"Don't talk!"

Shanks, who had woken up at some point, shouted softly.

Hearing Shanks' heavy tone, Jesus was shocked... As one of the people who knew Shanks very well, he knew what kind of pride this seemingly unruly man had in his heart.

Ordinary people didn't get his attention at all, even if the other party provoked him... he would ignore it, after all, the strong generally wouldn't bother with children.

And Shanks's solemn expression at this moment was really rare.

Jesus looked forward with concentration... The navy boy a few miles away, the one who was rumored to have killed three of the Seven Warlords of the Sea in three months!

This person is really not simple!

Thousands of meters apart!

Bai Ze and Shanks just stared at each other, and the air seemed to freeze at this moment... It seemed that something extremely terrifying was brewing!

These two most prominent figures in the current pirate world just met by coincidence... I don't know if it was destined.

Thousands of meters away, Bai Ze stood on the deck and stared at the one-armed man in front of him!

If Akainu was nearby, he would be surprised to find that Bai Ze’s expression was terribly solemn at the moment... Since the village incident, Bai Ze usually has a blank expression... No matter how big the matter is, he can’t panic, even when he first faced the Four Emperors Kaido.

But at this moment, Bai Ze’s face was so solemn for the first time, only because the person he is facing now is Red-haired Shanks, the youngest of the Four Emperors!

But Bai Ze thinks that his strength is the most unfathomable of the Four Emperors, and the pinnacle of the pinnacle of combat power in the world of pirates...

Since Roger’s death and Whitebeard’s aging, he has been the leader!

The perverted domineering aura of the king coupled with the ultimate swordsmanship allows the one-armed man to still sit firmly at the top of the world after losing an arm!

"Is it destined?"

Bai Ze looked at Shanks with narrowed eyes, and his Mangekyō Sharingan had subconsciously opened... His whole aura surged!

This encounter with Shanks was really a coincidence. There were so many routes back to the Marine Headquarters... Bai Ze didn't understand why he met this man!

"Kill him?"

Bai Ze looked at the one-armed man, with a little madness on his lips... If this man was killed, it would definitely be a heavy blow to the pirate forces.

Bai Ze began to count his trump cards, the perverted Kamui Mangekyō Sharingan, and the S-level Wood Release Ninjutsu, Wood Release, Flower World Advent! Susanoo...

Bai Ze ignored the low-level Wood Release Ninjutsu, Bai Ze knew that this level of Ninjutsu would not pose a threat to the top powerhouses...

Bai Ze was very conflicted at the moment. On the one hand, he was really interested in Shanks' life.

But... Bai Ze's intuition told him that his current strength was still no match for that man!

Bai Ze's throat rolled... He looked at Shanks with murderous intent. He didn't want to fight now... But it also depends on whether the man is willing!

If there is a battle... Bai Ze is not in vain!

When he decided to kill all the pirates in the world, Bai Ze was ready to die... There is no reason in this world that others can die, but he, Bai Ze, cannot die!


"Is this young navy boy the legendary Bai Ze?"


At this moment , Shanks stared at Bai Ze in the distance and whispered softly.

Just now, when he was in a coma, his instinctive reaction to the crisis made him wake up instantly, and then he saw the boy...

Bai Ze's name!

Shanks has heard it many times in this period of time. The recent legendary young genius of the navy seems to be brought back from outside by Sakaski...

I thought those rumors about this boy might be exaggerated, but now it seems... That boy is far more terrifying than I imagined!

"In this case……"

Shanks' eyes flashed with a sharpness, and an astonishing might began to be released. The domineering aura that he had been suppressing began to roll towards Bai Ze at an extremely fast speed!

If possible, Shanks didn't mind eliminating some potential threats!


Jesus Bu looked at Shanks in surprise. He didn't expect Shanks to be so decisive in using his Conqueror's Haki when facing that boy!

The big noise quickly attracted the attention of other senior officers of the Red Hair Pirates.

Feeling the pressure of Shanks' Conqueror's Haki!

In just a moment, several senior officers threw away their glasses, and their playful expressions immediately turned into murderous and majestic expressions!

"What happened? Captain……"

"Is there an enemy attack?"

"A fight is about to break out...Haha, my hands have been itching for a long time!"


A group of people were about to come over, but Shanks raised his arm slightly and said calmly

"Don't move yet.……"

He narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance,"I want to see how that boy will respond?"

Bang! Bang!

The whole sky seemed to be affected by Shanks' powerful Conqueror's Haki. The sky above the sea level within a radius of several thousand meters suddenly became dark... as if thunder was about to fall at any time!

This is the effect of top-level Conqueror's Haki, which can affect everything around!

Even attack the enemy!

At this moment, Bai Ze felt the overwhelming pressure pouring down on him. He tilted his head and said to himself with a smile

"Is this the true strength of the top combat power in the pirate world?...It really puts a lot of pressure on me!"

The pressure Shanks gave him was much greater than the pressure he faced when facing Kaido before. This was the most powerful enemy Bai Ze had faced so far!

If Bai Ze wants to kill all the pirates in the future, he must destroy this mountain in front of him!

Feeling the pressure acting on him getting stronger and stronger, and even wanting him to surrender... Bai Ze became uncontrollably angry.

Just relying on the domineering domineering aura, he wanted Bai Ze to surrender...

Bai Ze looked at Shanks suddenly, grinned,"Are you worthy of it?"

Crack! Crack!

Bai Ze frowned suddenly. He seemed to feel that something in his body broke free from the shackles, and a strange power began to surge out of it...

That power seemed extremely violent, as if it didn't want other things to touch it. It wanted to be the only one...

When it sensed the domineering aura acting on Bai Ze, it was like seeing his wife being abused by others after returning home from work.

It became even more furious!!!

The domineering aura acting on Bai Ze disappeared in an instant.

A black thunder suddenly emerged from Bai Ze, emitting an extremely powerful pressure...

Shanks, who was thousands of meters away, saw this scene and his face became solemn again.

The others also squeezed out a few words fiercely from their teeth.

"This is... Domineering Haki!"

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