In addition to his previous life... Bai Ze was just a young man who hadn't lived for 30 years.

Bai Ze had all the ambitions that young people have, but he hid them very deeply...

Originally, Bai Ze was going to deal with the guys by himself, but Akainu's intervention saved him a lot of effort.

Because this was an extremely annoying thing!

"Little guy, remember to smile more!"

Akainu didn't choose to talk to Bai Ze anymore, but left with this sentence!

Smile more!

This was the second time that Uncle Akainu reminded him. Bai Ze took out a mirror and looked at himself.

"Do I rarely laugh?"

Bai Ze's mouth curled up, and a very weird smile appeared on Bai Ze's face.

Ugly - this was Bai Ze's first thought.

In fact, Bai Ze loved to laugh before, and was once regarded as the village's happy pill... But since the group of demons came to the village a few years ago, Bai Ze almost never laughed again!

The only few times he laughed were just polite smiles!

Bai Ze frowned slightly and sighed softly, his expression was a bit too troublesome!

After a slight hesitation, he came to a store in the Navy Headquarters.

This is a special store set up by the Navy Headquarters, and the goods inside are all available!

As soon as he entered the store, Bai Ze made what he thought was a friendly voice.

"Do you have any masks for sale? Boss!"

Buying a mask was just a method Bai Ze thought of. Since others always care about his expression... he might as well just put on a mask!

""Yes, yes!"

A fat boss wearing a tattered navy hat came out.

He was a retired navy soldier who opened this shop when he had nothing else to do.

""Which one do you want, little brother?"

He was a man who didn't care about worldly affairs, so he didn't know Bai Ze... but he could feel that the boy in front of him was not simple.

Soon he pulled Bai Ze to a shelf, which was full of various masks, including cow heads, pig heads, and some strange ghost masks.

The fat boss was smiling and wanted to introduce these masks to Bai Ze... but Bai Ze raised his hand to stop him!

Bai Ze walked slowly to a corner and reached out to pick up a dusty mask.

The mask was half black and half white, half crying and half smiling... It looked extremely weird, and it was creepy to look at it carefully. It was a kind of strange mask. The boss liked this weird mask since he bought it.

""Boss, I want this!"

Bai Ze suddenly said in a low voice, and then he stretched out his hand and put the half-crying, half-smiling clown mask on his face!

This mask seemed to be made for Bai Ze himself, just covering Bai Ze's entire face, leaving only a pair of bright eyes...

Coupled with a somewhat cold look, and the Ghost God Weeping diagonally across his waist, Bai Ze had a few more indescribable temperaments!

People would be attracted to it when they saw it.

"How much? Boss!

Bai Ze asked, but the stunned boss had no intention of collecting money.

He waved his hand hurriedly.

"No need for money, little brother... I'll give you this mask as a gift. My name is James... Let's be friends!"

For some reason, the boss named James had such an idea. He felt that the boy in front of him would be a great legend in the future!

"Thank you, my name is Bai Ze!

Bai Ze squinted his eyes and replied, then turned around and walked out of the store.

"Bai Ze...what a nice name."

James murmured as he looked at Bai Ze's back.


Bai Ze walked into the Marine Headquarters wearing a half-crying, half-smiling clown mask. Sure enough, after putting on this mask, there were fewer people pointing fingers at him!

After all... no one knew him!

Bai Ze felt good and didn't even want to take off the mask. Without much hesitation... he walked all the way to Kizaru's office. He gently pushed the door open and saw a middle-aged man with a stubble on his face, lying on the sofa with a lazy look on his face.

Bai Ze looked at the man and said:……

"Admiral Kizaru, I'm here to learn Observation Haki from you!"


The middle-aged man called General Kizaru rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked over...

He squinted slightly and looked at Bai Ze. Although Bai Ze's outfit was a little weird, Kizaru still recognized him quickly.

"Devil May Cry! Rocks's saber... This is the gift Garp gave you. He's really generous."

"Envy... Envy."

Kizaru recognized the magic sword across Bai Ze's waist at a glance, and immediately began to tease him.

However, Bai Ze didn't have the time to waste time arguing with Kizaru, he calmly repeated:

"General Kizaru, please teach me Observation Haki!"

As the user of the Pikachu-Pikachu Fruit, he has absolute speed in the pirate world... His Observation Haki is also extremely powerful because of this. Therefore, Kizaru is designated as Bai Ze's Observation Haki teacher!

"Hey... Another boring brat, don't you know to take more rest when you have time?"

Kizaru stood up helplessly, sighing as he looked at this brat that everyone valued...

With the tilt of all the navy's educational resources, plus the boy's own potential... I don't know what kind of monster will be cultivated!

Kizaru thought to himself, if the boy in front of him can really stand on his own in the future... Will he be able to have more free time!

While Kizaru was daydreaming about the future, Bai Ze was also looking at Kizaru and thinking...

This man with a bit of wretched temperament in front of him is actually very strong. He almost never uses his full strength... It seems unnecessary or he is lazy.

But even so, this man has almost no defeats. He is a top-level player with absolute speed.���The one who is so lazy!

Bai Ze thought to himself that if he took control of the navy in the future, he would definitely use this guy... He must not let him get away with it any longer!

Bai Ze thought to himself!

The two of them slowly met each other's eyes, and both of them smiled knowingly!


Without much nonsense, Kizaru quickly took Bai Ze to the training ground he had prepared specifically for Bai Ze!

It was an extremely open field, and in order to allow Bai Ze to practice, all the people were dispersed in the past few days! It was a huge scene!

But not long after Bai Ze and Kizaru left, a thin figure suddenly appeared where they had been standing before!

There was a long and thin scar on the man's face, which looked very ferocious... and the rank on his shoulder revealed one thing.

That is, he is a major general!

The major general squinted at the backs of Bai Ze and Kizaru leaving in the distance, and murmured softly with a twitch of his mouth.

"White Pond……"

As he spoke, he took out a notebook from his arms and started recording something. After finishing these things... the man returned to the darkness, as if he had never appeared!

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