"I said, I will beat all of you by myself!"

Akainu said with a cold face... After saying this arrogant remark, Akainu felt a little strange.

The corners of his cold mouth twitched...

Ah, this... It feels good!

Over the years, he never seemed to be so domineering... He thought that even if Bai Ze didn't have the ability to take him away, he would be satisfied even if he died today.

Akainu's words directly ignited everyone's anger.

"Holy shit, are all naval admirals so arrogant these days?"

"He challenged everyone by himself, not afraid of the strong wind blowing his tongue off"

"Brothers, I can't stand it anymore... I'm going to hit Akainu with my life!"

A group of Beasts Pirates members cursed and rushed towards Akainu.

Not only that... Quinn and Jin, who originally didn't intend to beat Akainu in a group because of their strong demeanor, were also furious.

Damn, you really think Akainu is invincible, right... One against many, right? Then don't blame me for blowing your head off!

Quinn pointed his toes and rushed towards Akainu first, followed by Jin, who was very good at cultivating his energy.

The two's animal-type devil fruit abilities were fully activated, and in an instant, two super-huge monsters appeared on the stage and fought with Akainu.

It was the first time that two of the Three Disasters joined forces to fight one person.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Akainu was not ambiguous and used his ultimate skill directly... Although fighting in the sea reduced his devil fruit ability a little, Akainu still blocked almost everyone in an instant with his hard power.

It would be terrifying to say that one person could fight against an emperor-level pirate group.

However, this stalemate did not last long and was broken by the intervention of one person.


This real strong man who originally planned to fight Akainu alone also got angry at this moment.

He planned to gang up on them!

"……Since you want to die so badly, I will grant your wish!"

Kaido squinted his eyes and shook his head, stepping towards Akainu!

The domineering aura... spread out from him again.

"It's not easy……"

Akainu's face twitched, but he didn't regret the roar just now.



On the other side, Bai Ze, who was fighting with Runti, saw the huge battle on Akainu's side.

His cold face twitched subconsciously.

"Uncle Akainu, I asked you to stop me for a minute, but I didn't let you do anything.……"

Being besieged by such a group of people, Akainu can't hold out for long even as an admiral of the navy.

So... he has to hurry up!

Thinking of this!

He stared at the seriously injured Runti in front of him. As a pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions, there was no reason for Bai Ze to let him go.

Without any hesitation, Bai Ze launched another attack, and the Mangekyō Sharingan containing strange power trembled again!

The familiar ripples appeared in front of Runti again,

"Damn, this strange power again, what on earth is this?"

Runti screamed and tried to dodge, but her speed couldn't keep up with the speed of Shenwei... Soon she had several more injuries on her body.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, she gritted her teeth and attacked Bai Ze.

Physical combat was her strong point, and it would be great if she could not win but die with the opponent!

But she obviously thought too much... because her attack on Bai Ze had almost no effect, and every attack seemed to hit, but it seemed as if it didn't hit... The opponent was not injured at all.

In just half a minute!

On the contrary, she herself was now covered in blood and flesh and looked like a human being, and she was about to die.

On the other hand, Bai Ze's clothes were not even dirty... There was only a little blood oozing from his eyes.

Double Shenwei!

This bug-like existence in the Naruto world, if it weren't for the original work, even if these eyes were separated, it would be almost invincible. What

's more, Bai Ze now has a whole pair of eyes!

"After all, I am not familiar enough with using this power, otherwise the battle should have ended faster."

Bai Ze panted slightly and murmured, ready to really end the battle.

Buzz! Buzz!

The Mangekyō Sharingan trembled slightly again, and Runti, who was almost dead in the distance, instantly felt a breath of death!

She looked at the slender figure with a bit of despair and indifference in her eyes.

"I'm actually going to die at the hands of this little devil.……"

It's really hard to be killed by an unknown boy.……

"You dare!"

Jack, who finally broke through Akainu's defense, rushed towards Bai Ze immediately.

He was furious and wanted to threaten Bai Ze!

"If you dare to kill her, I will make you wish you were dead!"

"I will also kill all your family and friends! Cut them into pieces!"


"Kill my family?"

Bai Ze stared at Jack who was running towards him woodenly. He grinned with a scarlet mouth, and the next moment a murderous aura rose to the sky!

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