Bai Ze's sudden display of his domineering aura completely shocked everyone!

At this moment, no one regarded Bai Ze as a little kid anymore, but regarded him as someone on the same level as themselves!


The entire conference room was suddenly silent. No one interrupted Bai Ze anymore. Everyone looked at this amazing boy!

They felt that this boy, who had only been at the Navy Headquarters for a few months, might give them a big surprise... or a big shock!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Everyone suppressed their violently beating hearts.

"If I say I can kill one of the Four Emperors... can the Navy launch a full-scale war against all pirates!"

Bai Ze suddenly spoke, scanning everyone present with sharp eyes.

With just one sentence, the atmosphere of the whole venue was once again raised from silence to the highest point!

"What did you say? You have the power to kill Kaido and the others!"

A figure who advocated war stood up with a bang. He gasped and looked at Bai Ze.

"If we can get rid of those remnants of Kaido's old times, then there is no need to hesitate about total war!"

"I have been enduring those guys for a long time!!"


At this moment, all the pro-war faction members were almost writing"I want to fight" on their faces, especially Akainu... He looked at Bai Ze with a look of relief!

Bai Ze, this little guy, just understands me... Let's start a war, I want to start a war!

Sengoku Garp and the others looked at each other in surprise. Does this little guy have the fighting power to fight against the Four Emperors?

They taught Bai Ze in person a few months ago, but at that time, Bai Ze's fighting power was far inferior to that of the Four Emperors. Now it's only been a few months?

"Bai Ze, do you really have the strength to kill Kaido and the others now?"

Zhan Guo finally couldn't help but speak.

"Not now!"

Bai Ze spread his hands and answered honestly.


The atmosphere that Bai Ze had just stirred up suddenly stagnated, and several war faction leaders were about to sit down again.

But the next moment, Bai Ze changed the subject and continued,

"But give me another six months... and I'll have it! By then... I'll place each of their heads in front of you!"

"At that time... can we fight?"

Anyway, the system has given him this task. Bai Ze doesn't mind using it to exchange for other benefits. He will definitely use the huge power of the navy... How long will it take for him to kill so many pirates alone? Only a full-scale war can eradicate pirates.

When Bai Ze said this, he was extremely calm and confident... as if killing one of the Four Emperors within half a year was not a big deal at all!

You have to know that these are the Four Emperors of Pirates, not cats and dogs...

Even if the senior navy officers present are all the top combat forces of the navy, they also truly recognize the strength of those who are the emperors in the new world.

When Bai Ze threw out After this somewhat empty promise, the conservatives in the meeting room fell silent.

All-out war!

This could be a major event that would truly change the course of history, and they could not afford to joke around... All the arguments just now were child's play for this matter!

They looked at the calm and confident young man standing in the middle of the field... They thought.

Can this guy really do it?

The pro-war faction was a little better, but they were still a little hesitant about Bai Ze's empty promise.

At this moment... Zhan Guo, who was in the main seat, stood up, leaned over and looked at everyone and said word by word:

"We can fight!"

The Admiral of the Navy expressed his attitude, which was to support Bai Ze.

Bai Ze had said so much, it would be a bit unreasonable for him, a Navy Admiral, to be timid... Killing one of the Four Emperors in six months, this thing sounds a bit ridiculous.

But for some reason, Zhan Guo had inexplicable confidence in Bai Ze, this interesting boy, because he was different from everyone else!

So... he also bet!

""We can fight!"

Another majestic voice sounded, this time it was of course Akainu... He looked at Bai Ze with a face full of satisfaction, he would not refuse Bai Ze's decision!

""We can fight!"

Another voice sounded, this time it was Garp, he picked his nose and looked at everyone with disdain...

Damn, if we don't fight now, then when?

"Ready to fight!"

""We can fight!"

Two lazy voices sounded at the same time, this time it was Aokiji and Kizaru, they were bad at playing bad but they were still reliable at doing serious things.

The top bosses expressed their opinions one after another, what else could the rest of the people say?

"We can fight!... As long as the problems of Kaido and those bastards are solved, we can fight as we want."

"I support it, we can fight!"

"Support, can fight……"

In an instant, more than half of the people in the conference room expressed their opinions one after another. Seeing this, the conservatives were no longer stupid enough to sing the opposite tune.

""We can fight!"

The old man, the leader of the conservative faction, said to Bai Ze with a pair of majestic tiger eyes.

"I hope you can fulfill your big talk!"

After saying that, the old man stood up and turned to leave the meeting room. The main issue of this meeting has been resolved... There is no need for him to stay here!

Soon, one after another began to leave the meeting room.

People from both factions would look at Bai Ze seriously when they left.

They couldn't understand the future path of this young man...

When Aokiji and Kizaru left, they both patted Bai Ze on the shoulder and reminded him.

"Remember to come see me in a few days, I still have something to teach you……"

They are happy to show some goodwill to Bai Ze!

"Good boy, I think you can do it... Show me Kaido

's head in a few months. I hate that guy the most!" Garp patted Bai Ze on the shoulder and left with a big laugh!

Soon, only Akainu, Bai Ze and Sengoku were left in the field!

Bai �� had restrained his violent aura at this moment, and put on the appearance of an innocent boy again.

"Why are you all looking at me so seriously... There's no need."

Bai Ze laughed and looked at Zhan Guo with a headache.

Is this still the same person who was so unruly and threatened to start a full-scale war?

Zhan Guo glanced at Bai Ze unhappily, and then put the thing he had prepared on Bai Ze's right shoulder.

"Because of your outstanding military achievements, from today on you are the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.……"

"Codename: White Devil!" ps: This is six years before the original timeline. Some things that the official didn't say directly, so I can only guess by myself. If there are any mistakes... please forgive me!

Thank you!

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