
Seeing that he had succeeded, Lynch suddenly retreated.

It didn't matter that he retreated, Kaido rushed up to take his place.

The broadsword originally aimed at Lynch happened to hit Kaido.

"Give me back my stuff!"

"Damn Lynch kid!"

Ochoku and Kaido both changed their expressions and roared angrily.

Kaido was hit by the broad sword, and the flames on it turned into a five-clawed fire dragon, which tightly wrapped around Kaido's body and made him unable to move.

Ochoku didn't expect anything to come out of the ground.

When the pendant was stolen, he ignored Kaido and hurriedly chased after it.

"Ochoku, you haven't untied Laozi yet!"

The five-clawed fire dragon was like a golden rope wrapped around Kaido's body getting tighter and tighter. Although it couldn't cause him any harm, it couldn't break free.

Back then, Ochoku was also one of the top figures on the Rocks ship, and his combat power once surpassed Big Mom and Kaido.

Even though he is old now, the bottom-of-the-box moves are not so easy to crack.

In particular, this move focuses on trapping the enemy.

Kaido's body continued to rise from human form to half-animal form, and finally to dragon form. The five-clawed fire dragon on his body changed in size as he changed, never leaving.

Judging from the dim speed of the fire dragon, Kaido wouldn't be able to break away in a matter of seconds.

Lynch secretly said that it was a dangerous situation, but fortunately Kaido blocked the knife for him. These remnants on the Rocks ship should not be underestimated.

"Kaido, stop bumping, do you want to bury us all alive here?!"

Kaido transformed into a dragon form and hit the wall of the cave, trying to get rid of the fire dragon. Large chunks of stone fell off the top of the cave, and Auntie scolded him sharply.

"If Linlin doesn't come here to help, you'd better bury him alive."

"You guy!"

Kaido is both rough and subtle, and he deliberately threatens Auntie into having to go and help.

"Hahahaha, the final winner is me."

Silver Ax, who had disappeared just now, suddenly emerged from the ground and grabbed the dark green dragon.

"Woooo~" Long Yuan was held in Silver Ax's hand and couldn't fly out. He screamed aggrievedly and refused to let go of the pendant in his mouth.

"You're so angry, you won't let go!" Silver Ax came up with two big mouths and violently took the pendant out of Xiaolongyuan's mouth.


With a gap in his mouth, Xiao Longyuan was not a hard worker. No one except his master dared to hit him!

It opened its bloody mouth and bit Silver Ax's arm, injecting venom.

"Get out!" His hand hurt, and Silver Ax violently threw Xiao Longyuan away.

But Silver Ax soon realized something was wrong.

If Silver Ax wasn't seriously injured, he might have been able to detect it in advance and use his armor to stop Xiao Longyuan's bite.

But now he was seriously injured, causing his reaction to be slow, and he failed to notice in time, and a lot of venom was injected into him.

You know, Xiaolongyuan's poison is so poisonous that even Rayleigh doesn't dare to resist.

Silver Ax's face turned green at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood he spat out also turned green.

"This dragon... is poisonous!?" Silver Ax's eyes were about to burst.

With his strong vitality, he would not die, but his internal organs felt like they were being corroded.

If you let it go, you might really be poisoned to death.

"Silver Ax, not everyone can do oriole, and not everyone can take my things."

Lynch caught Long Yuan who was flying over, and the two long swords crossed in front of him, "Two Sword Style·Shen Yuan!"

The powerful Conqueror's wrapped around the weapon-colored blade, and Lynch disappeared as if traveling through time and space.

He appeared in front of Silver Ax at a speed faster than "shaving", and his two swords turned into deadly blades, taking Silver Ax's life.

"Ahem... Laozi is the Silver Axe of Rocks Pirate, how could he die here!!!"

Silver Ax roared, and also unleashed its strongest blow, the ax erupting with earth-shaking power.


During the collision of the weapons, it was as if a major earthquake had occurred, the earth shook continuously, and cracks that were several meters wide and kilometers long appeared on the islands outside.

The pirates in the cave were shaken by the earthquake and almost fell down.

This... just the fight between two people can cause an earthquake. Is this really a power that humans can possess? !

"Oops!" Silver Ax's pupils trembled violently.

Seeing his weapon cracking inch by inch under the double blades, and not even his weapon color could stop this trend, Silver Ax knew that his life was coming to an end.

If he held on, he might be able to survive for a while longer, but if he dared to withdraw his strength now, he would be killed instantly.

In the last moments of his life, Silver Ax looked back and recalled, a lifetime of experiences flashing through his mind.

When he was seven years old, he was sold by his father to the nobles as a slave.

When he was nine years old, he couldn't stand the bullying of the nobles and stoned him to death in the dark. He ran home and killed his father who had sold him.

From then on, he knew that he had the biggest fist in the world, and the only person he could trust was himself. The meaning of others living was just to enjoy themselves!

Silver Ax is very talented and at only 14 years old, he is unbeatable on their small island.

On the island, any woman he falls in love with has been played by her, and if she makes him unhappy, he will kill her first.

If a man offends him, he will definitely not survive the next day.

Later he was wanted and naturally became a glorious pirate.

Silver Ax felt that he was born to be a pirate.

With his powerful force, he can kill people if he wants to, rob women if he wants to play with them, and if he wants money, someone will give it to him with just a look.

He has betrayed countless people and been betrayed by countless people. Gradually, he has earned the title Silver Ax on the sea.

Silver Ax thought that his life would continue like this, until that day, he met that person.

"Want to overthrow the world? Then come with me!" Rocks defeated Silver Ax with one blow, looking down at him like a giant.

In the days that followed, Silver Ax naturally entered Rocks Pirate.

Although his people are evil and treacherous, they are unexpectedly loyal to Rocks and accompany Rocks all the way to the end.

"Perhaps a person like me who has done many evil things should have died long ago."

"Boss Rocks, Silver Ax is here to accompany you."

"This life is worth it!"

Facing the impending death, Silver Ax did not panic or be afraid. Instead, he closed his eyes calmly and faced death calmly.

Boss Rocks is right, there are a few pirates who can end up well.

At least the excitement of his life is enough.


The silver ax shattered, and the sword light slashed across Silver Ax's neck. A huge human head rolled down, and the blood on his neck spewed ten meters high like a fountain.

On Silver Ax's kind face, his eyes were closed forever.

Silver Ax, a former important crew member of Rocks Pirate who once crushed Big Mom and Kaido, eventually died at the hands of Lynch.

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