Observation Haki! Armament Haki! Conqueror Haki!

These three colors of Haki are the standard for the truly strong... In the eyes of the truly top-level strong, there is actually no distinction between the abilities of devil fruits.

The real victory or defeat almost all depends on how strong the Haki is... Each of the three colors of Haki has its own advantages.

Armament Haki enhances defense and attack, and the strong can even be invulnerable to swords and guns, while Observation Haki enhances perception and can predict sudden attacks. When practiced to the extreme, you can almost see a glimpse of the future.

The most powerful Conqueror Haki is almost omnipotent... It can enhance yourself and suppress others!

Bai Ze has benefited a lot from getting the true teachings of Armament Haki from Garp...

Because he magically discovered that the Armament Haki of this pirate world seems to be able to combine with his own Susanoo... That is to say, he can put a layer of shield on his own Susanoo!

This discovery made Bai Ze very excited!

Sure enough, no matter what plane it is, some special things are common...

And since Armament Haki has conquered both his own Susanoo, what about Observation Haki?

"The so-called Observation Haki is the ultimate perception... You have to feel every movement around you and react as quickly as possible!"

"like this……"

In an empty field, Kizaru, with his hands behind his back and a lazy expression, began to explain the secret of Observation Haki to Bai Ze!

Haki is almost always passed down by word of mouth, except for the original inventor... It is really difficult for you to comprehend it yourself!

What's more, Bai Ze is an outsider!

As Kizaru said this, he took out a handful of silver needles with one hand and asked Bai Ze to throw them into the sky... Then he would catch them!

"Let me throw it?"

Bai Ze caught the silver needles with a strange expression... He looked at the silver needles and suddenly smiled.

"Then I'll just throw them randomly!"

Bai Ze moved his shoulders and threw out the silver needles one by one with great arm strength... as fast as lightning!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Dozens of silver needles flew into the sky at an extremely fast speed... and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Seeing how hard Bai Ze threw, Kizaru's mouth twitched subconsciously... But he didn't dare to say anything, and Kizaru still stood there obediently.

After a few dozen seconds, Kizaru's sleepy eyes suddenly became sharp... He just pointed his toes and shot out directly!

Bai Ze squinted his eyes and watched the scene, and saw that the silver needles that had just been thrown out were predicted by Kizaru to fall one by one.

Then he caught them all... During this period, Kizaru didn't even look up at the sky.

You have to know that Bai Ze added some cleverness to these silver needles... Bai Ze himself couldn't predict the flight trajectory, of course, that was without using the Mangekyō Sharingan!

Kizaru squinted at Bai Ze and yawned!

"This is what my teacher taught me. This is one of the fastest ways to achieve Observation Haki. You have to feel the speed of the wind... You have to chase every sound of the target."

"These silver needles are for you... kid, aren't you talented? I'll give you three days... you have to predict where more than half of these silver needles will land, and then I'll teach you something further."

"It seemed to take me 5 days at that time... I hope you can surpass me."

Kizaru shrugged and reminded:"By the way, during this period, you can't use your weird eyes.……"

Those red pupils are the source of Bai Ze's power... As the top combat force of the navy, Sengoku Garp and the three admirals have already seen the essence.

These eyes are very strange, and it seems that they are not a devil fruit ability, but everyone tacitly does not investigate... This is a tacit understanding and trust!

They dare to give Bai Ze privileges, naturally they really trust Bai Ze!

"Got it!"

In order to really improve himself, Bai Ze didn't need Kizaru to remind him... He wouldn't cheat with the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Soon! Kizaru gave some instructions and went back to his office to slack off...

Although he was an admiral of the navy, he liked to be lazy the most... He would rest whenever he could. This was something the entire navy headquarters knew, but few people had any opinions.

After all, they were all human... No one owed the navy anything and had to give everything for the navy!

Everyone said that what Akainu promoted was absolute justice, and Kizaru was lazy justice... Kizaru liked other people's evaluation of him like this, lazy justice...? The name was good, after all, he was really lazy.

Too lazy to fight, too lazy to do anything, even being a navy was half-hearted. Half-heartedly...

But Kizaru himself thinks that his justice should be more appropriately called balanced justice. In fact, he, Kizaru, has always been committed to a balance.

Whether it's the navy or the pirates... there are good and evil, and the two are actually essentially the same. Kizaru believes that the two should coexist. If one is gone, there will be big problems.

That's why Kizaru is so lazy during the current period of strength of the navy... He actually doesn't want to see a scene where one party dominates. There are too many disputes in this huge navy... He doesn't like it, and doesn't want to care. Let it be? As long as it doesn't provoke him.

Kizaru walked out of the training ground slowly... But the next moment before leaving, Kizaru suddenly stopped...

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corner of his eyes looked somewhere.……


Huang Yuan said something in a voice that only he could hear, and then he quickened his pace to leave...

Long after Huang Yuan left, a thin figure slowly appeared.

There was a thin scar on his face, and he frowned and said

""Have you been discovered?"

The man whose real name is Enzo, a major general of the Navy Headquarters... and whose real identity is actually a member of the Beasts Pirates, spoke secretly.

But he soon shook his head again. He had only followed the two of them twice, so how could he be discovered so quickly... You know, he is the user of the Fragrance Fruit.

He has the ability to hide his breath, and with his own hidden means, this is impossible.……

"It seems that I have to kill that kid as soon as possible... That kid must not be left alive!"

Enzo showed a trace of viciousness on his face, and he took out a photo... If Bai Ze was here, he would find that the head in the photo was himself.

A rear admiral actually wanted to kill him!

Kill Bai Ze!

This is the task that the Beasts Pirates gave to him, who has been a traitor for a long time, but has just been used for the first time...

To assassinate a person in the headquarters of the navy, and this person is still a hot figure among the current vice admirals of the navy... In other words, this is actually a mission that is bound to die.

Regardless of success or failure!

But Enzo doesn't care... A man dies for his confidant, Kaido has done him a great favor! What's wrong with death, as long as he can complete the task given by the other party!

"Go to hell, kid... This is the only useful thing I can do for you!"

Enzo looked at Bai Ze's photo and smiled sinisterly, then disappeared into the darkness again. ps: Two chapters of 5,000 words, that's it for today... I'll definitely increase the volume later! If nothing unexpected happens.

If it's convenient, please urge me to update and give me a five-star rating!

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