Sometimes a major historical moment happens inadvertently!

During the time when Bai Ze rushed back to the Marine Headquarters in Marinford, the death of Crocodile, one of the third Shichibukai, was finally exposed!

And some people with bad intentions directly pointed out that the navy who killed the three Shichibukai was that... the new genius navy Bai Ze of the Marine Headquarters!

For a time... the name of the young navy Bai Ze became popular in every corner of the Grand Line, and all kinds of information about him, whether true or false, were spread all over the sky...

But even so, there were people in the black market who openly offered a bounty for Bai Ze's head, and the price was ridiculously high...

Not only that, because within 3 months, three consecutive Shichibukai died because of the navy, even if the navy tried its best to control it... but it was still useless! The remaining four Shichibukai declared independence and autonomy, and no longer accepted the dispatch of the World Government or the Navy...

So far, the Shichibukai system promulgated by the World Government has directly existed in name only!

After hearing the news, Marshal Sengoku of the Marine Headquarters, Marinford, had a headache for a whole day and night...

His white hair was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it was not this thing that completely broke his defense...

At this moment!

In the year 1511 of the Kaien calendar!

People from all over the Grand Line looked up at the sky, watching the pigeons in the sky throwing the latest newspapers to the ground like they were free!

They stood forward in a daze and took the newspaper to read it, only to see a few big words written brightly at the top of the newspaper!

The establishment of the Four Emperors of Pirates! The peak moment of the Great Pirate Era!

It clearly recorded that during this period of time, a pirate group called the Red Hair Pirates directly stepped onto the stage of history with the momentum of a king!

This pirate group that has sailed on the sea for many years has finally grown up at this moment... It first challenged many top forces on the sea, and gained their recognition with absolute overwhelming strength, and since then has gained the right to rule a large number of sea areas.

Then he visited the three real emperors of the New World in succession, the leader of the Beasts Pirates Kaido in Wano Country, the Lord of All Nations, the Soul-Soul Fruit user Charlotte Linlin... and the strongest man on the sea, Whitebeard, Edward, and Newgate!

No one knows what happened, but they only know that the Red Hair Pirates came back from the visit... and the major forces also tacitly told the people below not to provoke the Red Hair Pirates. They directly acknowledged the powerful status of the Red Hair Pirates... So far, the pirate territory of the New World has been divided into four territories, led by four unparalleled emperors.

They are called the Four Emperors!

"Four... Four Emperors?"

Countless people stared at this brand new word in a daze. They will never forget this historic moment. After today, history will be divided into two parts...

One is the early Great Pirate Era started by Pirate King Roger, when the Navy was still the absolute king...

The other is now, with the remaining few former Seven Warlords of the Sea and the newly established Four Emperors plus the Navy, forming a weak balance of three powers.

Now is an unprecedented era of chaos... Who will be the king who laughs last?

The news about the establishment of the Four Emperors quickly suppressed the matter of Bai Ze killing three Seven Warlords of the Sea.

At this moment, every corner of the New World is talking about it... A potential crisis seems to be brewing!



At this moment!

In a sea area of the New World!

In this turbulent time, a huge pirate ship is sailing against the sunset. On the deck of the ship, several people with completely different figures, looks and even temperaments are drinking and eating meat comfortably, accompanied by loud laughter as if they are holding a banquet.

This group of people don't seem to worry at all that they are in this dangerous sea area.

Just because they are... one of the people who are currently standing in the storm of world opinion!

"Captain, the Four Emperors... I didn't expect those guys would give us such a name, it's quite nice... Hahaha!"

A bloated man with a belly like a big wine barrel bit a big duck leg and laughed at a man who had been sitting on the deck.

His name is Laqilu, the chef of the Red Hair Pirates... and one of their senior cadres.

And the person he was talking to was the leader of the Red Hair Pirates, Red Hair Shanks, who was discussed by countless people!

Although he is one of the four emperors today!

But this top king seems to be a little different. He is wearing a pair of very ordinary slippers on his feet, and his messy red hair is casually draped around his ears... Coupled with the large flowered shirt on his body, he looks like a sloppy uncle.

And it is worth noting that this man is one-armed, and the left sleeve is empty... I don't know who can take this man's arm. At this moment, Shanks is filled with a big smile.

"The Four Emperors...hahaha, that does sound nice. I like this title, too. It's worth it that I've been around for so long.……"

Shanks smiled like a heartless man,"Otherwise, if I meet Buggy and Luffy in the future and find out that I am doing so badly at sea... it will be so embarrassing."

After saying that, Shanks drank another bowl of wine... Like an ordinary drunk man, he began to talk in his sleep to everyone at the banquet.

"Everyone! We will definitely realize our dreams!"

"Travel to every corner of this world and see the end of this world... Raftel"


Everyone put down their glasses and listened quietly to their captain talking about his dreams.

In fact, these dreams are not only Shanks's, but also everyone's... because Shanks will not forget the dreams of each of them


Shanks was drinking heavily and talking about his dreams when he suddenly burped and fell asleep. Everyone was shocked.

"Captain, this guy is really……"

No one paid any attention to the unreliable captain. Everyone was still eating and drinking, and the banquet was still going on...

After it lasted for most of the day, a man with a nose much longer than the others suddenly frowned, and he put down the wine glass in his hand.

He walked to the bow and began to look into the distance. With his excellent eyesight... he vaguely saw a small boat coming towards them in the distance.

And on that boat, there was only a young man!

After Jesus looked at the young man carefully, his brows frowned slightly... because this young man had an influence on him!

At this moment, the young man in the distance seemed to have sensed Jesus's gaze, and he slowly turned his head to look over here.

That young man... was smiling!

Jesus frowned, and just as he was about to react, he saw someone patting his shoulder.

Shanks, who had woken up at some point, was standing beside him.

"Don't talk!"

Shanks said with a serious expression, completely different from the playful and joking state he had just had. ps: Just added to the recommendation, shamelessly asking for a gift!

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