Pirates: Become Invincible From Capturing The Marine Goddess

Chapter 191 Respected By Hundreds Of Clans

"Well~ Stussy, then Lynch is my son-in-law, you naughty girl, don't even think about making any plans." Auntie joked.

"Grrrr~ How could it be? I just want to see the legendary King of West Blue's heroic appearance." Stussy coquettishly said.

In the corner where no one could see, Stussy's eyes flickered, seeming to be restless.

The six kings of the underground world who can come to Auntie's tea party are not the only ones who need to see Auntie's face.

There are also dozens of pirate groups affiliated with Big Mom.

Flame Pirates, Beast Pirates, Tank Pirates, Thunder Dragon Pirates...

And, except for the giants, almost all races in the world!

Fishman tribe, mermaid tribe, three-eyed tribe, long-legged tribe, long-hand tribe, fur tribe...

Auntie's dream is to create a beautiful world where all races live together. She calls it "All Nations!"

There is only the giant clan, and Aunt Mom feels guilty towards the giant clan. Even though the giant clan repeatedly refused her to join "All Nations", Aunt Mom still did not take action against the giant clan.

Because Auntie grew up in Elbaf, the country of giants. Later, she went berserk due to siphoria, almost destroying the giant village and killing many giants.

Among them, there was also a 300-year-old giant patriarch who was defeated by a 5-year-old aunt and died on the spot.

Giant Hero Falls Beard Jorul died in the hands of Big Mom.

From then on, Big Mom was driven out of the land of giants, and she has always felt guilty towards the giants.

Obtaining forgiveness from the giants is another big wish of Big Mom besides forming "all nations".

It's ridiculous to say that the giants who claim to have the power of Vice Admiral even as adults can't beat a 5-year-old child together.

From being called the "evil god" by the giants, it can be seen that the giants are afraid of Big Mom.

The cumulative number of people who came to the island to participate in this tea party reached tens of thousands!

Fortunately, the Charlotte family was well prepared for this tea party, so they were able to accommodate so many guests.

"Master Lynch!"

"Lord West Blue King!"

"See you, Lord Emperor!"

Along the way, Lynch passed by the crowd, and a large number of people knelt down in the darkness.

Whether they are pirates, people from the underground world, or all races, they all pay their most sincere respect to the King of West Blue.

In the age of great pirates, the strong are respected.

Although this is the first time they have met Lynch, Lynch's reputation has already spread throughout the world through his deeds time and time again.

Anyone who has read the newspaper will admire Lynch from the bottom of his heart.

That is a terrifying existence that can even defeat the Five Elders with its pets!

Some people even say that the current pattern on the sea has become Four Emperors, one tyrant, one king, one tiger, and seven wolves.

The Four Emperors are Big Mom, Red Hair, Kaido, and Whitebeard.

One tyrant is the overlord of the world, the world government.

One king is naturally Lynch.

A tiger is a revolutionary army, a revolutionary tiger that sets off a wave of resistance in the world.

The Seven Wolves are the seven great pirates appointed by the World Government, also known as Shichibukai.

"Master Lynch, King Neptune and Princess Otohime asked me to say hello to you."

A blue whale shark emerged from the crowd, and Lynch recognized it as Jinbei.

Facing Auntie's invitation this time, The Fish Men Island did not dare to be careless and sent Jinbei.

"It's Jinbei, long time no see."

The other races around saw that Jinbei could actually talk to Lynch, and they all looked at Jinbei with envy.

If they can establish a relationship with Mr. Lynch, then their species will be able to walk sideways in the world and no longer be afraid of threats.

Confusion flashed across Jinbei's upright face, as if he was hesitating whether to say the next words.

Such despicable things are really hard for the upright Jinbei to talk about.

"Master Lynch, um... the three princes asked me to tell you that they have prepared twenty-seven methods of kidnapping. Although seven have failed now, there are still twenty that are useless. They will definitely help you kidnap Miss Shyarly." Tie him over."

After Jinbei finished speaking, his big blue face turned red.

Shame on you! Shame on you! The three princes of their own family didn't even show shame in order to become their disciples, and they spent all day thinking about how to kidnap little Shyarly.

How embarrassing!

Lynch was stunned and then laughed, "Hahahaha, Shark Star and the others haven't forgotten this yet."

"Okay, then I'll wait for them to bring Shyarly to West Blue as a guest."

Looking at Lynch's leaving figure, everyone's eyes were filled with admiration and admiration.

Unfortunately, due to their status, they were unable to attend the central tea party and could only stay here, unable to continue admiring Lord Lynch's heroic appearance.

Only Jinbei followed.

Lynch and Garrett entered the central tea party area.

Suddenly, the bustling crowd around him fell silent and all looked in the direction of Lynch.

It's like he is the host of this party.

"Well, well, well, well, good daughter, good son-in-law, you are finally here, please let mom hug you~"

The aunt ran over from above with a bright smile, and the earth trembled with every step she took.

After getting closer, the aunt leaned down and held Lynch and Garrett in her arms.


Garrett was stunned, and a stream of tears flowed down her face.

Ever since she was little, her mother had never hugged her like this.

This was the maternal love she had dreamed of day and night.

Lynch's face twitched a little, what's going on...why did he feel like he was being taken advantage of?

It's really amazing. To be able to become Four Emperors is to have two skills.

Auntie had wanted to kill her more than once before, and she had caused serious losses to her more than once.

Even so, Auntie could still take the initiative to lower herself and get close to Lynch.

Maybe Auntie is not as brainless as she seems.

Just for this magnanimity, the later Blackbeard was far inferior.

Aunts all know that there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests, and Lynch naturally understands this too.

He silently increased his height by one size and tried to break free from his aunt's embrace. However, the other party's embrace was too tight and he smiled back:

"Garrett has actually been wanting to come back for the past few years. It's my fault. She's been too busy and never had the time."

"By the way, Garrett, didn't you bring a gift for your mother? Why don't you take it out yet?"

After all, Lynch was not as shameless as her aunt, and she did not call her mother-in-law.

After all, I am the "mother-in-law" who almost beat me up once.

It's hard to say in the future, but if he wants to dominate the world, he will probably have to be beaten violently.

"Yes." After being reminded by Lynch, Garrett remembered that she had brought a gift to her mother.

She carefully took out a hand-knitted scarf from her bag and said carefully: "I wonder if mom likes it?"

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