"Go to hell! Annoying little devil!"

Crocodile said with a domineering look, holding a cigar in his mouth, and stabbed the hook in his hand directly into Bai Ze's chest!

The knife and the hook collided in the air, but Crocodile's strength seemed to be obviously greater... and soon the blade was forced back.

Then it went straight into Bai Ze's abdomen!


It went straight in like this, and the joy on Crocodile's face just rose but immediately fell... because the strange thing was that there was no blood spurting out.

"Not good!"

He instinctively felt something was wrong and was about to step back, but the"Bai Ze" who was stabbed directly restrained Crocodile's body with both hands, making him temporarily fixed in place...


And accompanied by a strange fluctuation behind Crocodile, there was another Bai Ze standing behind him, which made Crocodile's scalp numb...

Two Bai Zes? How many abilities does this guy have? Why didn't the intelligence tell us!

"Go to hell!"

Bai Ze behind him said indifferently, and the devil sword Ghost Weeping in his hand, which was soaked in Armament Haki, stabbed directly, even though Crocodile tried his best to dodge.

It was also a knife that pierced through the abdomen. The Sand-Sand Fruit lost its effect due to the suppression of Armament Haki, and blood flowed in an instant.

At the same time, the"Bai Ze" in front of him turned into a piece of wood with a bang.

Yes... It's just an ordinary piece of wood!

Wood Clone Technique!

This is one of the signature ninjutsu of Wood Release. The clone can temporarily possess part of the power of the main body... But as the number of clones increases, the power will also weaken. Now Bai Ze only summons one clone, and the power is just enough to barely compete with Crocodile for a while.

Just wait to control the opponent in the end, and then let the real Bai Ze appear instantly with the help of the Divine Power Space, and then give a fatal blow!

This is the simplest and least risky method that Bai Ze thought of to assassinate Crocodile, a natural devil fruit ability user.……

"cough cough……"

Crocodile, who was severely injured, coughed up a large mouthful of blood, staring at Bai Ze in front of him...

The knife just now injured his heart. Feeling that his vitality was slipping away, Crocodile was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth and laughed at Bai Ze.

"I thought of many possibilities for you, but I didn't think of this one... I lost this battle, I surrender!" There was no anger after losing, nor dissatisfaction after being attacked... Crocodile, as a hero, had the self-esteem of a strong man.

Losing... is losing! There is nothing to say!

Looking at Bai Ze's indifferent expression, Crocodile also felt that he would die today... He also sat on the ground with an open mind.

"Little ghost... your name is Bai Ze, right? You are a boy that Akainu accidentally rescued in a village... I didn't expect it, it's only been a few months... Who would have thought that such a boy would have such strength so quickly?"

"Killing three Shichibukai in a row...Hahaha!"

Crocodile seemed to know a lot about Bai Ze's information, chattering like an old friend.

"The current situation may be changing!"

Bai Ze ignored Crocodile's chattering. He still held the magic knife Gui Shenqi and stared at the latter...always on guard against the opponent's dying counterattack!

Crocodile seemed to not care about Bai Ze's indifference at all, and continued to speak to himself.

"Little ghost, I'm going to die anyway... Actually, I still have one wish that I haven't fulfilled and I don't want it to be buried here, otherwise I will tell you how... After all, this has been my obsession for many years!"

Bai Ze still didn't speak, and Crocodile seemed helpless to continue speaking

"Do you know Pluto? One of the three super ancient weapons... It is said to have the power to destroy the world. It is somewhere in Alabasta... I have information about it, which can help you better master it!"

"Do you want it?"

Crocodile sat on the ground and said with a sharp look in his eyes.


When he heard this name, Bai Ze's expression obviously changed.

Crocodile was secretly happy. This level of weapon... no one can resist his temptation.

But the next moment, Bai Ze shook his head slightly and said sarcastically.

"I'm not interested... I don't want to change everything and bet on external forces. I'm still used to relying on my own strength."

Before meeting Crocodile, Bai Ze had already figured out the matter of Pluto... He didn't need this thing.

The power in his own hands is the real power!


Crocodile was about to persuade him, but Bai Ze interrupted him coldly:

"Well, stop doing this meaningless thing... Are you ready for your final trump card? If not...……"

Bai Ze looked at Crocodile coldly,"Then you can die now!"

Tsk! Tsk!

Crocodile was silent... The power that had been condensed in his hand began to slowly dissipate, and he laughed at himself.

The navy boy in front of him was more extraordinary than he had imagined. His strong heart was too strong.……

"Just rely on my own strength...Haha, did I take the wrong path?"

Crocodile smiled bitterly. In the past few years, he has been thinking about borrowing the power of Hades...I don't know if it is right. If I rely on my own practice alone.

Maybe I have my own talent, and the ending of the recent days may be rewritten. Crocodile took a deep breath... and took a deep look at the boy in front of him.

"Over the years, you are the first boy who makes me feel truly afraid. In this chaotic era, the Navy suddenly has someone like you... Haha, it's really interesting."

"I have a feeling that the future sub-world structure may change because of you, but unfortunately... I probably won't have the chance to see that future!"

Crocodile said a lot of words, enough to prove his unwillingness... but he was helpless.

In the end, he stood up with difficulty and launched the final attack on Bai Ze...

Then... he died, and there was no reversal. His body fell beside Bai Ze.

There was only one person left in the whole secret room.

A young man stood upright, his eyes blurred... I don't know what he was thinking.

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