The Nine Snakes Pirates became a behemoth on the sea, possessing enough strength for revenge.

However, when they went to find the rich man for revenge, the rich man had already died of old age.

Good people don't live long, and bad people eventually die of old age.

A few years have passed, and the original over-age girls have become aunts in their thirties and forties.

They found that they could not eliminate men from the world by their own strength.

So they gathered on Nine Snake Island and used a certain magical Devil Fruit to successfully get pregnant without a man.

Paramecia•Hormonal fruit.

They temporarily turned some of their companions into cute little eagle girls.

Later, the first residents of Daughters Island were born, and the Daughters' Kingdom was established.

It doesn't matter if they can't kill all the men, their daughters will help them do it one day.

If you can't kill them all in a hundred years, then let's keep killing them for a thousand years, Ten Thousand Years!

More than ten years have passed, and the first batch of members of the Nine Snakes Pirates are basically in their forties or fifties.

They were the most powerful pirate group on the sea at that time, and they were unparalleled in the limelight.

But they were shocked to find that their descendants were losing their hatred for men because they had lived in a greenhouse since childhood and had never seen a man.

Also, they live in heaven and mistakenly think that heaven is everywhere.

The Kuja Pirates are pirates, not educators.

If you are good at killing people, you really can't do this process of brainwashing and training since childhood.

They are too weak and well protected. When the first batch of members of the Nine Snakes Pirates die one day, they will definitely be captured by slave traders and experience what the Nine Snakes Pirates have experienced.

How can this be allowed!

The residents of Kuji Island are all the daughters of the Kuji Pirates, their own children!

Five more years have passed, and the Nine Snakes Pirates no longer go to sea, but stay on the Nine Snakes Island, training their grown-up daughters, and customizing ways to keep the Nine Snakes Island in the sea forever.

They are getting old, the oldest one is nearly 60 years old, and this problem must be solved as soon as possible.

While making the people strong, they must also be allowed to never forget their hatred of men no matter how many generations they have passed.

Three years and three years later, the Nine Snakes Pirates finally found a way!

Take Paramecia•Soul Fruit, Paramecia•Yellow Spring Fruit, Paramecia•Lingling Fruit, Paramecia•Op-Op Fruit, Paramecia•Will Fruit.

With the five Paramecia as the core, they cooperated with other Devil Fruits to kill, transform and bury themselves underground on Nine Snake Island.

They committed suicide at the peak of their power and retained their power.

Although the physical body is dead, the soul has been transformed into something else.

And for thousands of years, they continued to spread their power and will through the earth to the entire Nine Snake Island, affecting the residents above all the time.

Facts have proved that they succeeded.

Under their influence, the descendants of Nine Snake Island will only give birth to daughters when they become pregnant.

The residents of Nine Snake Island have a natural affinity for weapons.

Influenced by the will of their ancestors, since they have never seen a man, they also hate men quite a lot.

"The truth of the story, is this..."

Hancock's pupils were trembling violently, and he told Lynch the story intact.

"Oh, they are also some poor people."

Lynch sighed, and at the same time secretly thought in his heart: "They are also some hateful people."

Killing your husband, killing pirates, taking revenge on the rich, all of these are fine.

Whoever hurts you, you should kill them.

But what does this have to do with other men?

This is equivalent to if you are bitten by a dog when you go out, you will send dogs all over the world to dog meat restaurants.

In other words, if you raise a dog, you will not allow other people in the world to eat dog meat.

It's simply unreasonable.

Furthermore, why pass on your hatred to future generations?

They have no hatred towards men.

Human nature is complex, and hatred of men distorts their thinking.

At the same time, my mother is also great.

In order to allow future generations to have the ability to protect themselves, they sacrificed blood to transform themselves.

Even though there are some private goods mixed in, he forcibly penetrates his will into the minds of future generations...

"it hurts!"

Hancock was still immersed in the story when he suddenly pricked his finger with the Sky Thorn Spear.

The Sky Thorn Spear was thrown to the ground in a subconscious reaction, and the blood on it was quickly absorbed.


Hancock stood alone in the center of the coffin array. Lynch quickly stepped into the coffin array for fear that something might happen to the opponent.

"I'm fine, I just got pricked by the Heavenly Thorn Spear."

As soon as the empress finished speaking, the coffin on the ground... moved!

To be precise, the coffin moved after Lynch approached.

91 coffins cracked open at the same time, revealing dark skeletons inside.

It does not matter.

The moment the coffin cracked open, an overwhelming special ghostly energy poured out from the coffin.

This is not just upgraded ghost energy, there are also soul fluctuations in it!

I thought that the ghostly aura in the cave was already strong enough, but after this ghostly aura appeared.

There was a strong wind in the cave, and the concentration of ghost energy increased sharply.

It was so rich that Hancock and Lynch felt a sense of suffocation.

"Hancock, hold me tight and let's go!"

Princess Lynch picked up Hancock and jumped away from the center of the coffin array.

His sixth sense was right!

When he gets close, something will appear and want to jump up and hit him on the knee.

"what is that?"

Hancock was lying in Lynch's arms, regardless of his shyness, looking at the figure that appeared in the center of the coffin array in panic.

Ninety-one strands of upgraded ghost energy mixed with soul fluctuations condensed together in mid-air.

The upgraded ghost energy, which was originally invisible, appeared in the two people's field of vision after fusion.

The monster was completely black, had two horns on its head, and had no facial features, but judging from its figure, it was a woman, more than three meters tall!

"Ancestor? Is it the ancestor?" Hancock cautiously shouted at the monster.

If the ancestor was still there, Nine Snake Island could instantly become a first-rate force.

According to the information given by Sky Thorn Spear, their ancestors of the Nine Snakes Pirates also had great achievements, which was probably equivalent to the Rocks Pirate.

Although they are dead, the souls of more than ninety people are condensed together, so they can't be any weaker, right?

The female shadow froze in mid-air for five or six seconds, until her body completely solidified, and then she fell from mid-air to the ground.

Apart from having no facial features and a completely black body, the shadow looks more like an esper who has used the Devil Fruit.

Who would have thought that it was actually made of special ghost energy and soul.

The black shadow picked up the Sky Thorn Spear and Sky Moon Shield on the ground and took them into his hands. He found Lynch and let out a harsh and hoarse roar.

The sound was like the sound of scratching the glass with nails, or the sound of drinking a large mouthful of sulfuric acid and making it in the throat.

Extremely terrifying.

"Man, die!!!"

Sombra is incredibly fast, comparable to Kizaru.

In a cave that was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers, I teleported in front of me.

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