Conqueror's Haki! This is a special skill that only the real top kings in the pirate world can possess. There may be only one such person in a million people, and every such person has the qualification to become a king! The number of people who possess Conqueror's Haki in the entire pirate world can be counted on two hands. Each of them is a big shot who will make the New World tremble with a stomp of his feet.

I didn't expect that the navy boy in front of me was also...

Among the senior cadres of the Red Hair Pirates, Jesus Bu was the most surprised, because he had clearly felt that the navy boy did not have Conqueror's Haki.

In other words, the Conqueror's Haki at this moment was awakened under the pressure of his own captain!

It's so terrifying...

At this moment!

Bai Ze was also a little surprised to see the black thunder around him, the Conqueror's Haki condensed into substance. He didn't expect that he would be like this when he just awakened the Conqueror's Haki!

Extraordinary domineering!

Bai Ze chuckled, and his eyes met with Shanks in the distance again!

The two of them tacitly did not speak, just like a pair of familiar old friends!

But the next moment, the two of them stepped forward together, and their respective domineering auras exploded violently towards each other...

The strong wind generated by this unparalleled momentum blew on everyone's faces, rustling!

The red and black domineering auras collided with each other in an instant, and a huge sonic boom sounded in an instant!

The surrounding seawater was directly blown up dozens of meters high, and some unlucky fish turned directly into blood mist!

Not only that!

The entire sky seemed to be split in two because of this blow, and the clouds kept rolling and turned into two long rivers...

It seemed that the two of them were evenly matched!

The people of the Red Hair Pirates stared at all this, although everything looked like a draw, and no one could do anything to anyone... But they still saw that their captain had the upper hand!

Because Shanks's face did not change at this moment, it was obvious that the fight just now had no effect on him, and on the other hand, Bai Ze on the opposite side... The sharp-eyed Jesus Bu could see that the navy boy's face was pale at this moment, and he was obviously at a disadvantage!

But the problem is that the boy has just awakened the Conqueror's Haki... He is so strong right after awakening.


Jesus Bu's expression was solemn, and he subconsciously picked up his weapon.

And in the distance, Bai Ze!

"As expected of a guy who has mastered the world's top Conqueror's Haki."

Bai Ze did not feel ashamed because he was at a disadvantage in the Conqueror's Haki battle. On the contrary, he became even more excited.

The strong must draw their swords against the stronger ones!

Bai Ze suddenly drew out the magic sword Devil's Weeping. Along with the violent release of Conqueror's Haki, Bai Ze's Mangekyō Sharingan also added a touch of magnificence at this moment. The fusion of the top powers of the two worlds is really wonderful...

With the passage of time just now, Bai Ze's boat is now very close to the pirate ship on Shanks' side, and it seems to be less than a kilometer...

The two are heading in opposite directions, so it is inevitable to meet.

It seems that going to war is inevitable!

Fighting against the entire Emperor-level pirate group with one person's strength! Bai Ze seems to be the second person after Akainu fought against the Beasts Pirates alone.

But Bai Ze's current level of danger seems to be even greater!

Bai Ze put on a half-crying and half-laughing clown mask, revealing only a pair of scarlet eyes, and the whole person's momentum changed again.

Let's fight!


The Red Hair Pirates were also ready to go!

Jesus Bu and Beckman all took out their weapons with serious expressions.

However, they were not nervous at all because of the battle.

"Isn't it too much of a bully for us to use such a big force to deal with a child?"

"Indeed, that guy seems to be only thirteen years old... a little kid"

"Tsk tsk, if other people knew that a group of people bullied a child, they would definitely laugh their heads off!"


Several people interrupted each other, but everyone understood that the navy boy seemed to be really not simple. If they fought later, they would not be stupid enough to hold back. After so many years of experience at sea, everyone's heart had already been sharpened to an unimaginable sharpness. In order to achieve the ultimate goal... they had killed some innocent people, even children!

Time passed bit by bit!

The distance between the two ships was getting closer and closer, 800 meters, 500 meters... 300 meters!

Bai Ze stood on the boat expressionlessly, letting the wind and waves hit his face.

Beckman and others looked at the red-haired Shanks who had been silent at the bow. They were just waiting for their captain to give the order... Then the battle could begin. The atmosphere became more and more solemn!

Shanks gently raised the long sword hanging on his waist, and everyone stared at it intently, as if they were about to shout to start the war.

When the horizontal distance between the two ships was about 100 meters!

But Shanks, who had just raised the long sword, gently put it down again.


With a crisp hissing sound, the long sword was sheathed again... and as the long sword was sheathed, the domineering aura that had been spreading all the time also dissipated.

The dark clouds in the sky seemed to have dissipated a little.……

"Captain... this is it!"

Jesus Bu and the others looked at Shanks in confusion. What does this mean... no more fighting?

They had been waiting for so long, but they didn't understand why they didn't fight anymore. However, due to their absolute trust in Shanks, they hesitated for a moment and then put away their weapons.

For a moment, the solemnity in the air was reduced by more than half!


Not only Jesus Bu and the others were puzzled, even Bai Ze was very confused at this moment, because he had also prepared for a desperate fight.

How come at this moment... the other side gave up first!

Bai Ze looked up at the man with one arm missing, and the monkey's expression was still so calm... Even Bai Ze didn't know what the other party was thinking at this moment?

The sudden crisis for both sides seemed to have passed.

Bai Ze's boat just passed by the Red Hair Pirates, and no one took action or spoke during the period.

They just looked at each other...

Jesus Bu and others sighed that this navy boy was really young, while Bai Ze sighed how valuable the heads of these Red Hair Pirates were.

It's a pity that they just passed by each other!

The two sides gradually went away with their own thoughts, until Bai Ze's boat disappeared at the end of the sight.

Jesus Bu and others came to their senses and asked Shanks who was silent.

"Captain, why didn't you fight just now?"

After a few seconds of silence, Shanks raised his eyebrows and said something incoherent.

"Because you will die!"

Day Shanks, who can foresee a glimpse of the future, suddenly saw the horrible future after the war with that boy before the war...

In that horrible future, although he won!

But all his crew members will die!

In other words, the boy has the capital to replace all his people with just one person. ps: Can I ask for a small gift? Everyone...

Thank you!

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