When the battle on Bai Ze's side seemed to be in a state of tension, Akainu finally encountered the truly troublesome existence...

Before the huge pirate ship was completely close, the burly man on the bow had already half-closed his eyes and locked onto Akainu. He tilted his head... A shocking momentum actually attacked Akainu directly!

Crack! Crack!

The sky seemed to become turbulent because of this momentum, and thunder was heard in the clear sky... Not only that, all the sea creatures within a thousand meters radius fled as if they had seen something terrible!

"Is this the captain's domineering aura?... So... so powerful."

A group of ordinary Beasts Pirates gasped hard. They were already so uncomfortable just standing by, so how terrible would the pressure be for the people in the center.

But not as they wished, Akainu in the center of the storm was standing quietly, as if nothing had happened.

One was Akainu, the admiral of the navy, and the other was Kaido, the pirate king. The two had such a fierce confrontation as soon as they came into contact.

Many people have different opinions on who is more powerful, the admiral of the navy or the captain of the emperor-class pirate group... But it seems that we can witness it today.

A battle unique to them.

But no matter whether this battle is won or lost, Akainu seems to be unable to escape the fate of death... Because at this moment he is really surrounded by senior cadres of the Beasts Pirates.

A full 8 pirate ships have surrounded him tightly, and there is no way to survive.

Not to mention Quinn and Jin, who are the three disasters. They all stood behind Kaido, looking at Akainu with murderous intent.

To be honest, the main reason they came here today was because Akainu's words were too arrogant... No matter how many come, he will kill them all, who does he think he is?

Akainu looked at this huge battle and sighed in his heart.

Sure enough! The Beasts Pirates seemed to be stronger than he thought. They gathered so many powerful forces in a short time. The navy's intelligence was still not in place.

When he goes back this time, he must ask someone to be responsible for this aspect of intelligence.

Yes... Even with such a battle, Akainu still believed that he could go back safely, because that was a promise from the guy he was most interested in.

Although the two had only known each other for a few months, he didn't know why he believed in Bai Ze's words.

Thinking about the future, he smiled confidently and looked at all the members of the Beasts Pirates surrounding him!

Then he roared!

"You want to kill me? Come on! What are you waiting for, pirates?"

The voice was so loud that it resounded through the sky!

All the members of the Beast Pirates were shocked, and even Kaido was shocked.

He looked at Akainu with murderous intent,

"Do you really think I dare not kill you? Akainu!"

Even though Kaido is not ready to go to war with the navy, he has been bullied to the point of no return, so he has to fight!

"I said……"Akainu smiled grimly,"Please kill me!"

His voice was cold and dead silent!

After a moment of silence, Kaido seemed to have made up his mind. He gently raised his hand and swung it down fiercely!

"Kill them! I will use their blood as a sacrifice today!"

"I will kill this guy Akainu. After you deal with that little devil, block all the roads for me. Don't let Akainu escape!"

Crack! Crack!

As he said that, Kaido carried a huge mace and went straight to kill Akainu.

"Thunderous Bagua!"

And the first move was a killing move, the domineering aura was directly wrapped around the weapon and flashed with thunder. It was obvious that he was really angry.

He wanted to kill Akainu as quickly as possible!


"You actually asked me to deal with a little brat?... Boss, you really underestimated me. I want to see how powerful the admiral of the navy is!"

Quinn tilted his neck and complained slightly, but he didn't dare to disobey Kaido's order... He pointed his toes and instantly rushed towards Bai Ze.

"If I can deal with that brat in 30 seconds, I might have a chance to fight this guy Akainu!"

He thought to himself, but suddenly a fiery red figure flashed in front of him.

Akainu, isn't he fighting with his big brother?

Could it be... how come the winner was decided so quickly?

But he glanced at him and found that his boss was safe and sound and was rushing towards him with an angry face.

It seemed that Akainu had gotten rid of Kaido and came to stop him... This guy doesn't look like he can fight against many alone!

"Akainu, are you really looking for death?"

Quinn roared angrily, but the only answer he got was Akainu's cold fist.

"This road is blocked!"


Akainu had a cold face and punched him back nearly a hundred meters, then teleported to various places to stop everyone who was about to attack Bai Ze!

He stood ten meters behind Bai Ze and looked at everyone with an indifferent expression.

"I told you to come and kill me, don't you understand?"

He paused and continued,

"I mean, I can fight all of you by myself!"

Whoosh! Snap! Snap!

As soon as these words came out, the sky seemed to be torn apart, and eyes that seemed to want to devour people were looking at Akainu from all directions.

Fighting against everyone alone?

P.S. Some people say that I weakened Akainu too much. Actually, I think it's not bad for one person to fight against an entire pirate group. After all, Akainu is not at his peak now.

But it is true that I weakened him a little, after all, it has to serve the plot...

Sorry everyone, I will try to be more rigorous and less toxic later.

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