On an unknown island!

Animals in an archipelago are fighting fiercely for territory!

But the next moment... the two sides of the original battle actually stopped at the same time, and the eyes of the big and small beasts were all staring at a certain direction with nervous expressions!

Buzz! Buzz!

With a wave of space fluctuations... two people appeared out of thin air in the place where there was nothing originally!

It was Bai Ze and Akainu who escaped from the battlefield with Kamui!

Bai Ze knew that it was undoubtedly a foolish dream to defeat the Beasts Pirates alone at present, so at the moment of the explosion... he transferred Akainu and himself to the nearest island!

This place does not belong to the scope of the Beasts Pirates, so it is temporarily safe.

The two of them did not show any airs when they landed, and sat on the ground by themselves.

It was nothing... The injury was a bit too serious, especially Akainu. At this moment, his chest was sunken, and the whole person could no longer lift the strength!

And Bai Ze was not much better at the moment... He had overused the Mangekyō Sharingan, and he lowered his head as soon as he sat down.

I covered my eyes tightly with my hands... my whole body was shaking slightly from the pain.

"Damn...why does it hurt so much?……"

Bai Ze's face was twisted, because the pain from overusing the Mangekyō Sharingan was really a weird pain... the kind that goes deep into the bone marrow... no wonder the Mangekyō Sharingan is so powerful, this damn side effect is incredible!

After all, Bai Ze is not currently the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, and cannot use the Mangekyō Sharingan frequently... no matter how strong his mental power is!

But the Double Kamui is really powerful... even if it blinds Bai Ze, he is unwilling to give up.

How can you use the Double Kamui forever?... Bai Ze's expression was a little tangled.

But before he could hesitate for long, the familiar system in his mind appeared again!

【Ding! Because the host completed the previous task at a high level... a high-level task is opened for the host!】

【Ding! Kill at least one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea within three months... The reward depends on the completion of the task. The more you kill, the richer the reward. The initial reward is Hashirama Cells.……】

【Current Host Panel】

【Host: Bai Ze】

【Constitution: 300】

【Mental strength: 950】

【Talent: Divine Mangekyō Sharingan (Advanced)】

【Ninjutsu: None】

【[Slaughter Point: 680]

Listening to the dreamlike voice, Bai Ze instantly felt that the pain in his body was reduced a lot.

It was nothing... The mission reward was too generous. Hashirama cells, this is something that only the man known as the God of Ninja in the Naruto world has!

His powerful recovery ability is simply abnormal. As long as you don't actively seek death, you won't be killed.

Bai Ze was a little excited. After having Hashirama's cells, he thought that with his powerful recovery ability, he should be able to use the Mangekyō Sharingan frequently!

As for killing the Seven Warlords of the Sea!... This matter should not be too difficult for him now.

Except for the truly abnormal guys among them, he really didn't take the others seriously.

After putting away his excitement, Bai Ze noticed the bright 680 slaughter points again.

Bai Ze was a little sad. He didn't expect that the gains from this battle were so high... Almost comparable to the gains in the previous few months. Sure enough... Killing powerful pirates is the most cost-effective!

Bai Ze's eyebrows were frivolous and his eyes were full of coldness... For him now, he no longer regarded pirates as people, but as rewards one by one.

As people? They don't deserve it!

Bai Ze collected his thoughts and quickly added all 680 slaughter points to his mental strength. For now, his physical fitness was no longer of much use!

〖Ding... The addition was successful, and the current mental power is 1630 (normal is 10)〗

In an instant, Bai Ze felt that the pain in his body was reduced a lot. Sure enough, mental power is closely related to the Mangekyō Sharingan!

After recovering a few points, Bai Ze subconsciously wanted to raise his head to see the situation around him... Then he saw a familiar big face in front of him.

His brows were furrowed, and his face was full of worry!


Bai Ze asked in surprise, because the latter was still bleeding at the moment, this...

Looking at Akainu's somewhat nervous face, Bai Ze felt a warm current in his heart.

"Ahem... Nothing, I just noticed that you looked a little strange, and I was a little worried."

Noticing Bai Ze's strange look, Akainu awkwardly withdrew his gaze.

What's wrong with him? Why would he care so much about a child?


After thinking about it, Akainu smiled and started to change the subject.

"Ahem... little guy, you really have so many abilities!……"

Akainu was a little sad. First, the terrifying skeleton giant and then the teleportation ability...

This is simply too powerful!

Akainu stared at Bai Ze and asked a soul-searching question.

"Is this your devil fruit ability? What type is it?"


Bai Ze frowned slightly. How to explain this question... His ability does not come from the devil fruit, but from another world.

But he didn't want to deceive Akainu.


Just as he was about to speak, Akainu waved his hand and he smiled.

"You don't have to tell me. Everyone has their own secrets. As long as this power is safe for you... that's fine."

""Akainu... Uncle"

Bai Ze's face was a little moved. Is this trust?

The trust of the man in front of him... Bai Ze sighed a little.

It seems that the latter's kindness is really hard to repay!

"From today on, I am a navy officer!"

Bai Ze suddenly grinned. As soon as he said this... Akainu was immediately delighted, with his mouth wide open.

He stood up and hugged Bai Ze, laughing and patting the latter's shoulder.

"The Navy welcomes you, Bai Ze!"

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