Above the majestic sea, a small boat is sailing slowly against the sea breeze!

There are two people on the boat, one looks like a teenager but looks a little weird with his cold face, the other is tall and wearing a slightly tattered navy uniform!

The word justice is written on the uniform!

The two are Akainu and Shirazawa!

After resting for a while, the two wanted to be on the safe side, after all, Kaido’s Beasts Pirates are not very far away from them!

So the two immediately built a small raft and set sail against the sea breeze... The target is directly the navy headquarters!

The small raft is very small, it can barely seat two people, and there is also the task of rowing... So the tall Akainu took the lead in doing this!

And he was the kind of person who rushed to do it!

There is no other... Akainu is too happy today, because Shiraz has truly become a navy.


Akainu, who was rowing the boat at the bow, laughed suppressedly from time to time on his stern face.

He looked at the vast sea and began to fantasize in his heart...

With Bai Ze's powerful fighting force joining the navy, maybe... his dream could really come true.

Kill all the pirates and bring permanent peace to this sea area. No one would have to live in fear anymore, and there would be no more tragedies like himself or Bai Ze!

Many people have prejudiced that Akainu is extremely warlike, but who can understand his true thoughts!

"Akainu... Uncle, let's eat fish. I use the unique cooking method of our Sea Breeze Village."

"It tastes great!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice brought Akainu back to reality. Akainu turned around and saw Bai Ze's big smiling face.

The latter held two grilled fish and shook them proudly at him. Although Bai Ze's smile was a little stiff... but it was still a smile!

Except when facing the pirates, Bai Ze was a little crazy, but at other times, Bai Ze was still very normal!

Akainu was a little moved. This little guy might not have smiled for too long!

""Hmm! Delicious... Bai Ze, you are such a genius."

Akainu took the grilled fish, took a bite, and praised with a blushing face, while Bai Ze smiled and shook his head.

He sat at the stern with the grilled fish, looking at the sparkling sea boredly.

He was still thinking about the task just issued by the system, to kill the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

Who should he kill? And when should he go?

Bai Ze considered it carefully, and first ruled out a guy with a sword...

Hawkeye Mihawk, the strong man known as the world's number one swordsman, Bai Ze was not sure of defeating him!

Secondly, Bai Ze temporarily ruled out the Empress and Tyrant Bear... because the abilities of the two were a bit perverted, and they might overturn if they were not careful!

After ruling out these three, the rest...

Bai Ze subconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a dangerous smile.

The remaining guys will become his, Bai Ze's, prey... Kill for the sake of killing!

Bai Ze doesn't care about anything else.……

"This little guy……"

Akainu was eating grilled fish and subconsciously saw Bai Ze showing that dangerous smile again.

Akainu was slightly shocked. Who is the unlucky guy that Bai Ze is targeting again... That guy is in trouble!

"Bai Ze, after you report to the Navy Headquarters, don't leave yet.……"

Akainu thought for a moment and looked at Bai Ze and said


Bai Ze was a little surprised. He was in a hurry to kill the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

"I know you're keen on killing pirates, but... don't be too impatient."

"Do you remember what I said to you?"

"……Which sentence?"

Bai Ze frowned slightly, and Akainu shook his head and patted his shoulder and said seriously

"Only a living genius is a genius... a dead genius is nothing."

Hearing this, Bai Ze frowned and thought about it. Akainu thought for a while and continued to speak.

"Although you are strong now, your combat skills are still a little rusty. Stay in the Marine Headquarters for a month!"

"I will have someone teach you various skills, such as the Navy's Six Styles or the use of Haki... In terms of systematic learning, our navy still has a lot of advantages!"

Akainu really felt that Bai Ze was a little too hasty, so he wanted to slow him down.

But before Akainu could continue to persuade him, Bai Ze smiled.

"Okay, I promise you, Uncle Akainu! I will study hard at the Marine Headquarters for a while."

3 months is plenty of time to kill the Seven Warlords of the Sea... It's also good to study at the Marine Headquarters.

Of course, the most important thing is... Shirazawa doesn't want to refuse Akainu's request!

"You kid……"

Akainu shook his head and smiled helplessly, then started rowing again!

Target...Navy Headquarters! ps: Please give me a five-star rating, everyone!

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