Inside the castle!

Gekko Moriah and Hogback were still discussing their visions of the future in the laboratory, resurrection and immortality... They seemed to never finish talking about this topic!

The noise outside seemed to have nothing to do with them.

After all, Gekko Moriah didn't take Brook seriously at all!

To him... the latter was just an ant!

"Why hasn't Absalom brought the skeleton over yet?"

But Moonlight Moriah, who had been waiting for no one to come, finally felt something was wrong.

It had been a little too long...

Moonlight Moriah spoke with a somewhat ugly expression.

"Nothing will happen to them, right?"

"How about... let's go out and take a look!"

Although Hogbak didn't care about the life and death of Absalom and the others, he just wanted to go out and get some fresh air.

Soon the two of them walked out of the castle together. Hogbak was smiling all the way... because he saw a lot of experimental subjects that satisfied him.

For example……

""Xin Duoli, come here!"

Hogbak ordered a woman who had been standing behind the door, and the woman immediately walked towards him mechanically.


Xin Duoli smiled quickly. Her face, which was covered with silk threads, looked very strange, but in Hogbak's eyes, it was so satisfying.

Because the woman in front of him was his former love, but there were some small accidents... so Hogbak just turned her into this.

She is more obedient than before... Hogbak and you like her like this!

"You look so beautiful when you smile!"

Hogbag gently stroked the woman's face, like a couple in love...but she didn't notice the slight struggle on the woman's face!

"Well, don't waste time here... Go out and take a look!"

Moonlight Moria glanced at Hogback with dissatisfaction, and strode away... The latter had no choice but to follow immediately!



Outside the castle at this moment!

Although Bai Ze helped to assassinate some powerful enemies, the fierce battle for such a long time still made Brook a little exhausted!

He panted and looked at the endless corpse soldiers and corpse generals.

"Why hasn't that guy come yet... If this continues, I'll be exhausted to death……"

"Oh, I forgot I was already dead, I won't die... Yo hoo hoo……"

Without a companion, Brook could only entertain himself as usual!


Brook thought so, but the next moment... he felt a gust of wind coming towards him, and a huge figure slowly appeared in his eyes!

Moonlight Moriah grabbed Brook with one hand with an angry face!

The latter hurriedly blocked with his nose song, but Brook was really out of strength. After a stalemate for a moment... he retreated more than ten feet, and Moonlight Moriah rode on him directly.

He grabbed his body and smashed it to the ground!

A deep pit was smashed directly on the ground!

"Damn you, you killed my friend!!!"


As soon as Moonlight Moria came out of the castle, he saw Absalom with his head and body separated not far away. He was immediately furious...

This was one of his few companions, how could he die?

"I'm gonna hammer your bones into powder……"

Gekko Moriah roared furiously, and Brook had no strength left and could only endure being hit hard by Gekko Moriah!

"Cough cough... I feel like my bones are about to break. Am I finally going to die?"

""Oh no, I seem to be dead... Yo roo roo roo."

Brook's nonchalant attitude made Moonlight Moriah break down!

He raised his hands high and gathered a huge force, ready to hit Brook... This blow will surely turn this damn skull into powder! A full-power attack means a huge flaw. As an assassin, how could Bai Ze waste this good opportunity...

Buzz! Buzz!

With a tremor in the space, Bai Ze's figure slowly appeared behind Moonlight Moriah... He raised the knife slightly and stabbed it fiercely!

"Watch out!"

Hogbak noticed it, but it was too late!

Crack!…… Swish!

The devil's blade with strange power directly stabbed into Moonlight Moria's heart... making the latter freeze in place.

He turned his head in disbelief and met Bai Ze's scarlet eyes outside the mask.……

""Moonlight Moriah, you are weaker than I thought!"

Bai Ze said coldly, and then he pulled his sword upwards fiercely... directly throwing away a large area of the opponent's flesh and blood, and blood spurted out!

Moonlight Moriah, who was stabbed in the heart, staggered backwards... and finally stood up with his strong physical fitness.

He will not die for a while... but at this moment his combat power has been greatly reduced!

"It was you... Navy, you killed my comrade!!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Moonlight Moriah's mouth was bleeding, and he roared at Bai Ze angrily... He now understood that it was the navy boy who did it.

That skeleton could not possibly be that powerful, he should have thought that the other party had helpers...

But how come he had neglected training for many years and never fought against a strong man... He really had lost his original agility!

Hearing Moonlight Moriah's roar.

Bai Ze cursed irritably,

"What I hate most is pirates like you. When you took away other people's companions, you didn't consider the pain of others losing their companions... Now that your companion is dead, you righteously blame me!"

"Are you fucking sick?"

Bai Ze roared, and attacked Moonlight Moriah again...

He, holding the magic knife Ghostly Weeping, was no match for the seriously injured Moonlight Moriah!

Swish... Splatter...

Moonlight Moriah's flesh and blood soon flew around again. Feeling the crisis of death, he... said to Bai Ze in a weak tone.

"I am one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Are you crazy to come and kill me as a navy officer?"

Since he was isolated from the outside world on the terrifying Sangui sailboat, he didn't pay much attention to the outside world, so he didn't know that Doflamingo, who was also one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, had been killed by the navy boy in front of him!

But the next moment, Bai Ze's answer made him stunned.……

"After a while... there will no longer be the Shichibukai system!"

Bai Ze said calmly, as if he was saying something that was a matter of course!


Gekko Moriah, who didn't know Bai Ze at all, was completely frightened... Who is this navy boy in front of him?

He was really panicked at this moment... He finally got the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and thought he could rely on this title to stay in this dark corner peacefully...

Study his way of immortality and resurrection, and sweep the entire pirate world after success in the future... But now this person wants to destroy everything he has.

How can it be possible?

Gekko Moriah struggled to use his ultimate move, which was to absorb the power of 1,000 shadows nearby... Although the final consequence might be death in his current state, it was worth it to kill the boy in front of him.

His eyes gradually became sinister... He was about to secretly condense the power of the shadow.

But in this world, Bai Ze can be said to be one of the few people who know the power of Gekko Moriah very well... How could he let him use the terrible Thousand Shadows Technique

"Divine power!"

""Ghost Slash!"

Bai Ze attacked with all his strength, interrupting the latter's spell casting.

"Damn it... Damn it……"

Moonlight Moriah's face was filled with despair. How could the guy in front of him know his thoughts?

Was he really going to die? He was unwilling to give up...

Whoosh! Whoosh!...

When Moonlight Moriah was in despair, he saw several ghosts with distorted expressions suddenly floating in the distance and quickly attacking him.

"This... this is……"

Moonlight Moria's eyes showed signs of life, and he watched those familiar ghosts enter Bai Ze's body at lightning speed, and then penetrate out...

At the same time... a girl who had been hiding in the corner smiled triumphantly.

"Great, I succeeded!" ps: This is the fourth update, there should be more later...please wait a little longer.

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