"Mr. Lynch, I apologize on behalf of my mother-in-law. I hope you won't take it to heart."

The Empress put a hand on her chest, worried that Lynch would be blamed for this.

"It's okay, the facts will prove everything. One day, my mother-in-law will be proud of your decision."

Lynch took the empress' hand and said, "Now I have to move the island. Can you help me calm people's hearts?"

"Okay... okay." Looking at Lynch who was so close, the empress's mind went blank, and she even stumbled over her words.

Kuina and Tashigi, who were standing behind Lynch, were a little bit amused by this scene.

‘Are the hands of the most beautiful woman in the world easy to touch? ’

‘Really, Brother Lynch, why haven’t you started yet~’

"Let's go, let's start transporting the country." Lynch turned around and ordered the two little ones, completely unaware of the wrong expressions on the two girls' faces.

Tom jumped from Lynch's shoulder to the Empress' shoulder, skillfully took out a cigar and lit it, took a deep breath and exhaled the smoke, which formed a line of large characters in the air.

[You go ahead, I can’t help you, it’s better to stay on the island. 】

Lynch took two little ones, one Luffy, to high altitude.

Lynch has a black-red aura, Kuina has gravity, and Tashigi has repulsion.

Although the methods are different, everyone has a way to fly without Moonwalk.


Flying above the clouds, Kuina took a deep breath and took the lead.

By stretching out the catkin, the Gravity Fruit is activated, which greatly weakens the gravitational force between the island and the earth. As a result, the weight of Nine Snake Island remains unchanged, but it can be lifted more easily.

Then Tashigi took action, using the same process, exerting a repulsive force on the Nine Snake Island and the earth.

The current state of Nine Snake Island and the earth is like two opposite magnets, repelling each other, which greatly reduces the difficulty of the subsequent project of relocating the country.

"Okay, you guys go back to Nine Snakes Island, I'm going to take action!"


As a dragon-like roar resounded throughout the world, a huge monster with a lion's head, antlers, tiger's eyes, and a dragon's tail, nearly five hundred meters tall, and looking 70% similar to the legendary Kirin appeared in the sky.

The biggest difference between this monster and Qilin is that there is a black and red hollow halo of about 600 meters behind him.

There was a layer of flame burning on the black halo, always suspended behind Zhu Zhao.

The moment Lynch transformed into his beast form, the aura of a prehistoric beast distorted the surrounding space, and the sunlight that shone down seemed to be distorted by high temperatures.

Legend has it that when high-latitude creatures appear, ordinary tools cannot record them because the life energy they contain is powerful enough to disrupt the surrounding natural magnetic field.

"Okay, so big!"

On Nine Snake Island, a large shadow blocked the sun.

Residents looked up.

It was the first time to see a huge creature so intuitively. They all opened their mouths and froze in place.

"Is that Mr. Lynch? He's so awesome!"

"I didn't realize it when I saw it in the newspaper, but it turned out to be so big."

"What is he going to do!?"

"He rushed down!"

The girl screamed, but found that the Zhuzhao beast was not coming for her.

With a loud "plop", the Zhuzhao Divine Beast plunged into the sea like a torpedo.

The moment he fell into the water, the black and red halo behind him formed a thin film to wrap around his body, isolating it from the sea water.

Because of its huge size, the water spray explodes thousands of meters high like a backward waterfall.

"court death!"

Nine Snake Island is surrounded by the Calm Belt, and Lynch was besieged by several Sea Kings as soon as he entered the sea.

Lynch tore them into pieces one by one, swallowed them in his stomach, and became one step closer to 500 meters in size.

Blood filled the sea, attracting more Sea Kings, and Lynch continued to fight!

Sea Kings like these, which are only one or two kilometers in size, will be torn to pieces if they can't withstand Lynch's claws.

In less than ten minutes, Lynch's brutal killing of the remaining Sea Kings was so cold that they did not dare to get close to avoid its sharp edge, and fled with their tails between their legs.

Sea Kings' IQ is not low.

Seeing such a big man here who can kill Sea Kings without blinking an eye, he dares to stay for a long time. He wishes his parents would give him wings.


Suddenly, a few Sea Kings came back and came back, whining and whining close to Lynch.

"What did you say?" Lynch vaguely understood the meaning of a few Sea Kings. "You said you could lead the way and let me eat the remaining Sea Kings?"

"Damn it, Laozi hates fishy traitors like you the most!"

Lynch took a big gulp and swallowed several Sea Kings who were trying to fish-fuck.

The purpose of today is not to eat Sea Kings, but to transport the country.

After clearing the obstacles, Lynch controlled his huge body to swim directly under the island and began to destroy the foundation of Nine Snake Island.

Almost 99% of the islands in the world do not float on the sea, but are connected to the sea through roots.

The first step in moving Nine Snake Island is to cut off the connection between Nine Snake Island and its foundation.

It can withstand the long erosion of the sea, and its foundation is composed of boulders mixed with various clays and various hard rocks.

Destruction and cutting are two completely difficult things.

Lynch only needed one blow to destroy Nine Snake Island, but it took two hours to cut the connection between the island and its foundation.


As the island separated from its foundation, Nine Snake Island suddenly shook violently.


The citizens of Nine Snake Island were caught off guard and staggered around, falling on their butts.


The weights on both sides of Nine Snake Island are different. Losing its foundational connection, the island quickly tilted to one side.

If this continues, it won't take long for Nine Snake Island to fall off the foundation platform and fall into the sea.

However, at this critical moment, Lynch, who was at the bottom of the sea, exerted his strength.

He took the foundation position and held up the base of Nine Snakes Island. A black-red halo flashed behind him, and a black wave spread to the entire island.

This energy can ensure that the island will not disintegrate during long-term transportation.


The Zhuzhao mythical beast utters human words and sprays a large number of bubbles in the water.

The body is like a lion and a deer, the muscles are swollen, and the four claws generate endless power.

The sea shook, the water rippled, the sea level rose violently, and Nine Snake Island trembled violently, as if it were a precursor to a volcanic eruption.

An invisible wave spread through the sea for hundreds of nautical miles, and even the seabed at the bottom of the sea was shaking violently.

As if sensing that danger was about to happen here, a large number of marine fish fled.

Following Lynch's roar, Nine Snake Island suddenly climbed up, away from the sea, and soared into the sky.


The weightlessness and inertia of the island's rapid ascent caused the women to be pressed to the ground one after another.

Listening to the strong wind rushing past their ears, the women on Nine Snakes Island screamed.

What's more, his eyes flashed and he fainted.

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