetted his appetite.

After eating it, Lynch had a vague feeling that his upper limit had indeed been raised.

The last item, "Eating Gene".

This item is a bit powerful and may not have enough space in the room.

Lynch went all the way to the beach and transformed into a 35-meter-tall candle-lit mythical beast.

It has a lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, dragon scales, and a dragon tail. It is thirty-five meters tall and looks very similar to the legendary Kirin.

There is a black-red hollow halo about thirty-five meters behind him.

There was a layer of flame burning on the black halo, always suspended behind Zhu Zhao.

"It's the Emperor!"

"Okay, so big."

"The real body looks more majestic and majestic, more powerful than the statue!"

"so hot!"

Fishermen fishing on the beach exclaimed when they saw Lynch.

In the empire, Zhuzhao has long become a sacred beast and a symbol of the kingdom.

Basically every citizen of the kingdom knows that he is the incarnation of the king when he sees Zhuzhao.

The Zhuzhao mythical beast is a terrifying monster in the eyes of the enemy, but it is their patron saint in the eyes of the people.

Some elderly fishermen put down their fishing gear and kowtowed in the direction of Lynch.

Lynch raised his head to the people and flew into the sky, "System, fuse and devour genes."

【Ding! Phagocytosis gene fusion...]

【Ding! Fusion successful! 】

[Devouring Gene: After fusion, Zhuzhao's form will have the ability to devour, and can increase its size by devouring energy. The larger the size, the stronger the body, and new abilities will be mastered. 】


"Very hungry!"

"very hungry!"

This was Lynch's first feeling after integrating the phagocytosis gene, as if every cell and pore in his body was transmitting the feeling of hunger to his brain.

Devouring energy can evolve.

If you want to say where there is the most energy in the world, it’s Sea Kings.

The larger the Sea Kings, the more energy is contained in the meat.

If it is a Sea Kings with a volume of more than 5,000 meters, a piece of meat with the same volume has a thousand times the energy of other meat! Ten thousand times! Even a hundred thousand times!

Sea Kings, with their large size and energy, are the perfect choice for Devouring Evolution.

It would be better to eat one Sea Kings than ten thousand pigs and sheep.


On the halo behind Zhuzhao, a layer of black light suddenly appeared, surrounding Lynch.

With the development of the Candlelight Fruit, more and more abilities are developed.

Demon fruit power cannot come into contact with water?

No problem, just isolate yourself from the sea like Vander Deken IX.

Lynch was originally wondering how he survived being knocked into the sea by Kaido last time?

Thinking about it now, it was probably because of the halo that the ability to protect the Lord was triggered in the first place.

With a loud "plop", Lynch dived from the sky into the water like a depth charge, splashing hundreds of meters of waves.

As the eldest father of Qinglong, Zhuzhao is born with water skills.

When I entered the water, every cell in my body was cheering for joy, as if I was back home.

The speed in the water is not even much slower than in the sky, and breathing is no problem.

No matter how deep you go into the sea, the pitch-black water is like night vision in Lynch's eyes, and he can see farther than you can on land!

"Bah, the fish in the deep sea are really ugly."

Driving to a depth of 6,000 meters, the fish here can no longer be described as ugly, and they don't even need to be put into horror movies.

"Although it's not your fault that you are ugly, it is wrong for you to come out and scare people."

Lynch looked at the strange and ugly fish in front of him and swallowed it in one bite.

Crunchy, chicken-flavored.

After eating this fish, the hunger in my belly was still not relieved, and the size seemed to have increased by 0.001cm. It seemed that I had to go to Sea Kings.

"I found it, it's you!"

The deep sea is the territory of Sea Kings.

It didn't take Lynch long to find a 300-meter-long Sea Kings.

This Sea Kings looks a bit like a cross between a fish and a chicken, with feathers on its body. Lynch looks a lot like an old friend he once knew.


Sea Kings’ IQs are not low.

After seeing Lynch's body size of only thirty-five meters, this Sea Kings couldn't even think of any resistance. It turned around and ran away as if it had seen its natural nemesis.

Sea Kings' sixth sense tells it that this is an existence it cannot afford to mess with.

"Where to go!"

Sea Kings' speed is nowhere near that of Lynch.

When a current flows down, the 300-meter-long Sea Kings turns into fragrant grilled fish.

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