Three special Paramecia, namely:

Paramecia•Window Fruit, Paramecia•Healing Fruit, Paramecia•Memory Fruit.

The first fruit is a similar fruit to the Gate Fruit. It belongs to the Space Devil Fruit and can open a window at any location.

If you use it well, you can travel between two places like a portal.

The second one is the healing fruit. The healing fruits in Devil Fruit can only be described as rare.

The third, the memory fruit, can forcibly view other people's memories, delete the other person's memories, and materialize the things in memories into reality.

However, materialization will consume the user's lifespan, and the lifespan consumed will be different depending on the materialized item.

For example, manifesting a girl's diary in her memories may only consume one hour of her life.

But if he dared to manifest the Blue Dragon Fruit in Kaido's memories, even a hundred years of life would not be enough.

The only Logia left is, of course, the Earth Fruit.

"It's time to strengthen our subordinates."

Lynch hesitated for a moment, then called Robin and asked the other party to select loyal men from the Empire Marine and Army and distribute Devil Fruit.

Regarding fairness, the empire has its own contribution system, so he doesn't need to worry.

In addition, soldiers who eat Devil Fruit usually spend their time in the army and serve as the mainstay of the army.

When necessary, they will gather together to form a special mobile unit.

The special forces are described as "Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches".

Those who eat Paramecia are incorporated into the Heavenly Stem Special Forces, and those who eat Zoan are assigned to the Earthly Branches Special Forces.

There are also many remaining items, including big knives and good knives. Compared to Devil Fruit, these items are much inferior.

Even the demon sword has three.

The pendant recording the coordinates of Yinlong Gorge was also found. Lynch did not plan to use it for the time being and put it in the system space.

After doing all this, Lynch returned to Marine Base and reported to Sengoku about John, naturally hiding his own gains.

Time flies by like a fleeting moment.

Half a year has passed since the John Treasure incident, and many interesting things have happened during this half year.

Enel successfully arrived at the moon. After a random discharge, he looked at the ancient robot that appeared in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Moria appeared in the New World, did not face Kaido directly, and fought guerrilla warfare everywhere, but it caused a lot of trouble for Kaido's men.

Jack, who had just been rescued, was almost beaten to death by Moria, but luckily Jhin arrived in time.

The title of Tom Cat, the Immortal Swordsman, is widely spread across the sea. Now everyone knows that there is a cat named Tom in the world of swordsmen, and he is recognized by Eagle Eye.

The red-haired Shanks successfully reached the top of the Four Emperors.

Whitebeard is suspected of being ill.

The family members of the LCN department were secretly transferred to live in the Empire by Lynch.

The Tiangan and Earthly Branches special forces were successfully established.

Yakushi Kabuto's scientific research form was drawn out and merged with the boy Yakushi Kabuto.

The Tutu fruit was given to Kakashi who had taken it out, so that he could play with it freely in the future.

Everything is moving in an orderly direction in a good direction...

Sea Circle Calendar1515, February.

After more than half a year of digestion, West Blue restarted the war.

Of the original 58 countries in the West Blue, 33 have surrendered to Lynch.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, so it shouldn't be too easy to attack the remaining half of the country.

In less than four months, the rest of the West Blue countries were all defeated by the Empire's Trumpet Kingdom.

West Blue currently seems to be divided between six major countries, but these six countries are all Lynch's arms.

At this point, Lynch has spent a total of five years to completely unify West Blue and become the king of West Blue!

Sea Circle Calendar1515, June 1st.

On this day, Lynch became the King of West Blue, and the world opened a new chapter!

【Ding! Congratulations to Host for becoming the King of West Blue, the Kingdom of God function has been activated! 】

Double blessings come to your door, and the pleasant sound of the system rings in your ears.

Click on the Kingdom of God interface, which looks a bit like a technology tree.

There are three routes in the system: [Technology] [Combat] [People's Livelihood].

Seeing this, Lynch seemed to understand a little bit why the Kingdom of God function would not be activated until West Blue was unified.

Below the three routes, there is a skill ball in a semi-lit state, and the skill balls behind are invisible.

Obviously, you need to click on the corresponding skill ball first before subsequent skills can be unlocked.

Below the [Technology] route is a skill called [Land of Brass].

[Hometown of Brass: After unlocking, Vice Admiral will unlock brass technology in your West Blue, and a large number of brass technology talents will be born. The effective time is about half a year to one year.

Unlocking requires faith: two million. 】

Lynch's heart couldn't bear it when he saw the numbers needed to unlock it.

He has only accumulated a total of 10 million faith points, but it will cost 2 million to unlock the Brass Land?

This is too much fun.

Is it possible that after unlocking this brass technology, West Blue can also build Gundams and brass spaceships?

" seems possible."

He always remembers one sentence: products produced by the system must be high-quality products and guaranteed to be value for money.

If it dares to be sold at such an expensive price, it must be worth the price.

In fact, Lynch underestimated the power of the system. The emergence of brass technology is enough to change the entire world!

Under [Combat], there is also a skill [Strong as an Ox].

[Strong as an ox: The basic physical fitness of the people under your rule will be double that of the other three seas.

Points required to unlock: two million. 】

"Basic attributes." Lynch murmured.

For example, the strength of adults in other sea areas is five hundred kilograms, but the people under his rule have the strength of one thousand kilograms as adults.

Facing an enemy with twice your strength, speed, and physique, you will only be crushed!

With twice the physique, you can work harder and plow the land faster, which is not a bad deal.

Compared with the first two, [People's Livelihood] is a bit inconspicuous.

[An Ding: Your subordinates have strict order, everyone has food to eat, happiness and stability. Will significantly reduce the crime rate in West Blue.

Points required to unlock: one million faith points. 】

Lynch spent four million faith points to unlock the "Land of Brass" and "Strong as an Ox."

Being as strong as an ox also has an effect on Lynch, but the increase is the attribute of an ordinary person. It is so small to him that he is almost unnoticeable.

But it is different for other ordinary citizens. Their physiques are directly doubled! Combat effectiveness and work efficiency have increased countless times!

The moment he unlocked the land of "brass", Lynch suddenly had a burst of inspiration, and there seemed to be some strange ideas in his mind.

He quickly asked someone to fetch a piece of bronze from the warehouse.

Half an hour later, Lynch opened his mouth wide as he looked at the "brass bird" that appeared in front of him and could fly on its own.

He had never learned these things before.

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