"Good girl, mommy likes it very much." The aunt took the scarf knitted by Garrett and put it on her neck on the spot. She was as happy as a child, and Garrett was moved beyond measure.

"This silly girl hasn't realized yet that Auntie treats her well because of herself."

Maybe she guessed it and didn't want to think about it that way.

Lynch shook his head slightly and took out two Devil Fruits as gifts from the storage space.

For a person of his status, ordinary Devil Fruit is no longer considered a treasure, and he can easily collect a dozen of them.

The aunt held the hands of the two of them and brought them to the first position under her left hand to sit down, which represented the importance she attached to the two of them.

"Let's all welcome today's most expensive guest."

After receiving the signal from the aunt, the group of people who couldn't wait to get involved with Lynch jumped out impatiently.

"Felder has met Lord Lynch."

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Piecro Materials."

"Master Lynch, we are old acquaintances." Morgans said with a smile.

The first one to jump out was the six kings of the Underworld Six. Their expressions were all flattering and there was no sign of a boss at all.

Lynch rules West Blue. If they don't want to give up their business in West Blue, they must try their best to please the overlord of West Blue, just like they please their aunt.

The six kings of the underground world also have to look at other people's faces for their meals.

"This is the Emperor, right? It's better to hear it than to see it. I didn't expect him to be a handsome boy~"

Suddenly, a slender catkin was placed on Lynch's shoulder.

Who has such a loud voice?

Before Lynch could even turn around, he was attracted by the aroma coming from his back.

Such a pleasant fragrance is very rare in women, like the legendary "Xiang Fei", who has a peculiar fragrance on her body.

But hers is more likely to be some kind of perfume specially designed to seduce men.

At this time, a bright and pretty face leaned over Lynch's face and winked at him playfully.

"Master Lynch, please take care of my little girl Stussy~"

Stussy winked at Lynch with a smile on her face, and presented herself in front of Lynch generously.

Under the white flowered hat is a fair and tender face like an oval. Wearing a pink dress and a white shawl, her figure is a little thin, which can easily arouse men's protective desire.

On the high heels is a straight and soft beautiful leg, slightly fleshy, stretched out from the fishnet stockings, very tempting,

The catkin hanging on the leather bag is painted with bright nail polish, her short curly blond hair is dazzling, and her blue eyes seem to be able to talk. If she is a male who is not steadfast in reason, he will be enchanted by one look~

The lipstick she wore didn't make her look gorgeous, but instead gave her a sense of innocence and innocence.

Lynch has met so many women, and this woman's appearance is also in the top half.

However, the more attractive a woman is, the more dangerous she is.

Lynch knew that this woman's identity was not simple.

She seems to be the queen of the biggest fun street, but she is actually a member of the government CP organization, whose main focus is infiltration and intelligence collection.

Being able to become best friends with the aunt shows that his method is not simple.

Lynch also knows her deeper identity.

Hidden under the identity of the CP government are clones made by Vegapunk.

She could betray the World government for Vegapunk!

Stussy is a product cloned by Vegapunk through the genes of Barkingom Stussy.

Bajin Gorm is the mother of Whitebeard II who was rumored to have an affair with Whitebeard.

By the way, Bajin Gom's appearance when she was young was also one of the top beauties of that era, much prettier than Pudding and Smoothie.

It's a pity that time plays its tricks on people and defeats beauty.

Bajin Gom did not have the beauty pill, and the years left traces on her face. She has become an old woman in her sixties or seventies.

When they were on the Rocks boat, Bajin Gom and Whitebeard were really close. The other party often lay on Whitebeard's back and played like a couple.

Based on this, and looking at Whitebeard II's beard, maybe the other person is really Whitebeard's biological son.

Because she is a clone, Stussy does not age, and no one knows how old she is.

Judging from the appearance, he looks about twenty years old at most, a bit like Lynch.

But Lynch took the Beauty Pill, and she is a clone.

"Hello, Stussy." Lynch raised his hand and shook Stussy gently.

"Keke~ Little handsome boy Lynch, it's a pity that Linlin won't let me and her daughter compete for men, otherwise my room will be very willing to open the door to you tonight."

Garrett was still beside her, and Stussy gently hooked Lynch's palm with her fingers and ran away playfully.

"This woman... actually wants to seduce me?" Lynch smiled faintly and looked away.

Seeing that he failed to seduce Lynch, Stussy was a little disappointed.

The man who can become the King of West Blue seems to have an extraordinary will.

We have to find a way to get Lynch to eat the drug-laced food...

Stussy walked towards the kitchen with other thoughts in mind.

"Sister Garrett, welcome home, everyone misses you."

"Sister Garrett, didn't you like jewelry before? Come and see the gift that your brother has prepared for you."

Facing her brothers and sisters who were all smiling in front of her, Garrett suddenly realized that they all seemed to have changed.

Auntie has so many sons and daughters, and not everyone has a very good relationship.

Many of those who smile at me now are brothers and sisters who used to hate me and stay away from me.

Suddenly, Garrett seemed to understand something.

In fact, it is not everyone who has changed, but herself.

To be precise, it was because she was married to Lynch, and because she was afraid of trying to please her husband, she would try every means to please herself.

After thinking about everything, Garrett's eyes suddenly became much clearer, and she smiled and accepted the gifts prepared by her family one by one.

Even to those brothers who bullied her before, Garrett always smiled back.

From this moment on, Garrett's situation changed.

She figured out that everything she had now was because of her husband.

Garrett began to distance herself from the family and put herself wholeheartedly in her husband's perspective, thinking about Lynch.

The leaders of the pirate groups came to greet him humbly, without any need for Lynch to respond. It seemed that just talking to Lynch was a great honor for them.

"Lynch, you have worked hard to take care of my sister these years." Katakuri said sincerely.

"Hey, they say that whatever they do, they are all one family, don't you think so, second uncle?"

"Lynch, do you want some juice?"

At this time, Smoothie handed Lynch a glass of fresh juice.

Lynch glanced at the mummified beauty in the distance and decisively refused.

"No, I'll give up juice."

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