"How ridiculous!"

Yim's words rang like a bell in the ears of the old man with a mustache. He wanted to refute but the next moment... Yim raised his hand again, and a white light emerged from his hand.

The old man with a mustache could almost feel the loss of his vitality with his naked eyes... His hair and beard began to become more and more white, and his back began to bend exaggeratedly!


The old man with the mustache whimpered miserably, but he could not resist the force at all and could only let his vitality drain away!

After a long while, the old man with the mustache finally had the strength to look up at Im, but the latter said expressionlessly:

"I will take away another five years of your life as a punishment for your self-willed behavior!"

"Remember... Only the power of God can fight against God. Joey Boy is not someone you ants can deal with. That guy can only be dealt with by me... But I am restricted here and cannot go out at will."

"So I can only attract Joy Boy to my territory!"

A trace of anger flashed in Yim's eyes. Since Joy Boy in this life is a navy, he can only do some despicable things!

Yim suddenly asked,

"This year's naval headquarters should still be in Marinford, right?"


The old man with the mustache replied weakly. He had lost ten years of his life in succession... He really felt that his time was up. He didn't expect that he had held the most powerful position in the world for so long.

In the end, he ended up like this... The old man with the mustache couldn't help but feel sad! But as the king of the Celestial Dragons, Im didn't care... He didn't care about the thoughts of the old man who he regarded as an ant. He just started to look for something on the side.

"I remember it should be in this place... Why is it gone? Damn it... I haven't used it for a long time, I almost forgot it!"

Yim murmured while searching for something. He had hardly used that thing in the past eight hundred years... So he almost forgot where it was!

After a few minutes!

Next to a dark coach, Yim's surprised voice came.

"So it's here?... Well, although I can't step out of this palace or even leave Mary Joa at will, but with this thing... no one in this world can still resist this power!"

At this moment, Im was holding a very delicate and small object in his hand. The object was streamlined with an opening on the top... and there was a vortex-shaped object at the back. The whole small object exuded an indescribable luster!

The old man with a mustache on the side stared blankly at the object held by his master. He swore that he had never seen such a small object... From a distance, it looked like a children's toy, but when he looked closely... the old man with a mustache felt a palpitation!

It was as if the small object had the power to kill him at will!

"What is this?"

The old man with a mustache murmured subconsciously. At this moment, Yim seemed to be in a good mood, so he explained the origin of this thing to the old man with a mustache for the first time.

"This thing is one of my most beloved toys... It also possesses a trace of my original power. Many years ago, I used it to solve many troublesome problems... It made people of that era feel fear when they saw it!"

"I still remember... they gave my toy a nice name, it was called……"Pluto, yes, Pluto, it's a good name, I like it very much!" When the old man with the mustache heard this name, his eyes almost popped out in shock.

"This is actually the Pluto, one of the three super ancient weapons. It is said to have the power to destroy the world... Countless people have been looking for it for hundreds of years, but it turns out to be here?"

The Five Elders actually sent people to look for this legendary thing called Pluto. After all, it is a weapon that is said to have divine power, but no one has found it... The old man with the mustache never thought that the thing he had been looking for was right in front of him.

It was in the palace of his Lord, lying in the corner and gathering dust!


Yimu seemed to like the shocked expression of the old man with the mustache, but he thought to himself... Eight hundred years was really too long. He had become talkative.

Was he too lonely?

Yimu felt helpless. Maybe that was why he was so impatient to kill Bai Ze and then walk out of the cage!

"Let the world witness the great power of God once again!"

Im spread out a map and quickly found the location of the Navy Headquarters, Marinford. Then he held"Pluto" in his hand and meditated on"it" for a while... and finally threw it towards the ceiling!

The old man with a mustache stared at this scene with wide eyes."Pluto" seemed to move slowly, but it kept flashing in the space... and finally disappeared on the ceiling, as if it had sunk into it!

The old man with a mustache was speechless,"My Lord,……"Pluto", where did he go?"

"Above the sky! The territory that ants cannot touch... My"Pluto" is looking down at you."

Imu laughed, his deep eyes penetrated through the barriers underground... straight to the sky, and only"he" could see it."Pluto" was flying away from the sky at an unimaginable speed, and the farther away it was, the bigger the size of"Pluto" was... When it reached the sky... that is, in outer space, it directly turned into a behemoth tens of thousands of meters long!

If Bai Ze saw this scene, he would be very surprised... Because this"Pluto" was just like the alien aircraft carrier he had seen in the movie!

It was huge and streamlined overall... The black muzzle was directly aimed at a certain direction!

"Hehe...it's still as beautiful as before."

Countless miles away, Yimu looked at"Pluto" from afar, and a trace of nostalgia arose in his heart. He began to recall the past.

In fact, few people know that...Yimu is not actually from this planet!

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