[Rewards are being distributed... Host, please choose a Mangekyō Sharingan to awaken.]

Along with the nightmare-like voice of the system, six types of Mangekyō Sharingan from the Naruto world were directly brought out... Among them were even the perverted Izanami and Izanagi.

The functions of the two are almost the most perverted of the perverted, the kind that can be said to be unsolvable... Even the guys who are called kings in the world of pirates may not be able to withstand it.

In addition, Kotoamatsukami, known as the strongest illusion, is also equally exciting.

Amaterasu, a terrifying flame tainted with certain death, is also not weak, and the corresponding ability of Tsukuyomi is also perverted...


"I choose the Mangekyō Sharingan... Kamui!"

Bai Ze's calm face said an answer that seemed to have been thought of long ago, without any hesitation.

〖Ding, the host has been selected... The rewards are being distributed... The Mangekyō Sharingan is being bestowed upon the host.

The system's voice sounded immediately, and along with that voice... Bai Ze instantly felt an inexplicable power in his body.

He felt the burning heat unbearable... His heartbeat was like a drum, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

His eyes were in unimaginable pain, so Bai Ze could only lower his head and cover his eyes with both hands... A little bit of blood dripped down his fingers.

Tick! Tick!

At the same time, a terrifying aura seemed to be brewing... just waiting for a burst of energy!


However, no one noticed Bai Ze's unusual movements at the moment, because the real battle was about to begin...

Akainu, who had beaten Page One to the point where he was almost out of breath, raised his head slightly and looked at the guys who were so close.……

"The smell of pirates is really annoying... As soon as they approached, I felt sick."

Akainu said with a cold face, and the next moment!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Accompanied by a huge collision sound, a large number of pirate ships directly hit them, accompanied by the sound of fighting... One by one, the powerful members of the Beasts Pirates filed in and killed a red figure.


They roared. Every member of the Beasts Pirates was half crazy. Even though they knew they might become cannon fodder if they rushed forward, they did not hesitate at all.

"Kill the Admiral Akainu, I want to see how the boss will reward us……"

"Ha ha……"

Among the crowd, a man with tusks, who was huge and had the most powerful aura, also did not hesitate at all. He rushed out the moment the boat approached!

Jack didn't care about anything else, and rushed straight towards Akainu!

He looked confident!

""Akainu! Come and fight with me!"

He roared, and his Armament Haki suddenly covered half of his body... Then he threw a punch, and the power of this punch made everyone around him feel palpitations!

Navy Admiral... Jack was confident that he was not inferior to anyone. Today, he would let his elder brother and the others know that the Navy Admiral they admired was actually... just like that!

"Hmm? Is it Jack, one of the three disasters?...How can he come to kill me alone?……"

Akainu frowned slightly, and finally got a little angry.

Just relying on these people to hunt him down, Akainu, hehe... it's still not enough!

"I said that no matter how many of you come today, I will... kill them all!"

Akainu tilted his head, and the next moment he tiptoed forward to meet them.

""Big fire!"

A pair of giant lava fists swung out directly, and the magma fruit power was released without reservation... The scorching heat made the running sea water boil.

"Are you looking down on me? Pirate!"


The two fists collided! There was a thunderous explosion... A group of pirates were directly blown away by the sonic boom between the two, and the surrounding sea surface was set off by waves... The momentum was extremely terrifying!

The scorching heat emitted by Akainu's magma fruit directly evaporated the sea water... A large cloud of fog rose up, making it impossible for others to see what was going on inside.

"Ah, is this... a fight between truly powerful people? It's really terrifying!"

"I feel like we'll be beaten to ashes if we go up there."

"As expected of Boss Jack, he is so awesome. That navy man should be defeated!"

"That's it! That's it!"


A group of Beasts Pirates screamed in shock, but with blind confidence in Jack, they all believed that Jack would win this clash.

Navy?... The Beasts Pirates have grown so much over the years that they have begun to look down on the Navy. In their eyes, the Navy Admirals are just slightly more powerful figures.

The only ones who really understand the Navy Admirals are the senior officers of the Beasts Pirates.

Sasaki, who is also a member of the Flying Six, and Runti, the sister of Page One.

Looking at the center of the battlefield, they said to themselves with solemn expressions.

"Jack lost, Akainu, the Navy Admiral, is really powerful!"

"Hehe... How can the admirals of the navy not be powerful? They are the guys that only our captain can contend with. Without them... what does the navy have to fear?"

As they whispered, the mist on the sea surface gradually dissipated, and two familiar figures slowly appeared...

One of them knelt on one knee, with a little blood at the corner of his mouth, obviously injured, while the other stood as before... but his clothes were slightly dirty, and he was breathing heavily. The difference was obvious...

The former was injured and it was Jack, and the latter was unharmed and it was Akainu who won the fight between the two.


Jack roared, looking at Akainu in front of him with reluctance, this guy was so strong...

Then what was the point of him bumping into him just now? Jack subconsciously felt a little ashamed.

"You all... come together!"

Akainu was so excited at the moment that he almost forgot what his original purpose was. He only knew that... now seemed to be a good opportunity to severely damage the Beasts Pirates!

"Let's go together!"

Runti and the other two of the Flying Six looked at each other and rushed towards Akainu without any hesitation.

Jack also attacked with anger.

If a one-on-one fight doesn't work, then... let's gang up on him!

The mighty crowd of the Beasts Pirates started to move again.

Even if you are an admiral, so what? With so many people, you will be exhausted to death!


Akainu looked at all the people rushing towards him and laughed.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Akainu did not hold back, and directly used his fists to punch out countless lava fists. Not only that, there was also a sky full of magma erupting from the soles of many people's feet.

The entire battlefield turned into a scorching hell. Anyone who was touched would either die or be injured!

This is the heyday form of Admiral Akainu!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

When Akainu repelled many members of the Beasts Pirates, several senior cadres of the Beasts Pirates, including Jack, directly used their fruit abilities.

In an instant, they turned into strange and terrifying monsters!

All monsters, this is the full power form of the senior cadres of the Beasts Pirates!

There are three of them, even Kaido dare not underestimate them... They carried the magma and rushed forward towards Akainu desperately.

"Come and die for me!"

Jack transformed into a giant war elephant and rushed towards Akainu. Akainu could only raise one hand to block the shocking attack.

At the same time, the giant triceratops transformed by Sasaki also rushed over, and Akainu had no choice but to free up another hand to block it.

But when the battle was balanced, a female voice with a murderous intent rang out.

""Go to hell! Navy!"

The swollen-headed dragon transformed by Runti had already attacked behind Akainu, and its huge head attacked Akainu's back without holding back.

Akainu's expression suddenly became solemn.

Is this a desperate situation? The combination of three top pirates... Even as an admiral, he cannot guarantee that he will escape unscathed.


Akainu sighed softly, and when Akainu was about to exchange a little injury for the lives of these pirates.

In a corner that no one had noticed, a young man slowly raised his head. He was covered in blood and his face was indifferent.

The young man's eyes exuded a faint blood light... A strange symbol like a dart was reflected in the pupil, which looked quiet and terrifying. He murmured softly:


As that sound rang out, the boy's blood-red eyes inlaid with strange dart-like symbols trembled slightly... ps: Please urge for more updates, everyone.

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