
As a sudden childish voice sounded in the field, for some reason... the entire battlefield was silent.

Especially in the battlefield where Akainu and the three leaders of the Beasts Pirates were fighting, several top masters subconsciously felt a chill with their amazing sixth sense.

Especially the swollen-headed dragon monster that Runti transformed into... she clearly felt a hint of threat

"Does this guy Akainu still have the strength to fight back now?... Impossible."

But she hesitated only for a moment, then she determined her goal, and pushed her huge head directly towards Akainu's lower back.

Seeing that the attack was about to fall on Akainu, Jack and the others were delighted, and then their eyes were fanatical...

With this attack, Akainu would be seriously injured if not killed!

Swish! Swish! Crack...

But just when Runti's attack was about to fall on Akainu, something strange happened... An inexplicable gravitational force actually acted directly on her huge head. The powerful gravitational force expanded at a very fast speed like a small dot, like a black hole that was going to suck her whole body in.

Pulling and tightening, a large piece of her flesh was torn off in an instant... Blood splattered all over the ground

"Damn... what kind of power is this!"

Runti felt the pain and had no intention of attacking at all. She retreated very quickly... When she fell to the ground, most of her face had been torn off, and her flesh and blood were blurred. The ugly face of the monster itself looked even more hideous.

"Who took action... Is there anyone strong here?"

"Could it be……"

Jack and the other two looked towards a corner in doubt. They stared at a boy.

It was him, the boy following Akainu... How could it be possible? How old was he? How could he have such strength?

"It seems that I won the bet."

Akainu showed a playful smile.

But as if to confirm their guess, Bai Ze's blood-red eyes trembled again, and the divine power was launched again, this time with greater momentum.

Jack and the others immediately felt a huge pulling force suddenly appearing somewhere in their bodies, as if to tear them apart!

"Damn it, it really is this brat!"

Jack and the others made a prompt decision and quickly retreated, but they were also seriously injured... A large piece of flesh was torn off their chests, and the bloody mess looked quite horrifying!

"What kind of devil fruit ability is this?" Jack looked at Akainu with an ugly face,"Is this the reason why you declared war on our Beasts Pirates?"

Akainu said nothing else but smiled gently and looked in a certain direction. A young man was walking slowly towards this side.

Bai Ze said calmly as he walked,

"Deal done, from now on I'm officially in the Navy!"

"Killing pirates is my life mission, Bai Ze!"

"I���The Navy welcomes you!"

Akainu laughed loudly, clapping his hands uncontrollably. He had never been so happy as today.

"Damn these two guys, they dare to talk and laugh in the middle of a fight... they are courting death!"

Jack roared softly, and his eyes directly signaled Runti, who was closest to Bai Ze, to launch an attack. The latter had been holding back a ball of anger for a long time! With a tap of his toes, his huge figure shot out like thunder... before and after he jumped to Bai Ze, his huge tail swept directly towards Bai Ze.

"Damn little devil, you actually dared to disfigure me...Go to hell!"

"Dead? Ridiculous!"

Bai Ze seemed to have heard something funny, and laughed loudly... and he didn't move a step while laughing. He stared at the latter coldly, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"You want to resist my attack? Stupid!"

Runti sneered. As an animal-type fruit user, attacking is her strong point. Even if Akainu resisted, he would be injured.

Bai Ze was still indifferent, and in front of everyone, the huge tail swept through Bai Ze's body.


It directly shattered most of the stern, but Bai Ze was like nothing happened.

"How is it possible? I clearly hit him!"

Runti didn't believe it. She started to attack Bai Ze like crazy.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The fast attack speed directly set off a sound of breaking wind, but Bai Ze still didn't move, and Runti's attack was also ineffective.

Bai Ze's eyes moved slightly, emitting a dazzling blood light.

Void! One of Shenwei's innate skills.

Runti, one of the top pirates, looked at Bai Ze's cold eyes and subconsciously began to panic. A bad premonition came to her mind.

"The fight is almost over, pirates... Next" Bai Ze tilted his head, and a murderous aura filled the whole place."

"It's my turn!"


Bai Ze shouted softly, and the Mangekyō Sharingan on his left shrank suddenly...

The left eye's innate skill of Shenwei was activated again. This time, Bai Ze chose to activate it directly at the heart of the monster that Runti had transformed into!

Crack! Crack!

With a burst of tearing sounds in space, Runti actually screamed in pain. She... her flesh and blood were being peeled off!

What kind of ability is this?

She suddenly returned to her original form, and then immediately used the armed color domineering... But the tearing feeling still existed.

She was really panicked, staring at the boy in front of him, his face was cold, without joy or sadness!

What exactly is the ability of this boy?

"Ah... this boy is so powerful, who is he?"

"How can he defeat Lord Runti at such a young age? It's so scary!"


The Beasts Pirates were shocked and whispered to each other.

But Jack, one of the Three Calamities, looked at this scene with a surprisingly calm expression. He changed his reckless look and looked at Akainu evenly.

"Akainu, this is why you started the war, for this boy"

"The heir you choose?"

Hearing this, Akainu did not comment, but the next moment Jack did play���A smile

"What a pity, you all have to die today, including this young man you care about!"

Akainu suddenly looked shocked, and he looked solemnly at the distance on the sea level... There was another pirate ship approaching.

And that pirate group was extremely huge, with the flag of the Beasts Pirates flying in the wind!

On the bow!

A huge man with a stern face carrying a huge mace was looking over here with a smile, he tilted his head... His expression was full of unique excitement.

That man was... Kaido, the Beast!

He actually came... ps: Give a five-star review, everyone.

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