"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a pirate with a bounty of 81 million Baileys... Reward: 81 slaughter points!"

"Current killing point: 185"

At the moment when Bai Ze killed Crocodile, the voice of the system that Bai Ze had been expecting also sounded, and this time the voice was also quite long.……

〖Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing another Shichibukai... The current number of Shichibukai kills is 3!〗

〖Ding, congratulations to the host for exceeding the target of killing at least one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. The reward has begun to increase... The reward is being calculated... The reward has begun to be distributed……〗

The mission took three months, including the time spent on traveling... It was not an easy task to kill three of the Seven Warlords of the Sea in three months. You have to know that each of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is not a weakling, they will not stand and let you kill them... If you are not careful, you will be overturned in the gutter.

So Bai Ze guessed that his system might not have thought of it, so the reward this time might be extremely generous!

Bai Ze thought so... Soon the system voice, which had been silent for a while, sounded again.

〖Ding, the mission rewards are being distributed... The qualification to redeem forbidden ninjutsu is open〗

""Forbidden Ninjutsu?"

Bai Ze's face changed. Could it be... He started to look at the system again. Just like when he exchanged for the S-level Wood Release Ninjutsu, there was another shadow in his eyes.

Bai Ze looked at them one by one... When he saw those names, Bai Ze became excited.

Because those ninjutsu were exactly the ninjutsu he had been looking for.……

〖Impure World Reincarnation Technique, Price: 2000 Massacre Points, Function: Resurrect the dead and give them all the strength they had when they were alive (requires their intact corpse)〗

〖Eight Gates Ninja Technique, price: 1000 Massacre Points, function: greatly increase the user's physical strength, up to 50 times (this ninjutsu consumes a lot of energy for the operator, so use it with caution)〗

〖Shinra Tensei Jutsu, priced at 1000 massacre points,... Chibaku Tensei Jutsu! Six Paths of Samsara: Death... priced at 2000 massacre points. 〗

Each ninjutsu is a bug-level ninjutsu in the Naruto world, and its ability is simply abnormal...

Bai Ze was a little sad. He hadn't given any ninjutsu skills before, but now he gave the best one directly. I really don't know how to describe Bai Ze's mood at the moment.

However, the exchange price of these forbidden ninjutsu is also extremely expensive. The most expensive one costs 2000 massacre points, which is equivalent to killing a pirate with a bounty of 2 billion.

Bai Ze frowned slightly, but the next moment the system's voice rang again unexpectedly.

〖Because the host has completed the task with excellence, an additional reward is now released... Drop, the massacre points required for the exchange of forbidden ninjutsu are halved!

In an instant, the phantom panel was turned to one side again, and the exchange of ninjutsu such as the Eight Gates of Dunjia also became 500 massacre points!

The massacre points required for exchange were directly halved. This unexpected surprise made Bai Ze's serious face smile a little more...

These three months are really worth it!

Bai Ze took a deep breath, temporarily put away his chaotic thoughts, and turned to look at Crocodile, who was already dead.

This is another person who has an impact on the history of the pirate world that he has killed!

With the sudden death of the third king of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Bai Ze can foresee how turbulent the situation in this sea will be...

Now it is about 6 years away from the normal timeline of the Straw Hat Pirates that he knows a lot about, so Bai Ze is not very clear about what will happen in the previous six years...

However, with the death of these important figures, history will definitely change. As for what it will become, Bai Ze doesn't know...

He looked at his hands, his eyes were still as firm as before.

No matter how things change, as long as he has enough strength, he won't panic... The supreme power can change everything!

"It's time to go back!"

Bai Ze thought for a while and said to himself. It has been about three months since he came out of the Navy Headquarters... There are only a few days left in the mission and he has no chance to kill another Shichibukai.

So it's just right to go back now. After all, Bai Ze has not forgotten... The time limit of his full Navy education resources has not been used up yet!

Ignoring Crocodile's body, Bai Ze used Kamui to quickly and quietly leave the palace of Alabasta!

Soon he boarded his ship again and set sail... This time's destination.

Navy Headquarters, Marinford!

Bai Ze hesitated for a while, and then took out a snail-like thing from the ship's box!

Den Den Mushi!

This unique and strange item in the pirate world can communicate freely across distances.

After killing Gekko Moriah, during the days when he came to Alabasta, Bai Ze took the time to make a Den Den Mushi and contact Akainu in order not to worry Akainu... to report safety

"Uncle Akainu, I've finished my work and am on my way back.……"

The Den Den Mushi was connected quickly, and Bai Ze immediately reported to Akainu that he was safe.

"Finally I'm coming back, that's great!"

A dignified voice that deliberately suppressed joy soon came from the other end of the phone, but Akainu came back to his senses and asked with a twitch of his mouth.

"But... your business is done, I mean……"

"Crocodile has been killed by me!"

Bai Ze replied quickly, and the person on the other end of the line fell silent immediately after hearing this.


At this moment, Akainu, who was in the Marine Headquarters, had a very wonderful expression. On the one hand, he was amazed at Bai Ze's speed. This guy just told him a few days ago that he had to kill Crocodile... and now he has done it.

It's like killing a chicken!

On the other hand, he was worried about the consequences after the killing. Three of the Seven Warlords of the Sea died... turmoil is almost inevitable!

After a moment of silence, Akainu laughed at himself... When did he become so indecisive!

He cleared his throat and continued

"Kill him if you want, and come back to the Marine Headquarters as soon as possible... I will bear all the consequences!"

Akainu said concisely, and then hung up the Den Den Mushi.

Bai Ze looked at the Den Den Mushi that had hung up and thought about what Akainu said again. After a long silence... Bai Ze smiled bitterly

"Uncle, the debt I owe you is growing bigger and bigger"


Bai Ze originally had some bad thoughts about the navy, even some conspiracies... As Akainu protected him without reservation time and time again.

This thought has become increasingly faint...

I don't know when Akainu has become Bai Ze's only bond.

Bai Ze dare not imagine what would happen to him if Akainu was gone one day.

Thinking of such a scene...

Bai Ze's murderous spirit could not stop overflowing. If such a day really came...

There would be no need for this world to exist!!!

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