Can the bones of a thousand-year-old person in a coffin be preserved?

"Your ancestors played quite uniquely..."

Lynch stood far away, not daring to get close.

How could he feel that the ancestor in the coffin might jump out and hit him on the knee at any time?

Hancock didn't feel that way.

"Hey, Hancock, go and see if there are two things stuck in the center of the coffin?"

Lynch, who has night vision, can see more clearly than Hancock and can command Hancock remotely.

"Okay, right there, be careful not to hit the coffin." Lynch used a flashlight to shake the two objects in the center of the coffin.

"I know it."

Hancock stepped on his high heels and came to the center of the 91 coffins.

When she saw the two things stuck on the ground in the middle, she immediately exclaimed, "Sky Moon Shield, Sky Thorn Spear!"

"Do you know these two things?" Lynch was surprised.

"I recognize them." Hancock said in shock: "I thought they were just like other myths and stories and only existed in legends."

There are many myths and stories about Nine Snake Island, and the Sky Moon Shield and the Sky Thorn Spear are one of them.

Even the statues of the previous empresses on Nine Snakes Island all held these two weapons in their hands.

The Sky-Moon Shield is said to be able to absorb all attacks in the world and is the strongest shield in the world.

It has a silver appearance and is only 90cm in diameter from top to bottom, but it is surprisingly heavy, weighing a full fifty kilograms.

The Sky Thorn Spear is said to be able to ignore all defenses and is the sharpest spear in the world.

It looks black on the outside, with irregular spikes all over its body, making it impossible to find a place to hold it.

It is a short spear, but it is much longer than most swords.

After listening to Hancock's words, Lynch suddenly felt an urge.

If the Sky Thorn Spear is used to attack the Sky Moon Shield, which one will be better, the strongest shield, or the strongest spear.

Lynch shook his head to get rid of the thought.

Regardless of whether the legend is true or not, this should be a national treasure of Kujia Island, and the fact that it can be left here as the only burial object is a sign of Madara.

If he messed up, the mother-in-law would have to fight him to the death.

Hancock stretched out his catkin and curiously touched the spikes on the Sky Thorn Spear.

Something amazing and unexpected happened.

The spikes on the second half of the Sky Thorn Spear actually retracted a bit automatically, leaving a position where people could hold it.

"For these two weapons to be buried here, they must have at least a thousand years of history."

"It seems that they also possess considerable intelligence." Lynch analyzed.

In this world, there are countless knives with self-awareness.

For example, all kinds of demon swords, if they cannot get their approval, the method of death will be called a cripple.

Zoro later almost got sucked and fucked by a demon sword.

Or, one day in the future, a long knife will appear on the sea, and as long as you use it to kill people, you will continue to gain strength.

It will confuse the Host to kill people, and finally drive the Host crazy.

Lynch can't remember exactly what happened with the long knife, it was so long ago.

"Do you want me to hold you?"

On the other side, Hancock had opened his green-white fingers and held the Sky Thorn Spear.

Suddenly, a strange memory flooded into my mind.

In the story, it is divided into 91 perspectives, and Hancock overlooks the development of the story as God.

A long time ago, there was a rich man.

How can I put it, this rich man is a well-known good man, and there are countless women who like him.

But he never showed off to those women.

Because this rich man has a peculiar hobby, he only likes other people’s wives!

I can only say that this is a bit of a pervert. It turns out that Tauren fanatics existed thousands of years ago.

Or perhaps, a certain traitor named Cao would have many topics in common with this person.

Money can make the world go round, so the rich sent their men far away to find the poor and offered to buy their wives.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that women of all shapes and sizes are required, at least they must be young and passable in appearance.

Most husbands refuse.

But in that slum where no one had enough to eat, there were still many people who frantically sold their wives in order to survive.

After spending two years, the housekeeper bought 120 wives from outside for the master.

The rich have great wealth and huge estates.

In order not to affect his personality in front of outsiders, he locked these women in the basement.

If it weren't for the fact that this rich man is somewhat pervert.

Whenever something went wrong, he would go to the basement and torture women in cruel ways for fun.

Many women were tortured to death.

Another five years have passed.

These women who were betrayed by their beloved husbands and locked up in a dark basement for five years, tortured every day, have long lost hope in the world.

At the same time, it is also full of hatred for men.

Betrayal, imprisonment, torture, all these aspects turned into their overwhelming anger towards men.

Until one day, the rich man got tired of playing with them.

In order not to affect his image in the eyes of outsiders, he ordered the housekeeper to secretly transport them to a distant place for execution.

The housekeeper was also a greedy man. Instead of listening to the rich man's advice and killing the women, he sold them all to slave traders to earn extra money.

Slave traders sold them to a group of pirates to be used as tools for sexual discharge.

The pirates were wrong because they should not have unchained the women.

At the moment when the pirates' souls were unsheathed and their eyes were blank, the women beneath them took the opportunity to pull out the weapons the pirates had thrown on their clothes and killed them.

This small pirate group, which had only been at sea for a few months, became the first targets of revenge for women.

With all the pirates on the ship dead, the women regained their freedom, and the earliest Nine Snakes Pirates were born.

In the heavy rain, countless naked women ran to the deck, looked at each other's scarred bodies, and made a lifelong wish to kill all the men in the world.

But they know that they cannot achieve this ambitious goal with their current strength alone.

Nor could he kill the rich man who had hundreds of thugs under his command.

So the first thing they did was to return to their hometown and kill their husbands who had sold them.

Afterwards, the Nine Snakes Pirates reunited, becoming stronger at all costs, and continued to fight on the sea.

They were like lunatics in the battle, fighting with no life at all, and the way they seemed to feel no pain frightened their opponents.

The pain caused by the mere swords and guns was far from the torture they suffered at the hands of the rich.

Fighting with others will result in death at most, but in the hands of the rich, life is worse than death.

Five years of life that was worse than death had allowed them to increase their pain tolerance threshold.

With their desperate fighting style and daring attitude, the Nine Snakes Pirates quickly gained a reputation among small pirate groups.

Time flies, five years have passed...

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