The 300-meter-long Sea Kings was towed ashore by Lynch.

With a height of 35 meters, standing in front of the huge Sea Kings, he looked like a child who had not grown up.

"Where should I start swallowing? Got it!"

Lynch came to the tail of Sea Kings, opened his huge mouth, and a small black hole emerged from his mouth, erupting with terrifying suction.

With a whoosh, Sea Kings' tail was sucked into Lynch's mouth.

The originally huge tail miraculously shrunk several times after approaching the black hole, just enough to be swallowed.

This Sea Kings is just the right size, and can't swallow it even if it's a hundred meters larger.

"I swallow it!"

Lynch doesn't even chew it, but digests it directly into nutrients through the black hole in his mouth.

I saw that while he was devouring this Sea King, his size began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye!

35 meters...36 meters...37 meters...38 meters...39 meters...40 meters!

The Sea Kings, which was three hundred meters long and weighed thousands of tons, was completely swallowed by Lynch in minutes.

At the same time, Zhu Zhao’s size reached 40 meters!

The hunger in the belly is relieved, and the cells in the whole body are cheering for this nourishment.

Lynch smacked his lips as he felt the surging energy and blood in his body. He had fallen in love with this feeling of getting stronger quickly.

It was still early, so he turned and plunged into the sea, looking for his next prey.

As a result, the fishermen on this day saw a scene they would never forget.

The Sea Kings, who used to be the overlord of the ocean, were treated as snacks by the King, and he ate them one after another...

The fishermen looked at this scene, opened their mouths wide, and said blankly: "The Emperor is so awesome!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

What fishermen fear most at sea is not pirates, but Sea Kings!

In the big sea, who dares to mess with Sea Kings?

They avoid it for fear of being targeted.

If he is targeted by the Sea Kings, he is destined to die, and he will become the king of the ocean.

Moreover, when Sea Kings passes by, a large number of fish nearby will disappear, causing fishermen to be unable to catch fish.

Today, these Haiyang gangsters were punished by the Emperor.

What is this called? This is called a good king and father who eliminates harm for the people, pleases people's hearts, and thinks about the people!

Since Sea Kings have no natural predators in the sea, Lynch quickly caught another 300-meter-long Sea Kings.

After eating it, his body size reached 43 meters.

It grew by 5 meters last time and only 3 meters this time.

The Sea Kings, which is also 300 meters long, is almost half as effective.

It seems that as the body grows, it becomes more difficult toward the back.

He needs to hunt bigger Sea Kings!

It was night, with the stars and moon high in the sky, and Lynch caught an 800-meter Sea Kings.

After eating it, his body shape has reached a height of 66 meters!

"Your Majesty the Emperor, it's getting late. Please rest and don't exhaust yourself."

"Yes, Lord Emperor, we are very touched that you can do this for us."

"Your Majesty, this is our home-made bread. If you don't mind it..."

Thousands of residents gathered on the coast.

They had all heard that the king transformed into the divine beast Zhuzhao and personally went to the sea to eliminate harm for the people, so they came here specifically to pay homage to the heroic appearance of the king.

As a kingdom surrounded by sea, almost one in every five households relies indirectly or directly on the sea for their livelihood.

Lynch's move serves the country and the people, directly guaranteeing the safety and interests of the people and eliminating hidden dangers for them to go to sea.

According to incomplete statistics, at least two thousand fishermen die at the hands of Sea Kings every year!

After all, even the majestic red-haired Shanks, let alone ordinary people, could have his arm bitten off by an 80-meter Sea Kings.

"Your Majesty the Emperor has such a burly body."

Upon closer inspection, they realized that the Emperor was ridiculously big.

People stood under him like an ant.

You had to raise your head as hard as you could to see Zhu Zhao's head.

"Okay, so big."

Some girls blushed just looking at it.

The height of 66 meters is equivalent to the height of a 23-story building!

Imagine that a Kirin more than 20 stories high stands in front of you. This is how the people feel.

The halo of flames behind the candle illuminated the black night sky.

Lynch looked at the vast sea of ​​people and didn't know why.

What's going on? Why are everyone gathering at the coast?

Also, why is the faith value increasing so fast that it’s like riding a rocket?

Sea Kings' Lynch didn't know what was going on after a long day of eating.

In short, it’s a good thing.

It was getting late, and Lynch had no intention of continuing to catch Sea Kings.

This kind of thing depends on perseverance.

Seeing the gratifying increase in faith value, he didn't mind treating everyone to dinner.

The Zhuzhao Divine Beast opened its mouth and shot out a lightning pillar dozens of meters thick, instantly lighting up the night as bright as day.

When the thunder pillar fell on the sea, the nearby sea boiled, and dense schools of fish floated to the surface with their fragrance.

Lynch opened his mouth and sucked, and hundreds of thousands of grilled fish were sucked to the shore.

"Your Majesty, please eat fish for everyone, why don't you thank the emperor quickly!" Some clever little ghost shouted.

"Thank you, Lord Emperor~"

"Long live the emperor~"

While receiving a lot of thanks, my faith value increased again.

After celebrating with the people, Lynch returned to the palace. He looked down at his palms and felt that something was different there.


He cut open his wrist with a knife, and the injured wrist healed completely within a few seconds, leaving no trace of scar.

"The resilience is about one-third stronger than before."

"is blood!"

Looking at the blood remaining on his wrist, Lynch thought about the changes.

Under the candlelight state, the essence of the Sea Kings he swallowed was contained in the blood of the human state.

To put it bluntly, his current blood is better than any panacea.

Not to mention that it can bring the dead back to life.

But like a broken arm or leg, serious injury or severe bleeding, you can fully recover with his blood.

Even in the future, even if the head is cut off, as long as it is not cold enough, it can be put back with his blood!


From now on, Lynch can unceremoniously claim to be the best in the world in trauma medicine.

He picked up a drop of blood from his wrist and threw it into the flower bed outside.

The small yellow flower, which was originally only the size of a finger, reached a height of 5 meters at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The one million lottery points this time are well spent!

There were still six beauty pills left, so Lynch sent someone to give one to Garrett, one to Tsunade, and one to Uchiha Mikoto.

Women should all like this thing.

He can draw it out once or twice. He is not afraid of waste at all. They are all his own people anyway.

Although Tsunade has the Hundred Healings Mark, it is not truly immortal. Once the Chakra is consumed, it will return to its original state.

Tsunade, who is in his twenties this year, is just fine after taking the beauty pill.

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