"Silver Ax old thief!!!"

Ochoku roared angrily, but to no avail.

Whitebeard, Kaido, and Lynch all came towards him and participated in the fight for the pendant.

Even the aunt gave up the fight for the soil fruit and joined the melee.

Compared with the coordinates of Yinlong Gorge, soil fruits are nothing.

Whoever can obtain the coordinates of Yinlong Gorge and occupy it will have a subversive impact on the world's structure.

"Hahahaha, go and rob it. If I don't make it easy for you, you won't make it easy either." Silver Ax went completely crazy.

"Ochoku, hand over the pendant and I'll spare your life."

Whitebeard punched out from the air, and the vibration in the air shook away Kaido who was about to succeed, temporarily protecting Ochoku.

There are two difficulties in snatching things from Ochoku's hands and snatching things from Kaido's hands. Kaido cannot be allowed to succeed.

"Whitebeard, you old guy, stay out of the way!"

Being punched by Whitebeard was nothing to the phantom beast Kaido. He stepped on the ground with his big foot, making a big hole and rushed forward again.

"Hehehe, I, Ochoku, am not an idle person. If you are not afraid of death, just come!" Ochoku said angrily.

It's true that Ochoku is barely a good guy among pirates, but being a good guy doesn't mean he has no ambition.

Ochoku is not afraid of death in order to achieve his ideal goal.

How many pirates can get a good death?

It's worth it if you can die on the way forward!

"Well, well, go away, Kaido, Ochoku, come here quickly, I will protect you."

Kaido is the closest to Silver Ax, and Whitebeard's punch can only make Kaido pause for a moment.

Big Mom was about to take action to stop Kaido, but an attack was faster than him.

"One-Touch Style·Light and Shadow!"

A ghostly voice sounded. Lynch put Long Yuan back into the scabbard and quickly pulled it out, causing a sword draw.

The light of the sword shone like a small sun rising in the cave. Lynch once surpassed Big Mom and Whitebeard and came to Kaido first.

The moment Long Yuan put the sword back into its sheath, a line of blood suddenly flew from Kaido's chest without any warning, and bloody knife marks appeared on Kaido's chest.

"It's been a long time since I've suffered such a serious injury." The sudden injury made Kaido stunned and his thoughts were racing.

Although his defense is not as good as Big Mom's, it is still impregnable. It would take a lot of effort for Vice Admiral-level enemies to break through his skin.

The last person who could inflict such injuries on him with a knife was Kozuki Oden of Wanokuni many years ago.

"Kid, you are much better than the last time we met." Kaido reacted and squeezed Lynch's head with his big hand.

Lynch's figure suddenly changed from nine meters back to two meters. He shortened his body and easily dodged the attack.

"You still have so many weird moves." Kaido was not annoyed when the attack failed, especially when he felt the pain in his chest, Kaido laughed.

"Kid, although now is not the time to invite, do you want me, Beasts Pirates, to be your vice-captain!"

The more powerful Lynch is, the more Kaido likes him. Others may not be able to understand Kaido's feelings about this kind of love for fantasy beasts.

Lynch sheathed the knife and glanced at Kaido briefly before joining in the pursuit of Silver Ax.

Ochoku is nothing to be afraid of. What we want to see now is which of the four of them can grab the pendant first.

"Damn you brat!" Kaido was furious when Lynch ignored him.

Such disobedient brats should be caught and thrown into the mines for hard labor!

"Huh?" Kaido thought his new idea was good.

In the future, if anyone is unwilling to surrender, or if he meets the kind of brat who boasts that he wants to be the Pirate King, he will throw rocks in the mine until he is willing to surrender.

"Ochoku, I respect you as a man, join forces with me to keep you safe."

Lynch tried to deceive Ochoku, but failed. The other party had no intention of forming an alliance with him, and just looked for an opportunity to escape with the pendant.

After thinking about it, he also knew that once surrounded by four people, the pendant could not be saved no matter what.

For the current plan, the only way to have a chance of survival is to find an opportunity to escape.

Lynch quietly released his hold on Long Yuan's hand, and the dark green dragon turned into a streak of green light and disappeared into the ground.

"One Blade Style·Tornado."

Lynch swung his sword casually. His target was not Ochoku, but the direction in front.

A superb swordsman can not only wield flames out of thin air, but also cause violent winds to rise from the ground.

Not to mention a great swordsman like Lynch.

The violent wind swelled up as it faced the wind, and in an instant a tornado with a height of 100 meters appeared in front of it.

If the height in the cave was not only a hundred meters, the scale of the tornado would be even greater.

"Wind, it's windy, run quickly!"

"Help, someone can help me, I'm going to get involved!"

The ferocious suction force spread from the tornado to the surroundings, and many pirates and gold were sucked in by the tornado and minced into a pile of minced meat.

[Points +25. 】

[Points +106. 】

[Points +13. 】

The tornado was dyed golden red, with a lot of gold coins inside, making it even more lethal.

The tornado blocked Ochoku's path, and he had to either rush through it or take a detour.

However, Lynch, who was prepared in advance, had already taken a detour and intercepted it in advance.

Whether it was Ochoku taking a detour or forcing his way into a tornado and being slowed down for a second or two, Lynch would catch him.

"What a difficult kid." Ochoku broke into a cold sweat.

He had no choice but to take advantage of the opponent's duel with one move to close the distance again.

"Emission•Ten Fist Sword!"

Ochoku suddenly stopped, and the broad sword ignited with black and red flames, and a cold feeling emanated from it, making people shudder.

This is one of Ochoku's two major killing moves. The person hit will fall into a sealed state and be unable to move.

Currently, it is only three steps away from Ochoku and Lynch.

Lynch was followed closely by Kaido, almost biting Lynch's tail.

Behind them are Whitebeard and Big Mom. They are not far apart and can catch up in two or three seconds at most.

So Ochoku must be fast!

Be sure to immobilize Lynch with one blow and put some distance between you and the opponent.

"go to hell!"

The flames on the broad sword burned with a roar, rising tens of meters high, and Ochoku stabbed Lynch with a sword full of heart and soul.

"You're finally willing to stop."

The smile on Lynch's face made Ochoku feel bad.

However, the sword has already been thrust out, and it is not easy to stop. If you forcefully withdraw the force, you may injure yourself.

Ochoku's legs were welded to the ground like the roots of an old tree, as stable as Mount Tai. Now he had an arrow on the string and had to shoot.


At this moment, a small dark green dragon emerged from the ground, and when Ochoku was unable to retreat, he took the pendant from his pocket.

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