"Silver Ax..."

Seeing the death of Silver Ax, others were somewhat touched, especially Whitebeard and Big Mom.

They were once partners on a ship. From the previous era to today, they witnessed the ups and downs of an era.

Seeing one of his former companions pass away is a bit like the feeling of a hero in his twilight years.

Ochoku felt it most.

He was about the same age as Silver Ax and had about the same strength. Now that he saw Silver Ax dying here, he was afraid and hesitated.

Silver Ax's death was like a bucket of cold water poured over Ochoku's head, calming him down.

He was the weakest in the field, and the chance of snatching the pendant back from the other people's hands was slim. It was not worth risking his life for it.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Ochoku made a decision and gave up the fight for the pendant. After grabbing a few Devil Fruits from Marco's hand, Ochoku jumped three hundred meters high, jumped out of the cave, and left the island.

Some people can survive to this day and still know how to choose.

Only then did the other little pirates react to Shanshan.

Everything that happened just now happened too fast. Looking at the body of Silver Ax that was still spurting blood, there were disbelief and exclamations from the cave.

"Silver, Silver Ax is dead! The Silver Ax who has been traversing the sea for almost a century actually died here."

"Hi~ This Lynch Admiral is too strong."

"I guess Marine hasn't killed a big pirate like Silver Ax in almost twenty years, right?"

"If you ask me, this Lynch Admiral can be called the first Marine Admiral."

In the cave, many pirates couldn't help but gasp.

"Silver Ax died in the battle. I think this is what he wanted." Whitebeard said solemnly: "Let me use this move to send Brother Silver Ax away."

Whitebeard's hands were wrapped in a white halo, and the surrounding space was constantly trembling under this energy.

Just listen to him murmuring: "Even Cong Yunqie needs to be wrapped in armor to successfully support me in this attack."

Whitebeard's big hand grasped the blade of the supreme sharp knife, first a layer of dark ink-like armed color covered the surface of the blade, and then a white halo spread from his hand to the blade.


The clouds completely wrapped in a white halo made a harsh sound, like a chainsaw rotating at high speed.

As long as Cong Yunqie stayed there without moving, the surrounding space surged violently like waves in the sea, breaking into thousands of mirror fragments.

Whitebeard attaches vibrations to the clumps of clouds, which are as fine as particles, and rotate in two opposite directions at high speed.

In this way, a handful of particles capable of crushing almost all matter in the world was born.

This is the vibration effect attached to the Shock Fruit. If the fruit is not developed to the level of awakening, this feat cannot be accomplished.

"When did this old guy develop such a terrifying move?" Auntie and Kaido were secretly shocked.

In their opinion, this move is almost as good as Roger's Divine Avoidance.

Simply destroying all defenses is a nightmare for everyone in the world.


Whitebeard gave a sharp shout and swung Cong Yunqi at Lynch.

However, Cong Yunqie's attack did not hit Lynch. Instead, it passed by him and accurately hit a golden mountain in the distance.

The hundred-meter-high Jinshan Mountain turned into powder under this particle-level slashing storm.

Faced with an attack like a natural disaster, countless treasures disappeared under this attack, leaving only a pool of gold particles smaller than sand.

Whitebeard's intensity was controlled extremely well, and it seemed that it was only aimed at the golden mountain and did not affect other places.

"This Whitebeard has a great brain, but there is still room for improvement." Although he didn't understand what Whitebeard was doing, it did not affect his thoughts.

In fact, Whitebeard's imagination is still small. If the vibration reaches a certain frequency and is consistent with the vibration of other items, it stands to reason that people can pass through walls.

Penetrating weapons, penetrating armor, these are not a problem.

Moreover, his control of the attack just now was not good enough. In theory, a particle-level attack can leave nothing behind, but he still left gold particles all over the ground.

"Whitebeard, you old guy, is there something wrong with your head?"

Obviously Lynch is not the only one who can't understand Whitebeard's operation, but also Big Mom and Kaido.

They felt heartbroken when they saw such a pile of gold disappearing before their eyes.

"Ever since I came in, what I've seen and heard has been reminding me that something is wrong. The one hiding in the dark, it's time for you to come out, right?" Whitebeard ignored everyone's opinions and said in one direction.

"Ahem...Whitebeard, your sixth sense is still so sharp after all these years."

The sound of old leaking wind sounded, as if the throat had been cut open with a knife.

Not only Auntie, but Kaido also heard this voice sound familiar.

A guy who looks like a zombie from Moria, no, this is scarier than the zombies from Moria.

It looked like the mummy was pulled out of the coffin and left in the sun for three years.

Described as withered bones, the muscles became strips of meat attached to the body, and the skin turned as black as a carrion.

It is a miracle that such a person did not die.

He walked out from behind the gold mountain next to the pile of gold crushed by Whitebeard, trembling while vomiting black blood.

On his body, dense wounds were flowing out with thick black blood.

It seems that Whitebeard's attack just now was just to deal with this guy.

Judging from the appearance of the mummy, it seemed that the attack had been dodged, but it was not completely dodged, and it was seriously injured.

Auntie and Kaido frowned, as if they were trying to identify the mummy.

"John, you're not dead yet, so what's the deal with the treasure map in the sea?" Whitebeard took the lead in revealing the identity of the mummy.

That was Captain John! The owner of this cave treasure! He was also the culprit who took away most of the Rocks Pirate legacy!

John's appearance caused tens of thousands of pirates to feel as if they had seen a ghost.

Who would have thought that Captain John's treasure map has appeared on the sea for decades, and Captain John, as the owner, is still alive.

The shock caused was no less than Roger crawling out of the grave.

"Is it you, John? Where have you been all these years before you died?" Auntie was shocked.

"John, why did you become like this?"

Kaido looked at John with a look of disgust on his face.

Lynch squinted his eyes to watch the show, which was interesting.

"Giggle." John opened his mouth and let out an ugly and terrifying laugh.

"I certainly stayed with my treasure all these years."

"As for the treasure maps on the sea, I released them myself."

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