In fact, few people know that... Taimu is not from this planet!

To be precise, neither he nor Joyboy are from this planet... They are both from a very far away planet with a high civilization. The people in their place... Each of them possesses different powers, and communicating with all things and listening to the spirits of all things is just the most basic for them.

But their planet has reached the point where it cannot survive due to excessive consumption... Only the chosen ones on their planet, like himself and Joyboy, decisively took their own vehicles, that is, his"Pluto" and Joyboy's"Uranus!" to go out and look for other resources...

As for"Sea King"……Im was not too sure, after all, he had only heard of the existence of this thing. He felt that the"Sea King" should be an alien warship of the same type as theirs, but the latter should have failed and disappeared in the long river of history.

The only difference is that Joy Boy came to this planet earlier than he was accepted by this planet earlier and gained the support equivalent to the will of the world.

Joy Boy also used his own power to merge with this planet, and eventually created the existence of the"Devil Fruit" tree, which made this planet produce a mutated power, and he also became a"Sun God".

But this is actually one of the means for Joy Boy to steal the energy of this planet, that is, the"soul" of everyone."……People who have eaten the devil fruit know that after death, the soul will be imprisoned, and the soul is one of the most mysterious existences in the world... For beings like him and Joy Boy, what they lack is this kind of soul power.

But this way of stealing will not actually destroy the origin of this world. At most, it will only lose a little bit... It can be made up later. Both sides are actually using each other.


When Im thought of this, a sarcastic sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, because this cycle was really too slow. When he arrived at this planet, he was attracted by the rich resources of this planet and immediately became greedy... and strongly opposed Joy Boy's stupid plan. In

Im's eyes, the people on this planet are just ants. They, the strong, don't need to reason with ants... Plundering should only pursue efficiency, and there is no need to leave seeds for the other party!

He proposed that the two of them directly divide all the resources of this planet, half for each! But... Joy Boy, that damn guy, disagreed!

Then the two of them had a fierce quarrel...

Im still remembers the disgusting face of Joy Boy. Every word he said was based on some righteousness... What everyone is equal, endless plunder will only destroy oneself.

He wanted to vomit after hearing all this, it was ridiculous... Then, he had a conflict with that damn guy Joy Boy. It stands to reason that Im's original ability was stronger than Joy Boy.

But Joy Boy was recognized by this world after all, so he was soon suppressed... He was even severely injured by the other party. Joy Boy, that damn guy, imprisoned himself here!

And he also said righteously that he was a compatriot with himself... So he didn't kill himself, but let himself reflect here!


Im felt sick when he thought of that guy's sanctimonious face. What can't kill himself... It's just that he can't kill him. For people like them who come from the same planet, to kill them... they must completely wipe out their souls.

To wipe out the soul... one must seal the body with a special substance and bury it for a hundred years. That special substance only exists on their planet. At that time, Joy Boy could not find such a substance here.

So this should be the most wrong decision Joy Boy has ever made in his life, because he forgot that he, Im, is also a genius... He Joy Boy can merge with the origin of this world, so why can't he, Im! So after unremitting efforts, he even spent some of his own original power in exchange, and successfully merged with the power of the origin of this world, and it was still……""Power of the Ocean"

On this planet where most of the area is water,"Power of the Ocean" is definitely greater than"Power of the Land", so there are almost no accidents. When Joy Boy had another chance to visit him in prison... he sneaked attacked Joy Boy... The twists and turns cannot be described in detail. Anyway, in the end, he paid a huge price to bury him with"Power of the Ocean", which is why the devil fruit ability users cannot touch the sea water!

But even if he defeated the latter... he still couldn't get out of the sealed place of Marijoa. After all, the other party could not be really killed... He could still rely on the power of the soul to reincarnate.

And he has not been idle for hundreds of years, because he knows that when Joy Boy revives again, he will face another fierce battle, so in order to get rid of this cage and to kill Joy Boy completely,

After so many years of experiments, he found that the substance that can wipe out the soul can also be refined... and the most important raw material is"Sky Gold", so over the years he has been collecting this substance through the hands of the Celestial Dragons.

Now it is enough to wipe out"Joyboy"!

Putting away those messy thoughts, Im smiled knowingly... He knew that Joyboy was sentimental, and it should be the same even after reincarnation, so he was going to destroy Marinford... and force him to come to Marijoa to fight him. As long as the opponent doesn't come, he will keep killing the navy... until the opponent comes here.

With Pluto's current energy reserves, he can launch at least five attacks!

So now...

Im raised his hand, and a strange light flashed in his pupils again... He took a deep breath and pressed down hard. He sneered and said,

""Destroy it!"

Almost at the same time. The jet-black muzzle of the"Pluto" in outer space began to condense bursts of white light, as if an unimaginable powerful force was gathering again. The entire outer space seemed a little unstable at this moment... and began to shake!

Then... suddenly, the muzzle paused... A huge white laser beam suddenly shot out from the muzzle in a certain direction, advancing at an unimaginable speed, tearing through the sky...

At the same time!

Hundreds of miles away in the Marine Headquarters of Marinford, for many naval soldiers, today was an ordinary day... Only a few people looked at the sky with a little confusion, as if they were a little puzzled as to why the sky seemed so bright today!

"That... is that the sun? Why is the sun so big today!"

Someone murmured, but he didn't care... and just a few seconds later, the human body's sixth sense felt like a needle prick, and the man was a little dazed... He knew it was a dangerous feeling.

At the same time... almost all the navy officers in the headquarters of the navy had their sixth senses fully activated!

Danger! Danger!

But before they could make any reaction, a huge straight beam of light shot towards them fiercely in the sky!


Then... the entire Marinford began to fall apart, the earth began to collapse, and the lives of countless people stopped at this moment... Only a deep pit was left on the earth! The entire Marinford was wiped out! ps: Dear readers, please note that the descriptions of the Celestial Dragon chapter and the plot of Im and others are all made up by me... Don't take it too seriously. After all, Oda didn't say it clearly, so I can only guess and barely make it round.

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