Fainting people abound.

Some are because of lack of oxygen, some are because of too much panic, and some people are not lacking of oxygen in the first place, but they scream and shout that they are hypoxic.

The entire kingdom of Nine Snake Island seemed to be on a roller coaster at the moment.



"Nine Snake Island is flying, help!"

When most women encounter an emergency, their first reaction is to scream.

A whole kingdom of women screamed, you can imagine the scene.

The screams soared into the sky.

Lynch, who was supporting the island below, had an inexplicable illusion that he had become an entertainment facility in an amusement park.


The three empress sisters stood proudly in the face of the rapidly blowing wind, "Don't panic, hold on to the hard things at hand, it's Lord Lynch who is moving the Nine Snakes Island."

With the appearance of the empress, everyone seemed to have found a backbone and quickly settled down.

"It turns out to be Mr. Lynch."

"What? Mr. Lynch is moving Nine Snake Island!"

"Oh my God, how did he move such a big island? It's so amazing!"

When the altitude climbed to a certain level, Lynch stopped climbing, the trembling of the island stopped, and everything became quiet again.

A loud voice sounded from below the island, "It will take more than a month to transport Nine Snake Island from the Grand Line to West Blue. You can go to your normal schedule and don't worry about me."

After the words fell, Lynch held the island and moved it smoothly in the air.

"It's Master Lynch's voice!"

"It's really Mr. Lynch."

The residents of the Daughters on the island cheered when they heard Lynch's voice.

The empress sat on her knees on the grass, with her hands pressed against the ground, and communicated with Lynch through mouth movements with uneasy expressions:

"Don't you need to eat for a month?"

"Master Lynch, if you can't hold it anymore, remember to stop and rest. Don't exhaust yourself."

"Do you need me to go down and accompany you?"

"Master Lynch..."

The empress seemed to be a virtuous wife who was worried about her husband, and was constantly concerned about him.

"No, just calm down the people on the island. I can use my blood and essence to maintain my strength and hold on."

Lynch interrupted the empress' eloquence, feeling ashamed inside.

It seems that she still needs to get used to the concern of the most beautiful woman in the world.

Otherwise, the empress, who is so passionate about love, would be too much for him to handle.

The island is flying smoothly. Standing on Nine Snake Island, you can't even feel that Nine Snake Island is moving.

The residents above rushed to the edge of Nine Snakes Island and looked down curiously.

This kind of "flying over the island" experience may only happen once in a lifetime.

"Hey, why didn't I see Mr. Lynch?" The girl stuck her head out and tried her best to look at the bottom of the island, but all she saw was stones.

"Idiot, Master Lynch is in the center of the bottom of the island. It's weird that you can see it."

"Oh, yes." The girl scratched her head naively.

"Wow! Look, what a beautiful scenery!"

Another girl who was extremely curious looked at the sea, islands, and whales passing by quickly below, and exclaimed as if she had never seen the world before.

"so beautiful!"

Watching the sea below recede and the islands flash past one by one, the girls were extremely shocked.

This feeling is like the experience of modern people flying on an airplane for the first time.

Looking at the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers below, I not only feel the vastness of the earth, but also deeply feel my own insignificance.

It turned out that the huge island they had seen on the ground was only that big when viewed from the sky.

Nine Snake Island can still survive being surrounded by Sea Kings. There is also a kingdom on it, which is a large island.

It was completely different from the small island that Kaido lifted up that day.

It is extremely difficult to transport such a large island from the Grand Line to West Blue. Fortunately, with two small assistants, Lynch can make it much easier.

It is estimated that Lynch was also the first to undertake such a large-scale project.

During that month, a new myth and legend gradually spread on the sea.

That is, whenever there is heavy rain and thunder and lightning, people can see a ghost island floating across the sky.

The most important thing is that not only one person saw it, but many people saw this scene.

For a time, people believed in the legend of Ghost Island.

In the blink of an eye, a month and a half passed.

Lynch carries Nine Snake Island and approaches the Upside Down Mountain. After passing the Upside Down Mountain, he can reach West Blue, which means the mission is completed.

After flying for a month and a half with an entire country on his shoulders, Lynch was a little tired.

Fortunately, we are about to be liberated.

It's daytime now, and a few ships pass by on Upside Down Mountain from time to time.

Ordinary people want to go to the Grand Line from all over the world, this is the only way.

There may not be many boats in one sea area, but if you add up the four sea areas, there will be quite a lot of people passing through the Upside Down Mountain in one day.

Pirate ships, warships, merchant ships, tourist ships, and slave ships all took this route.

Everyone passes through during the day, because at night, the currents on the Upside Down Mountain are extremely strong, and it is almost impossible to pass through.

Passing Upside Down Mountain during the day is almost everyone’s default tradition.

Only Luffy, that tough guy, dared to take a boatload of people through the Upside Down Mountain at night, and the boatload of people almost had sex.


Sensing Lynch's breath, Laboon, the whale in front of the upside down mountain, came out of the water and stirred up the waves.

"You bastard, you always make such a big noise." At the same time, Crocus also felt Lynch in the sky through his sight and color.

Laboon was excited, and the ships that passed the Upside Down Mountain were in misfortune.

Their ships looked like toys given Laboon's size.

The waves caused by Laboon inadvertently can be devastating to ships.

"What's going on? Laboon hasn't been rioting for a long time!"

A fleet of merchant ships passed through the Upside Down Mountain at this time. The fleet was swaying under the wash of the current, and the people on the deck were swaying along with it. The captain yelled.

Judging from their proficiency, it was obvious that this was not the first time they had passed through Upside Down Mountain, nor was it the first time they had dealt with Laboon.

Since Lynch talked to Laboon many years ago and told him that Brook is still alive, Laboon no longer hits the Red Line with his head, and the safety of passing ships is therefore guaranteed.

But today, Laboon, which had been quiet for many years, suddenly rioted. How could everyone not panic?

“That whale seems to be looking at the sky?”

"Wori! What the hell is that?!" The crew members looked at the islands floating from the sky, their eyes widening wider and wider, "Then...is that a fucking island?"

"I'm not dreaming, am I? Pinch me quickly. It's impossible to hallucinate in broad daylight. Why is there an island floating over?!"

Sometimes, long-term driving on the sea and insufficient vitamin intake can cause a series of diseases such as scurvy.

Some people will hallucinate and even see imaginary monsters.

But today, the captain is sure that what they saw was definitely not an illusion!

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