Sakaski! The admiral of the navy known as Akainu!

Today, everyone in the Beasts Pirates who had looked down on the admirals of the navy knew... what it means to be the peak combat force of the navy headquarters!

The entire vanguard fleet of the Beasts Pirates, led by senior cadres like Page One, is almost invincible!

Even if they tried their best to stop him, Akainu still tore through their defenses with his powerful strength!

With the scorching heat in the field, Akainu would take the life of a pirate with one move!

Blood sprayed all over the ground... He said indifferently

"Kill me? Just you!"

"Are you worthy?"

Confidence! Arrogance!

This is reflected in Akainu to the fullest. He has hardly ever been defeated since he joined the navy... Want him to die?

This group of people is totally not enough!


"Ahem... Akainu, wait! The Captain and Jack are coming soon. You killed so many of our brothers today, you must die!"

Page One struggled to get up and roared with clenched teeth. He really hated Akainu, the bastard, at this moment!

Not only because of the latter's overwhelming strength, but also because of the other party's arrogance and indifferent attitude, as if the other party was not afraid of death at all.

""Oh! I'm waiting!"

Akainu replied indifferently, which directly broke Page One's defense again.

But before Page One could speak, Akainu tilted his head and looked at the huge pirate ships approaching from a distance.

The flags representing the Beasts Pirates were so majestic in the wind.

"If I were to die in battle today, it would not be a loss to get back a guy who could change the future world situation!"

"I believe that guy will be better than me, so good that he can kill me.……"

Akainu paused, and said with a look of longing

"All of you pirates, all of you!"

"Akainu! You……!"

Peggy One looked up at Akainu with a puzzled look on his face. It was worth dying just to save one person!

Could it be...

Peggy One looked at other battlefields in horror. In a corner that he didn't notice, a young man was standing in a pool of blood. All around him were the crew members he brought with him, but they were completely dead.

The young man looked at him and gave him a"kind" smile.

However, the young man's blood-red eyes and sick smile really didn't look beautiful, and made Peggy One, a pirate worth 200 million, feel a little scared.

"Just for this boy, you are willing to risk being killed...Akainu, are you crazy?"


Akainu said nothing else, and once again hit the opponent's back with his lava fist, making a deep dent in it.

"Just watch...dirty pirates!"



"Uncle Akainu, I really don't know how to repay your kindness.……"

Here, Bai Ze looked at Akainu deeply, his brows slightly furrowed.

In just a few months, Akainu really helped him so much, helping him bury the people in the village, teaching him how to fight... and now he is risking his life to help him get revenge.

This tough guy who is considered stubborn and ruthless by many people actually has his own tenderness.

He is willing to protect his absolute justice and also protect something else.……

"After this battle... I will definitely not let you down, I will become the sharpest knife of the navy to slaughter pirates."

Bai Ze retracted his gaze, and then looked at the"man" in front of him whose hands and feet had been cut off. The man was lying in a pool of blood and wailing miserably.

He was one of the"Four Ghosts" who was numbered, and the pirate with a bounty of 80 million was also... Bai Ze's revenge target, the real instigator of the village disaster!

This big pirate with a bounty of 80 million was no match for Bai Ze, so he was quickly defeated by Bai Ze and then... tortured.

"Do you know who I am?"

Bai Ze looked down at the latter, his blood-red eyes reflecting his miserable appearance.

"Hehe... How would I know about this, a little bastard?"

"Could it be my long-lost son...haha."

The four ghosts who were tortured to this point knew that there was no hope of survival, so they just decided to give up.

""Sea Breeze Village!"

Bai Ze uttered these three words indifferently, but Sigui's eyes were still blank. He laughed at Bai Ze's hateful eyes.

"Sounds familiar... You must be some kind of Avenger, haha, sorry, I have too many enemies, I really can't remember."Can't remember?

Bai Ze knew that Karen, who killed his villagers, had reported it before he died, but the other party still didn't remember it, as if it was just a trivial matter.

The death of his entire village was nothing in the eyes of the other party, not even worthy of being remembered?

""Haha... Hahaha!"

It was so ridiculous...

Bai Ze covered his eyes, raised his head and laughed... He seemed to want to die of laughter, and laughed until blood flowed down his eyes.

Tick! Tick! Tick!

The blood dripped down in big drops. The dead ghost looked at Bai Ze's crazy behavior and thought it was not good.

But before he could react... he saw a knife light flashing.

His head fell to the ground instantly.……

"Go to hell and repent!"

Bai Ze said with a dead look in his eyes. At the same time, with the death of the four ghosts... the nightmare-like voice of the system sounded instantly.

〖Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a pirate with a bounty of 80 million, and reward 80 slaughter points〗

〖Ding! Current mission progress... 1000/1000, kill a pirate with a bounty of 50 million (completed)……〗

〖Mission completed, rewards begin to be distributed...Please choose one of the following six Mangekyō Sharingan as a reward〗

【1: Mangekyō Sharingan – Amaterasu!】

【2: Mangekyō Sharingan - Kamui】

【2: Mangekyō Sharingan: Tsukuyomi!】

【Four: Mangekyō Sharingan: Kotoamatsukami!】

【Five: Forbidden Technique Izanami】

【6. Forbidden Technique Izanaki】


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