Ever since Brook's previous topic was sharply ended by Bai Ze!

The atmosphere on the ship was instantly pulled to the lowest point. Brook was driving the pirate ship absentmindedly, while Bai Ze was leaning on the Devil's Cry and squinting!

During this period, the two of them never said a word again!

Time passed bit by bit, and finally half a day later, Bai Ze, who felt a little movement, slowly opened his eyes in squinting.

With the extreme vision of the Sharingan, he could vaguely see a huge black shadow in the distance... like a big ring!

Slowly drifting in the sea...

This is the terrifying three-masted sailing ship!

The largest pirate ship in the pirate world, no one knows how he can have such a large area.

""Are we finally there?"

Bai Ze stood up slowly, stretched his muscles, and his eyes slowly became serious.

Gekko Moriah was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea after all, and Bai Ze didn't want to capsize... He had to do his best to kill the other party as quickly as possible.

Brook glanced at Bai Ze and still didn't say anything. He continued to drive the pirate ship slowly towards the terrifying three ghost sailboats.

Finally, after a few minutes, it really reached the shore!

No hesitation!

Bai Ze walked down, and as soon as he went down... a huge fishy smell accompanied by the smell of decay came to his face.

Bai Ze squinted and looked forward, graves... graves all over the ground, Bai Ze shrugged, he roughly knew where he was! Just as

Bai Ze was about to take a step and continue to move forward, he heard a familiar sound of footsteps behind him.

""Can I follow you for a while?"

Brook said calmly. Bai Ze stared at Brook for a while... After bringing himself to the Terror Three Strange Sailing Ship, Brook had lost his effect on him!

Without saying anything, Bai Ze turned around and left...

Brook hesitated for a while and immediately followed him without refusing... It shouldn't be a problem to follow for a while!

He looked at the back of the navy boy, his mind was particularly complicated... He was indeed confused by the boy's words, so he wanted to follow this strange boy to see what he was going to do?

The Terror Three-Mast Ship is very large!

Therefore, it is difficult for the small Moria Pirates to notice that someone has boarded the ship, and even if they are on the ship, most people can only be robbed of their shadows by Moonlight Moria... and then live miserably in a dark place!

Such days are even more miserable than death!

Click! Click!

When Bai Ze casually solved two"mummies" that woke up unexpectedly, Bai Ze's murderous intent towards Moonlight Moria increased a bit

"In order to study the art of immortality, so many people were turned into ghosts... Is this what you pirates call freedom?"

Bai Ze suddenly spoke up, and Brook on the side felt even more responsible. He knew that Bai Ze was mocking him.

He weakly defended himself.

"……Not every pirate is like this.……"


Bai Ze responded with indifference. It was obvious that Bai Ze didn't want to argue with Brooke about this issue!

A few minutes later!

Bai Ze finally arrived at the center of the three terrifying sailboats. Along the way, Bai Ze tried to reduce his breath as much as possible... so he didn't make a big noise.

Bai Ze looked up at the huge castle. He knew that Moonlight Moria should be inside the castle. After thinking for a while, he looked at Brooke again. The latter looked at Bai Ze a little confused.


Bai Ze hesitated for a moment and said,"I want you to do me another favor?"

"What help?"

"Help me make some noise here!" Bai Ze tilted his head and spoke in a somewhat cold tone.

"I want to kill someone!"

Hearing this, Brooke looked at Bai Ze and fell silent again.



At this moment in the dark castle!

Just as Bai Ze guessed, his target, Gekko Moriah, one of the current Seven Warlords of the Sea, is here.

But now he is very busy! Because the immortality technique he is studying is about to have a breakthrough!

In a dark little room, there are some strange bottles and jars everywhere.

At this moment, a guy about five meters tall and bloated in an ill-fitting tuxedo is laughing!

"Success, success, my dream is about to come true!"

"Immortality, I can finally realize this dream... My partner will never leave me again!"

Mogami Moriah looked at the man on the experimental table in front of him, his eyes full of excitement!

After being defeated by Kaido, he lost his subordinates and vowed to create a group of immortal subordinates to follow him forever... He didn't want to experience the feeling of loss!

"Ahem... Boss, you better not get too excited."

A somewhat sharp voice came out of the room at an inappropriate time. Soon, a middle-aged man wearing a somewhat perverted silk stocking top, bloated all over... and with a face like a devil walked out from the dark corner.

Moonlight Moria stared at the latter fiercely with an unfriendly look.……

"What do you mean?"

The middle-aged man named Hogback raised his eyebrows calmly.

"I said that although there has been a breakthrough in the art of immortality, it is still not enough to achieve the ultimate goal.……"

"What? Didn't you say a few years ago that it was almost finished?"

""It's coming soon. I have a feeling that day will come sooner or later... but not now."

Hogbak answered calmly. The death of his beloved woman Xin Duoli a few years ago made her extremely sad. He was eager to revive the latter, even at any cost!

Moonlight Moriah also had such a goal at that time, so the two hit it off and reached a cooperation.

However, the difficulty of resurrecting immortality is much more difficult than he imagined... There has been no major progress for several years. Only today did he have a hint of inspiration, and he hurriedly ruled Moonlight Moriah!


Gekko Moriah took a deep breath, but still refused to believe in evil and asked Hogback to show him his latest research results.

The latter couldn't refuse, so he pulled Gekko Moriah to a brand new operating table... On it lay a man who was fixed tightly!

He was a person who accidentally broke into their pirate group. This unlucky guy just happened to be their experimental subject!

"Are you ready?"

The two looked at each other and started to work as usual. Hogbak was responsible for the operation, and Moonlight Moria provided the shadow!

After working for a while.

The two looked at the corpse eagerly!

"Stand up!"

Moonlight Moria gave the order, buzz!

"The corpse immediately stood up as if it were alive. Moonlight Moria was a little happy and immediately issued a few other orders.

The latter still did the same thing, as if he had really been resurrected!

"Who are you?"

Moonlight Moriah asked. This is the real difficulty of resurrection... memory!

A person without memory is just a dead body!

Moonlight Moriah looked at the latter eagerly, he was looking forward to it... Hogbak was the same, what if?

But... silence! Silence!

The corpse was the same as the usual test subjects, it could not speak, it was just a dead body that could only understand simple commands!

Moonlight Moriah and Hogbak were both silent!

Sure enough, this technology is still immature... They have to continue to study

"In the future, I will get more corpses for you to study, and your research progress will be faster."

Moonlight Moria said in a deep voice, and Hogbak grinned.

"Of course!"

What he lacked most was a corpse... In his eyes, a corpse was the best work of art!


A dull sound interrupted the two's reverie, and a soldier knocked on the door to report

"Oh no, that guy is here to cause trouble again?"

Moonlight Moria frowned,"Is it that strange skeleton?"


These days, they are a little tired of the skeleton.

It is not easy to kill him, after all, the other party's shadow is of some use to him...

But Moonlight Moria has become a little angry because of his frequent visits.

He shouted!

"Let Absalom and the swordsman... go and beat that guy up! It would be best if he could be crippled!"

"I don’t want to see that guy again!" ps: Don’t worry, there should be more today!

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