"Another one killed? It's too fast. If we don't need to return to the kingdom at this speed, all the slaves on the ship will probably die."

"Shh! Just do whatever I ask you to do. If you dare to talk about adults, you will die."

The two attendants communicated in low voices while entering the prison where the slaves were kept.

When they saw someone coming in, the slaves in the prison huddled in the corner, buried their heads in their knees, and did not dare to breathe.

The room was eerily quiet.

"It's just you, come out."

The attendant opened the iron door and violently pulled out a man inside.

"No! Husband!"

Dirty long hair covered her face, and the woman clung to the attendant's trouser legs like a madman, trying to prevent them from taking the man away.

"Damn it, bitch, let go!"

"Don't worry, you're next."

The attendant slapped the woman hard on the face, and the woman was knocked away. Another attendant took the opportunity to drag the man away.

An atmosphere of despair and gloom spreads in the prison.

The remaining prisoners did not rejoice because they were not chosen this time.

Maybe the next moment, their death will be worse than that of men.

"Sir, the slave has arrived."

The two attendants grabbed the man's hair and dragged him to a room.

They buried their heads low and did not dare to look at the contents of the room.

In the room, all kinds of beauties were lying naked on the soft fur carpet.

In the distance are various torture instruments.

A group of men with big bellies and no clothes were hugging women and drinking from glasses, with wet Bloodline at their feet.

If Lynch were here, he would definitely lament that rich people know how to play and are not afraid of getting sick.

"Hiccup~ The toy this time should be strong enough. The one last time was killed after just a few plays, which was disappointing."

Cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the two attendants, "Sir, this toy is definitely strong."

"Okay, now that the toy has been delivered, hurry up and get out of here. Don't just stand here and get in the way."

"Yes, sir." The two attendants stepped back with relief.

Prince William pushed the woman under him away, dragged his belly, walked over, grabbed the already numb man, and walked towards the torture device.

"Everyone, who wants to play darts this time?"

"Count me in."

"I'll come too."

Most of the nobles in the room joined in the game.

What they call darts, of course, are not darts thrown at a target, but thrown at people.

A hit in the head is worth 10 points, a hit in the torso is worth 6 points, and a hit in the limbs is worth 3 points. If it is hit in the eyeball, the score is doubled.

The man's limbs were tied to torture devices, and Prince William was the first to pick up the darts.

The palm-long dart has been polished to be extremely sharp, and the steel needle at the head is thin and long, enough to penetrate the surface of the human body and pierce the internal organs inside.


Prince William threw a dart, hitting the man squarely in the cheek.

The numb man's body trembled and then returned to calm.

"Hahaha, let's see how good Laozi's skills are. Give Laozi five million beli." He laughed proudly.

"Awesome, worthy of being Prince William."

"Look at me."

The nobles took Bailey on board and threw darts one after another.

After a while, the man's body was covered with darts, and he looked very handsome.

The man was already numb. His internal organs were penetrated but he didn't realize it. Now he only expected to die soon.

"In the first round of statistics, the King scored 46 points, Prince William scored 40 points, and Archduke Qiaolin scored 33 points..."

The maid pulled the dart out of the man's body and recorded the score.

If Lynch were here, he would be able to recognize at a glance that the dense wounds on the man's body look like they were pricked by needles, exactly like the little girl rescued from the sea.

There is no doubt that the little girl has been forced to participate in darts games before and became a living target.

While the nobles were having fun cruelly, little did they know that a Shinigami had broken into the cabin.

The powerful sense of knowledge was activated, and in just a moment, Lynch understood what was happening inside the ship.

"Which lord are you serving under?"

"who are you?"

When the patrolling guard saw Lynch, he looked unfamiliar, but did not suspect that he was an enemy.

No enemy on the sea can ignore the external guards and get inside.

But little did they know that the guard outside was killed the moment they saw Lynch, so fast that they didn't even have time to sound the alarm.

"Kill your people."

Lynch was too lazy to talk nonsense and sent them away with two gunshots.

It's not a pity to die as a running dog.


The speed was so fast that the two of them didn't even feel the pain.

It wasn't until they wanted to speak that they discovered that their throats had been pierced and a large amount of blood foam was gurgling out.

The two of them fell to the ground like ducks being strangled by the throat, their pupils gradually dimming.

Lynch went deep and killed without mercy.

Kill one person in ten steps...

The shoes were filled with blood, and every step he took would leave a blood mark on the spot.

The nobles were greedy for pleasure in their rooms, but little did they know that the outside world had become a purgatory.

Their men were being killed quickly.

In front of a room, Lynch stopped and with a little force on his palm, the iron door lock was crushed to pieces.

The moment the door opened, a strong smell of blood hit my face.

"Who is it? Who is not afraid of death and dares to disturb this prince's pleasure!"

There were only two people in the room.

One of them was tied to an iron bed, two arms and one leg had been sawed off, and a large amount of blood flowed all over the floor.

The exposed upper body was covered with centipede-like sutures.

The man appeared to be dying, and his pale face seemed like he would die at any moment.

Another man, holding a saw with blood on his hands and a pervert smile on his face, heard the sound of the door and his eyes were full of violence.


Lynch stepped on the blood on the ground and strode in.

"What the hell, are you deaf? Didn't you hear what I asked you?"

"Which family are you a servant of? I will dig out your eyes."

"Come here, dig out his eyes!"

Lynch's eyes made the eldest prince feel uncomfortable, but he shouted twice outside, but no attendant came.

"This group of trash! I will kill them all sooner or later."

The attendant never came, so the eldest prince had no choice but to take action himself, thinking that this lowly pariah would not dare to resist.


Lynch grabbed the eldest prince's outstretched arm and used a sudden force on his palm, crushing the bones of the eldest prince's arm.

The palm and arm branch house fell directly to the ground.


The eldest prince covered his broken arm, the pain was heartbreaking, he howled in pain, and lines of fine beads of sweat seeped out of his forehead.

"You, who are you!?"

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