Killing a pirate, Bai Ze will get the corresponding slaughter points, which means that Bai Ze will become stronger and stronger over time!

The later Doflamingo noticed him, the more miserable the former would die.

But just when Bai Ze was getting more and more disappointed with this so-called hero...

When Bai Ze slaughtered all the pirates on the third floor and stepped into the fourth floor, he was attacked from afar by several heavy footsteps and a majestic aura far greater than that of Senio.

The man was wearing a pink cape, wearing shoes that didn't fit well, and walked slowly towards Bai Ze with his iconic arrogant steps...

Doflamingo, the main person behind today's incident finally appeared!

Not only that, but behind him were three neatly arranged top cadres... But the faces of these three people were very ugly at the moment.

Obviously, Bai Ze's strength was a bit beyond their expectations. They didn't care about Bai Ze at first, but when they learned that the other party had killed Senio, they were shocked instantly.

But the three of them were still careless and wanted to send one of them to kill Bai Ze, and they didn't even want to bother Doflamingo. but……

"Let's go together. This navy is not simple... Maybe today is the most dangerous day for me!"

Doflamingo appeared from nowhere and interrupted their thoughts with a serious face.

He even notified some of his secret forces to rush over.……

""Young Master, is it necessary to make such a big scene? Is it a navy admiral who is coming?"

Torebol was still puzzled along the way, and so were the others.

But Doflamingo only replied with one sentence:……

"We will find the right time and attack the invader at all costs, even if it means exchanging our lives for his!"

Those who know Doflamingo's character well understand that he is not joking this time... Their pirate group is really in great danger today.


Retracting their chaotic thoughts, Trebol and the others looked at each other and began to look for the best position for a sneak attack.

Doflamingo's expression, which had been solemn all the way, was replaced by a calm face with an elusive smile.

Looking at Bai Ze holding a bloody knife, and sensing the latter's aura,

Doflamingo smiled slightly.……

"Interesting... I didn't expect it was you who came."

"Bai Ze, a young sailor who was given the greatest educational resources by the navy as an exception... a guy who is highly valued by Akainu, you come here to kill people... is that what your navy leaders want?"

Doflamingo spoke some secret information about Bai Ze. If Vergo was here, he would be very surprised... after all, he didn't have time to tell Mingge.

Bai Ze tilted his head and showed a wicked smile, looking at this guy who finally appeared.

Interesting, he is worthy of being the underground king of the pirate world. The strength of this intelligence is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary people...

Bai Ze didn't say anything, holding the magic sword Ghost Weeping, he began to look at everyone with interest.

It seems that he doesn't take everyone present seriously at all.

"This guy is so arrogant!...Who is he?"

Doflamingo's expression remained unchanged, but his face became more solemn.

He thought to himself that the aura of this young navy seemed to be stronger than he expected...even though his intelligence department had reminded him that Bai Ze was an extremely powerful navy.

But the other party was really too young, and Doflamingo couldn't help but look down on him...but more.

Diamante, who didn't know Bai Ze's intelligence, showed an angry look on his face, and his right hand slowly touched the sword at his waist...someone actually dared to look down on him.

Later, he will chop off the head of this annoying navy and make it into a with it every night!

The scene was silent for a few seconds in the weird atmosphere.

A cold voice finally broke the calm!

The young navy standing in the sea of corpses and blood began to walk towards the crowd.

"I am a navy and I want to kill you pirates. Do I need any reason?"

The voice was not loud, but it fell clearly into everyone's ears.

Doflamingo's smile froze on his face.……

"Aren't we the Shichibukai pirates recognized by your World Government? We are allies with your Navy.……"

Torrebol, who noticed something was wrong, asked, staring at Bai Ze.

Is this navy crazy? They haven't even discussed it yet, and they're already falling out so quickly?……


Bai Ze replied with an extremely indifferent sentence.

His current job was just to kill people, and he didn't have time to think so much... As for the consequences.

Let's talk about it after killing the group of people in front of him!

After saying that, Bai Ze tiptoed and rushed towards Doflamingo...

The latter stared at Bai Ze calmly, and then spit out two words.

""Hurry up!"

Diamante, who had been prepared for a long time, rushed out at the first moment. With the ability of the Floating Fruit, he... exerted his speed to the extreme.

"Arrogant brat, die for me!"

He roared with his eyes splitting!

The huge Pica and Trebol looked at each other and attacked together.

Doflamingo had already told them in advance that the guy in front of them was not simple, so they would not hold back easily now!

Three people attacked Bai Ze from three special angles!

"Too slow, not enough power, rough technique……"

Bai Ze calmly gave out a calm expression, and the three magatama Sharingan slowly moved again... The power of the Mangekyō Sharingan was activated.

With a burst of space distortion, Bai Ze stood still... and the attacks of several people were all in vain.

Even several people collided with each other.

"What the hell, what happened?"

"Why did my attack miss?……"


Several people made the same exclamation as the Beasts Pirates.

However, their strength was not as strong as those of the Beasts Pirates.……


Bai Ze cursed coldly, and the Armament Haki instantly covered the Demon Sword Ghostly Weeping!

Then he slashed directly at the nearest Diamante!

The speed was as fast as lightning!


Under Bai Ze's cold eyes, the latter was instantly split into two... He was actually cut in half.

His eyes were wide open before he died... How could it be so fast.

How could he be so strong!


The body fell heavily to the ground, and blood flowed all over the ground!

Doflamingo, Trebol, Pica... were silent. ps: Please urge for more updates and give some five-star praise everyone, it will be recommended immediately!

Author, please!

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