Outside the castle!

A scene that makes anyone who sees it feel a little weird is happening!

That is, a skeleton is fighting with more than a dozen mummies. The two sides who should have died are fighting so fiercely at this moment!

Hand-to-hand combat... making bursts of noise!

The skeleton that was fighting one against many was Brook. In the end, he did not refuse Bai Ze's request and chose to help the other party!

After Bai Ze knew that Brook agreed, he disappeared... Yes, disappeared on the spot!

Brook was very puzzled, but he still reacted subconsciously. It was probably the magical ability of a devil fruit!

Before disappearing, Bai Ze said to Brook:

"After the matter is done, I will tell you a secret that is very important to you."

Brooke was a little curious about what Bai Ze meant by this sentence... What secret?

Without hesitating for too long, Brook quickly took action.

According to Bai Ze's request... make as much noise as possible!

Although Brook didn't understand why, he still did it... Relying on the experience of the previous few times, he soon came to the gathering place of some corpse soldiers, and then began to take the initiative to stir up trouble!

Soon he attracted a large wave of corpse soldiers to besiege him, causing quite a commotion...

Crack! Bang!

But these corpse soldiers were not enough to fight, and only a few were left after being solved by Brook in a few moves...

Just when Brook was thinking about how to make another big wave, a familiar figure stood in front of him again.

The man also looked like a dead body. He was wearing an ancient warrior's clothes and a knife hanging from his waist... He looked out of tune with the temperament of other corpse soldiers!

And the expression he looked at Brook also had a hint of flavor, and his eyes were contemptuous as if saying.

Why is it you again?

"This is trouble.……"

Brooke felt a little thorny when he saw the man coming. He didn't expect that he would attract the other party so quickly this time...

For a moment, Brooke didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, because... he couldn't beat that guy!

After hesitating for a while, Brooke gritted his teeth and rushed forward!

After all, he agreed to the other party's request. He didn't want to be a guy who broke his promise!


Longma, who was possessed by Brook's shadow, sneered subconsciously... He also shot out with a tip of his toes!

The instinct of the ancient warrior made him belligerent, and the guy in front of him... was also a good opponent, but a little weak!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of swords colliding rang out instantly, and as soon as they fought... Brook secretly cried out that it was not good, his strength was indeed weaker than the opponent!

He didn't understand what level of strong man the guy in front of him was when he was alive, so that he could use his shadow... and defeat him!

The other corpse soldiers were not idle either, and they also followed Longmen to attack Brook.

This time, Brook was more passive... He had tried to use his ultimate move, Bi Ge Sandong, but Longma also knew this move... so it was completely useless.

After struggling for a while, he was finally knocked away dozens of meters by Longma's sword!


He smashed many walls and fell down, and Longmen followed Gekko Moria and quickly walked towards Brook with a knife.

Obviously he was going to destroy Brook!

Brook stood up quickly. He didn't want to sit and wait for death... Just when he was about to fight to the death.

He found that Ryoma, who was walking towards him, suddenly stopped moving... Brook looked forward carefully with a little shock.

He saw that Ryoma's body was pierced from behind to the front by a straight knife!

A masked boy in a navy uniform stood behind Ryoma with a straight knife.

It was Bai Ze who had just disappeared!

Standing in the power of God's Might and hiding in the God's Might space, and then making a surprise attack... This skill is almost born for assassins.

Bai Ze finalized this plan as soon as he entered the island. This time he wanted to assassinate Gekko Moriah... instead of killing Doflamingo like Dressrosa.

The latter is because he still needs to establish the prestige of the navy and use those people, but here... Bai Ze doesn't need to consider this issue at all!

His only goal is to kill Gekko Moriah, and assassination is currently his fastest and safest method!


Bai Ze had a cold face, and after slicing off Long Ma's head with a knife, he disappeared into the divine space again!

It was as if he had never appeared...

If Brook hadn't had eyeballs, his eyes would have bulged out at this moment... Because Bai Ze's movements were too fast just now.

From showing up, to killing Long Ma and then disappearing... it took no more than three seconds in total. This navy boy is simply terrifying!

Brook was stunned for a few seconds, and he finally realized Bai Ze's plan... He would be responsible for attracting attention, and then Bai Ze would be responsible for the assassination!

And the strength of those under Gekko Moriah actually didn't require the navy boy to go to such great lengths, so the boy's real purpose was... to kill Gekko Moriah?

"Yo hoo hoo……"

Brooke suddenly burst into laughter. He didn't expect that he could participate in such an interesting thing... After decades of loneliness, he suddenly felt a little more energetic.

"Let me lend a helping hand to you!"

Brooke quickly followed suit to attract a large number of zombies, and this time the momentum was even greater!

Boom! Boom!

More and more zombies crawled out of the soil, or crawled out of the castle, making a very loud noise!

Soon, Absalom, one of the three monsters, and the commander of the zombie soldiers and zombie generals were lured out!

""Where's that ancient warrior?"

Absalom felt something was wrong as soon as he appeared. He remembered that he had sent that strange ancient warrior to fight... and the opponent should be stronger than him.

Why is he gone now?

"Forget it, never mind... I can beat this annoying guy myself."

He cursed angrily and rushed towards Brook with his weapon raised. Brook also went to meet him without hesitation.

But at the moment when the two were about to fight, Absalom suddenly disappeared...

He activated the ability of the transparent fruit and hid in the darkness with a sarcastic smile.

He can be invisible, and fighting him is just courting death... This abominable skeleton, he is going to crush him today!

Bang! Bang!

Soon Absalom relied on the abnormal ability of the transparent fruit and the cooperation of several zombie generals to beat Brook back step by step!

""Go to hell!"

Absalom sneered, and he had already walked behind Brook... and directly stabbed him with a knife!

With the mentality of winning, he was too lazy to use the ability of the transparent fruit at this moment!


"Yo ho ho ho... You're done for."

Brook, who was in danger, suddenly laughed, which made Absalom confused... Then... a familiar scene!

Bai Ze appeared behind the other party, stabbed his heart with a knife and chopped off his head with a knife, very smoothly!

"Next one!"

Bai Ze said coldly as he escaped into the divine space again! ps: There should be more tonight!

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