The eldest prince's body trembled in pain and he retreated to the corner of the wall.

As the crown prince of a country, the eldest prince was not stupid. He quickly realized that the man in front of him was not the one they brought.

"Do people in your country like to talk nonsense before they die?"

Lynch crushed the eldest prince's palm that had fallen to the ground with his kick, approaching step by step.

The eldest prince's face turned pale, and if his palm was gone, he would lose the possibility of reconnecting it. Then he would be a cripple for the rest of his life.

But the top priority is not to think about these things, but to think about how to live.

"Sir, there is no hatred between us. I believe you were also provoked by thieves. I don't blame you."

"As long as you are willing to let me go, I will agree to any conditions you want!"

"Whether it's money, beauty, or status, I can give you everything."

"I will be the king from now on. As long as you let me go, I am willing to share the world with you."

In order to survive, the eldest prince racked his brains and said everything he could think of.

If the pain in his arm hadn't always interrupted his thinking, he felt that he could think of more.

At the same time, he secretly cursed those useless guards in his heart. He had been waiting for so long and no one had come to rescue him yet.

If he survives this time, kill them all when he returns!

“Very attractive terms.”

Lynch's heartbeat tone made the eldest prince seem to see hope, and he hurriedly said: "You think it makes sense, right? Just say whatever you want, as long as you let me go."

"Is it really possible under any conditions?"

"Really, I swear."

"Well, how about one hundred beauties and one hundred million beli in exchange for your dog's life?"

"No problem! I agree!"

The eldest prince breathed a sigh of relief as if he had survived the disaster. It seemed that he had saved his life.

At the same time, he cursed Lynch in his heart for his lack of knowledge and that he was a country bumpkin who just threw away a hundred beauties and 100 million Baileys.

Wait! He will definitely avenge this hatred!

He promised that when the time comes, the man's life will be worse than death.

However, Lynch's next words made his face change drastically.

"Idiot, I just teased you, and you really believed it."

"If it were an ordinary brainless pirate, he might actually be tempted."

"It's a pity that you met me."

From great sorrow to great joy, and from great joy to great sorrow, the eldest prince felt that he was about to be spoiled.

Really murderous and heartbreaking.

"Wait! Don't!"


The two arms of the eldest prince were torn off.

Tooth for tooth has always been Lynch's rule.

"Let you also taste the feeling of being amputated." Lynch said solemnly, glancing at the crippled man on the iron bed.

"You! I will definitely kill you!"

A steady stream of blood spurted out from the broken arm. The eldest prince was trembling all over, his teeth were about to be broken, and he roared like a wild beast.

There was only a cold voice that responded to him, "You can go die."

"No, you can't kill me, my father will never let you go!"


The eldest prince's neck was broken and he collapsed.

"Ma...please, kill me."

The man on the iron bed was not happy to be rescued. Instead, he asked Lynch to help kill him in a weak voice full of death.

"Have a good trip." Lynch killed the man.

That look was one that wanted to die.

Even if he could heal a man's physical disability, he couldn't heal his mental trauma.

The man's spirit has collapsed.

All he could do was to end his painful suffering as soon as possible.

The scene in the cabin completely ruined Lynch's low opinion of the nobles.

He raised his head and walked out of the room with murderous intent in his eyes.

Such nobles do not need to exist in the world.

Just like the Celestial Dragons, they are a worse scourge than the pirates alive.

The nobles in this world are deformed. There are too few decent royal families like Alabasta.

Most of the nobles are cruel and evil like the Celestial Dragons.

When he becomes the Queen of West Blue, the first thing he has to do is to completely clean up these nobles who are harming the world in West Blue!

In a room next to the cell, a strong man with a height of four meters was tied to a cross with dozens of iron ropes.

"Damn it, you've become a slave and you still refuse to let go of your pitiful dignity. You deserve to be beaten to death by the adults."

The attendant picked up the whip soaked in salt water and whipped the man hard.

There are fine iron nails on the whip. Every time the whip is struck, a piece of flesh can be torn from the man's body.

In a matter of moments, the man's body was already in terrible shape, and his bones were exposed in some places.

Each tooth was bitten into pieces by the strong man, but he didn't scream, but stared at the attendant with murderous eyes.

The attendant's scalp was numb at the sight, and he suddenly remembered that the man was tied up. He was actually frightened by the look, and said angrily:

"Okay, okay, I admire you as a man. If you have the ability, don't hum. Let's see how long you can hold on!"

The attendant put down the whip stained red with blood, carefully selected from the pile of torture instruments, and took out a vise.

The toenails were connected to the flesh and blood, and were violently pulled out by the attendants.

After the ten clipped nails were removed, the attendant focused on the strong man's fingernails again.

With their fingers connected to their hearts, the strong man clenched his teeth, and the veins on his body popped out like a python, as if they were about to explode at any time.

In the end, the strong man became a bloody man.

Blood was flowing all over his body, hands and feet.

"You bitch, please give in to me and say a few nice words. Maybe grandpa will give you a good time." The servant said with a triumphant smile.

This bitch dared to scare him just now. He will repay this hatred tenfold and slowly torture the man to death.


When the attendant was complacent and relaxed his vigilance, the strong man propped up his weak body and spit a large mouthful of blood and broken tooth fragments into the attendant's face.

"You damn bastard!!!"

The attendant was furious, his red eyes were furious, and he took out the iron mask from the stove with pliers and burned it until it was red.

"Let you taste this!"

With a "Zila" sound, the hot iron mask was pressed onto the strong man's face.

Green smoke floated up, and the strong man's face melted in an instant, the flesh and blood behind became blurred, the blisters burst one by one, and the smell of meat floated in the room.

The strong man's body twitched violently, foaming at the mouth, but he never let out a scream.

When the red-hot iron mask cooled down, it was completely stuck to the strong man's face and could never be removed.

The strong man's body also became motionless.

"Idiot, this is what you will get if you go against the adults."

Just when the attendant thought the man was dead, the strong man's body suddenly moved.

"Hahaha, he's not dead yet. Let me think about what we can play again?" the attendant said excitedly.

At this moment, the iron door was suddenly kicked open.

It was Lynch who arrived on the scene.

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