The word"loneliness" seems to accompany Bai Ze throughout his life. Whenever he has something precious, God will cruelly take it away.

For example, the village that he regards as a treasure, Bai Ze sometimes wonders if it is his"unlucky constitution" that brings disaster to them.

So it is difficult for Bai Ze to make friends with others happily now, he is afraid of bringing disaster to others!

And Brook seems to be the same as himself. He just stepped into the Grand Line and made an agreement with a little whale with a predestined relationship. They set out on the journey with full expectations!

But an accident happened soon... Because the ship's doctor died first, they lost the battle tragically, and the entire pirate ship was wiped out. Only Brook survived because of the power of the Yomiuri fruit.

But because of some accidents, when he resumed his activities, his body had turned into a skeleton, so he survived alone in this sea as a skeleton.

Just for that promise!

Loneliness... will always accompany him!

Bai Ze took a deep breath and looked at this family that had actually been dead for decades.���……

The identity of a pirate had long been lost since that day.

Bai Ze thought so, but the main reason was……

"Can you do me a favor?"

Bai Ze asked calmly, and Brooke was stunned.

"What help?"

This young navy officer was really weird. First he wanted to kill him, then he didn't kill him and hurt himself... Now he's asking for help!

"Take me to the Terrible Three Ghost Galleons!"

"What? You're going there!"

Brooke looked at Bai Ze in astonishment. He hesitated and asked

"What are you doing there? It's very dangerous there."

Brooke kindly reminded Bai Ze of his kindness in not killing him, because he had been there before and almost lost his life there.

Even if he escaped, he was forced to leave his shadow there, so he could never touch the sun again and could not leave this devil's triangle!

"You don't have to worry about this... Just take me there."

Bai Ze raised his eyebrows and replied indifferently.

Letting Brook be his guide to the Terror Three Gui Sailboat was the biggest reason why he didn't kill Brook... He didn't have time to waste here.

He must kill two or even three of the Seven Warlords of the Sea within three months, and for this he can lower some of his bottom lines... Brook is now a matter of choice for Bai Ze. If he doesn't kill him, he can get some benefits in return... Bai Ze doesn't plan to let him go.

After that, Bai Ze leaned on the guardrail to rest. Although Hashirama's cells have a strong recovery ability... But he is not invincible.

He also needs to rest!


Brooke replied helplessly. This young navy man is really hard to get along with!


Squeak! Squeak!

Brook had no choice but to walk to the control panel and skillfully start to turn the pirate ship around!

However, after being alone for so long, he still couldn't resist the desire to talk to someone. He asked while operating the ship.

"By the way, little brother, how do you know my name is Brook? Am I... famous?"

Brook was a little happy. He thought that maybe their Rumba Pirates might be very famous in the future!


In order not to reveal his identity as a time traveler, Bai Ze answered against his conscience.

"Aren't you surprised that a skeleton like me can talk?"

Brooke asked again.

Bai Ze nodded:"……surprise!"

"Really perfunctory……"

Brooke laughed. This young navy man was really interesting. He seemed to know his situation very well. Who was this guy?

"Can you tell me about the outside world? I haven't been out for many years... I'm a little curious.

Although he knew that Bai Ze was a little disgusted with him, Brooke, who couldn't stand the loneliness, continued to chat.

Bai Ze glanced at Brooke coldly and chose not to answer his question.……


Brook was not annoyed. It was normal for the navy to hate him as a pirate. And from the looks of it... this navy boy seemed to have a great prejudice against pirates.

He picked up an empty coffee cup and began to shake it while talking to himself.

"Little brother, although I don't know what happened between you and the pirates, in my time, the relationship between the navy and the pirates was not so incompatible. The navy was responsible for maintaining order, and we pirates just wanted to be free and go to a better place."

Brook seemed to have thought of something, and a hint of hope appeared on his bony face.

"Freedom, that is the most beautiful thing in the world... This world is big, everyone should have a chance to see it, our Rumba Pirates are like this... Everyone is a musician, wanting to bring songs to every corner of the world"


No one had spoken to him for decades, and Brook finally found someone and wanted to have a good chat...

However, after only a few words, the navy boy stood up again. His blood-red eyes were full of murderous intent, and Bai Ze squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

"Don't talk to me about freedom!!!"

"The freedom of you pirates is hypocritical... you are just a bunch of hypocrites."

The voice was not loud, but it made Brook subconsciously take a few steps back.

""Little brother, what's wrong with you?"

He didn't understand why Bai Ze went crazy again!

Bai Ze sneered,"You said that your Rumba Pirates are just to spread the song and find freedom... Then I want to ask you, where did all the resources and money spent by you on the voyage come from?"

"Those foods... Have you really never killed an innocent person?"

Just one sentence made Brook stunned.

Where did their resources and money come from? Brook was silent on this question... Because the cost of sailing along the way was extremely high, the money and resources they brought when they set out were used up in a short time.

And not every place has some ownerless treasures for them to take, so whenever they have no money or food, they only have one way... that is plunder!

Brook opened his mouth and wanted to explain that they usually chose some evil thieves passing by the island to rob and steal their money...

He also felt that it was reasonable and thought that he was helping the weak...

But Brook suddenly couldn't say it, because he found that this... was actually a bit self-deception, this was essentially still a plunder.

""Yes... I'm sorry!"

Brooke waved his hand dejectedly. He suddenly felt that something he had been holding on to in his heart began to break!

He came to the deck in a daze, leaning against the railing... letting the cold sea breeze hit his face.

Bai Ze put away his murderous intent and looked at all this indifferently...

Freedom?... Haha...

Sometimes some things are far more painful than killing people!

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