After unlocking [Land of Brass] and [Strong as an Ox], new skill balls were unlocked below each.

Behind [The Land of Brass] is the [Age of Steam].

[The Age of Steam: After unlocking, brass technology will be combined with steam technology to unleash incredible creativity. Note: It takes half a year to one year to see the real effect.

Unlocking requires faith: four million. 】

Lynch opened his mouth, and somehow he thought of the mechanical tyrant bear developed by the World government, and the Seraphs.

The technology tree of this world is really getting more and more crooked.

Behind [Strong as an Ox] is [Imperial Warrior].

[Imperial Warrior: The basic soldiers of the army regard you as the sun in their hearts, and their perseverance is greatly improved. Depending on the degree of injury, they will become more brave as they fight, and can explode up to 150% of their strength.

Unlocking requires faith points: 2 million faith points. 】

When the faith value is used up, there will be less regret.

After Lynch unlocked the great era of steam, he cruelly closed the Kingdom of God interface.

He was afraid that if he continued to watch, he would lose whatever faith he had left.

the other side.

After unlocking brass technology and steam technology,

"Hahahaha, I understand! Mr. Lynch, I understand!"

In the secret experiment, the scientific research madman Yakushi Kabuto laughed maniacally, and the drawings of the Pluton battleship were placed on the table next to him.

Next to him, Kakashi, who was carving a dog head out of earth fruits, shuddered.

"This laughter is so scary."

On this day, countless farmers looked at the hoes in their hands and came up with a bold idea. Can they create something that can farm their own land?

A disabled person looks at his broken calf and wonders if he can create something to help him stand up and fly into the sky?

The soldier looked at the AK47 in his hand. Could it be possible to create a new firearm that could carry hundreds of rounds of ammunition at a time?

Not just Yakushi Kabuto and the peasants, but the entire empire was caught in a storm of thought.

In the blink of an eye, another half year has passed.

Come to the Sea Circle Calendar in January 1516.

Looking at the annual kingdom report in his hand, Lynch's eyes were filled with memories.

Unknowingly, he has gone from being an ordinary boy except for being handsome to becoming the emperor of West Blue with 150 million residents.

The 800,000-strong West Blue Marine and the 300,000-strong Army Self-Defense Force have made West Blue the safest sea area.

The chaotic West Blue of yesteryear is gone forever.

In the past six months, the countries newly conquered by West Blue have been completely digested, and Lynch has firmly secured his position as the emperor of West Blue.

In addition, due to brass technology and steam technology, West Blue has changed a bit.

Lynch opened the window and looked at the scene in the imperial capital outside.

Bronze carriages surged with steam, carrying passers-by and driving away quickly.

Bronze electric lights illuminated the street, and the clicking mechanical arms helped the boss do business.

On the street, you can occasionally see pedestrians whose bodies have been mechanically modified. It is the emergence of brass technology that gives disabled people the ability to tear apart wolves and tigers with their hands.

To modify the body, one must first replace the original physical body, so only the disabled rarely modify their bodies.

In the army, mechanical exoskeletons and mechas made of special brass stand in warehouses, just waiting for the war to begin and the swords to be unsheathed.

In the farmland, farmers sit in brass steam harvesters and quickly harvest wheat. One person does the work of twenty people before.

On the sea, steamships were developed so that they no longer had to rely on wind power to travel.

In the past, ships had to have wind to sail on the sea, but that is no longer the case.

The Empire becomes the second force besides World Government that can travel in the Calm Belt.

And I don’t know if it’s because Yakushi Kabuto, like Franky, saw Pluton’s drawings.

He was stunned to invent a Pluton battleship that could transform like Franky...

I have to say that the technology in the pirate world is really crooked.

The leading local weather weapons have been mastered, as well as replicating Devil Fruit and building robots that can shoot lasers.

In places that are lagging behind, they still use flintlock guns that can only stop and reload once they fire.

In the past six months, there have been too many changes, and brass and steam have been integrated into the foundation of West Blue.

All kinds of novelty are dazzling.

In the military alone, more than a dozen different inventions are created every day.

I don't know if it was that little genius who invented Gatling for the sake of humanitarianism and reducing casualties on the battlefield.

Lynch really doesn't understand what this person thinks. Will Gatling reduce damage?

Looking at the empire he governs, Lynch smiles with relief.

This technology that can advance the development of the world has naturally been watched by the world government.

In some ways, the Empire's technology has surpassed that of World government.

Although the World Government can create pervert robots like Seraph, they are not on the same technology tree as brass technology and steam technology.

Different technology trees naturally have their own advantages.

Moreover, it has only been half a year since the emergence of brass and steam technology, and it has developed to what it is now. Everyone knows the potential behind it.

"Lynch, when will you be willing to hand over the technology in your hands to the world government? We are not negotiating with you!"

Five Elders dialed Lynch's number for the seventeenth time.

"I will think about it."

"Also, don't call me in the middle of the night. You single guys don't have a wife and I still have to accompany my wife." Lynch hung up the phone.

In Mariejois, the Holy Land, Five Elders' beards trembled with anger when they saw Lynch dare to hang up on himself.


Nashou Langsheng's fist hit the table hard, "This guy is getting more and more presumptuous. Who does he think he is? He is just one of our lackeys!"

The other Five Elders also had gloomy expressions on their faces. They had had enough of Lynch's back-and-forth for more than a year.

After taking their benefits and not doing anything for them, when did Five Elders suffer such a big loss?

Just treat them like fools!

After more than a year, Five Elders' patience has been exhausted, and their skin has almost been torn apart.

If he wasn't still worried about the identity of the other party's Admiral and King, he might have taken action forcefully.

"Hmph, if you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with a drink."

"We want him to know what will happen if he goes against us."

"It would be fine if he obediently handed over the technology in his hands. If not, don't blame us for being unkind."

At this time, the Five Elders finally made up their minds to break up with Lynch!

That night, a seizure document from the Five Elders was delivered to Marine Base, Sengoku's hands.

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