While Bai Ze was still fighting, in a sea area a hundred miles away from Dressrosa, two warships were rushing towards this side from different directions at a very fast speed.

One of the warships was led by Akainu, who chased here as soon as he knew the information about Bai Ze!

At this moment, he was standing on the deck with a solemn expression, listening to his subordinates constantly reporting the situation and analysis. After a long time...

Akainu sighed softly while smoking a cigar,

"This is a bit troublesome. Looking at the situation... this little guy Bai Ze is preparing to take action against that guy Doflamingo!"

"But to kill one of the Shichibukai? This will cause quite a bit of turmoil... If Sengoku finds out, he will probably curse again." After analyzing Bai Ze's actions, Akainu felt a little overwhelmed. He knew that Bai Ze hated pirates very much and was very impulsive... but he didn't expect him to be so impulsive. He had only been in the Marine Headquarters for more than half a month, and he went to kill Doflamingo quietly... This was really a"surprise" for him! That

's right, Akainu really believed that Bai Ze could kill Doflamingo, who was known as one of the Shichibukai. What Akainu was worried about was... the consequences after killing Doflamingo. What would the other Shichibukai do after hearing the news? There was a great possibility that these guys would rebel!

Thinking of this... Akainu frowned even deeper!

The naval soldier in charge of intelligence on the side saw Akainu's look, and subconsciously felt disgusted with this reckless navy named Bai Ze.

"This Bai Ze acts so recklessly just because he thinks that you, sir, value him too much... He is simply being spoiled by your favor!"

"I suggest that we catch this guy and give him a severe punishment!"


The navy soldier decided to flatter Akainu with a flattering smile on his face... but the next moment he felt a chill beside him. He looked up and saw Akainu looking at him with a gloomy face!

"Is he someone you can talk about casually?"


The navy soldier stammered and tried to explain, but was picked up by Akainu and thrown to the back.

"If you have time to talk about others, you might as well spend more time practicing... to become stronger and kill more pirates."

"Starting today, your daily training volume will be doubled!"

The navy soldier whose original name was Jim nodded bitterly... He was a little speechless in his heart.

Commander Akainu is really too hypocritical, as if no matter what the young navy soldier named Bai Ze does, it is right... The kind that does not distinguish between right and wrong. The current Commander Akainu has really changed! Akainu here doesn't know that the navy soldiers below have so many inner thoughts, but even if he knew... Akainu would just smile casually.

As for Bai Ze... he is indeed hypocritical, what's the matter! Do you really think that Akainu is very opposed to killing the Seven Warlords of the Sea? No... On the contrary, he supports it, because he Akainu was originally one of the first people to oppose the Seven Warlords of the Sea system.

After all, Akainu really hates cooperating with pirates... So Akainu has always had those little thoughts about the Seven Warlords of the Sea over the years. If he hadn't considered too much, he Akainu would be the first person to take action against the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Bai Ze, Bai Ze... I hope you, little guy, will stop making trouble, otherwise I will be unable to stop you."

Akainu murmured with a contradictory expression, because his sixth sense told him...

Bai Ze would definitely make more trouble, and the speed would be beyond his expectation.

Putting away these chaotic thoughts, Akainu raised his hand and shouted

"Target Dressrosa, full speed ahead!"

""Yes! Sir!"


The warship quickly disappeared in this sea area...

What Akainu didn't know was that in a sea area more than ten miles away from him, there was actually another navy warship that issued the same order as him.

"Full speed ahead, target Dressrosa!"

A man with a deep breath and a resolute face, wearing a navy justice uniform, stood on the deck and issued an order.

The man whose real name is Vergo, the current rear admiral of the navy and real identity as Doflamingo's senior cadre, had a worried look on his face at the moment, because as a spy, he learned a special piece of information today.

That is Bai Ze, the hottest and most hated character in the Navy Headquarters recently, is going to Dressrosa... Combined with the fact that this young man had been to Kaido and made a big fuss, Vergo immediately realized that something was wrong.

Because he was engaged in intelligence, he knew that Bai Ze, the young man, had an extreme hatred for pirates... without the slightest hesitation.

He usually reported to Doflamingo in person in a one-way manner, and he could not use Den Den Mushi... so he had to notify Doflamingo as quickly as possible to be ready.

"I hope... my guess is wrong, the boy in the rumor shouldn't be so stupid as to attack the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

Vergo looked grim, and could only pray... It was not a good thing to tear his face with the navy at this moment.



At this moment!

On the third floor of the Dressrosa Palace!

A long trail of blood spread from the end of the corridor to the end of the corridor. The bodies of pirates holding various weapons were scattered all over the ground... The air was filled with a pungent smell of blood.

How horrible, bloody scenes are hard to imagine happening in this place, because this is the territory of Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

It is one of the real top forces in the world...

And the instigator of such a tragic scene is a boy who is just over thirteen years old.

At this moment, Bai Ze looked at all this calmly, and the sea of blood and corpses in front of him could not affect him at all.……

〖Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a pirate with a bounty of 5800 Baileys, and rewarding 58 slaughter points!〗

〖Current Kill Point: 430〗

"Add it to my physique!"

Bai Ze hesitated for a moment and issued the order. His physique was a bit low for the people in the pirate world who had abnormal physiques.

〖Ding, the addition was successful. 〗

Bai Ze felt a familiar force in his body. After adapting to it, he shrugged his shoulders and showed a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, killing is indeed more suitable for me."

Of course, the domineering training in the headquarters of the Navy is also very useful.

Bai Ze thought about it and looked to the side again, his eyes narrowed slightly... That's right, Senior, who had just appeared, was dead at this moment.

He killed him in less than 3 minutes!

It must be said that although this man's strength is not very enough, he is very tough. Even after he found that he was no match for himself in an instant after the fight, he did not retreat at all.

Bai Ze knew that these Mingge cadres were absolutely loyal to Doflamingo, the kind who were willing to die... It is indeed a bit ironic that a villain has teammates who are willing to die for him.

But Bai Ze didn't feel that there was anything wrong, just a different position... But now he, Bai Ze, is stronger, so... they have to die.

Looking at the man's body, Bai Ze hesitated for a while... picked up the pacifier that fell next to him, and put it back on the latter's mouth.

"I hope you won't be a pirate in your next life... Otherwise I will kill you again."

Bai Ze said coldly, stepping over the other's body... and walked to the next level with his sword raised again.

The killing continued!

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