"Lieutenant General?"

Bai Ze looked at the armband on his shoulder in a daze. Wow... He became a vice admiral in just a few months.

It was a bit of a dream!

"This is what you deserve."Zhan Guo looked at Bai Ze with some doubt and immediately explained,"You have killed the Seven Warlords of the Sea... This is an indisputable fact, and their evidence of crime has been collected. This is indeed your military achievement."

"Add to that the 1,000 pirates you killed before, and becoming a vice admiral... that's enough!"

"You have to know that the Navy has high hopes for you... If you make any big moves next time, I hope you can trust the Navy!"


As Zhan Guo explained, he began to teach Bai Ze earnestly. It was nothing... He recognized Bai Ze's strength, but his temper was a little too jumpy. It was only natural for this admiral to be a navy commander. Although Bai Ze's qualifications were too shallow, he should be treated specially in special occasions, and... Zhan Guo looked at Akainu with a big grin in silence.

This guy's efforts behind the scenes also played a big role!

"Bai Ze, let me ask you again... Are you sure you have the strength to kill Kaido and his men in a few months?"

Zhan Guo looked at Bai Ze seriously, and Bai Ze nodded decisively.


"Then I have no problem!"

Zhan Guo smiled and reminded Bai Ze,"My previous promise to you will always count. The educational resources of the Navy will be tilted towards you without limit. If you need anything, you can ask me directly!"

After that, Zhan Guo put his hands behind his back and left. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth until he left. Obviously, Bai Ze's performance today made him very satisfied.

And Zhan Guo made such a series of promises, which made Bai Ze a little sigh. This Navy Admiral was really different from his impression. I thought Zhan Guo was the kind of indecisive person, but I didn't expect that the other party would be so tough.

If he said he would support me, he would support me. Isn't he afraid of ruining the navy?

Bai Ze looked at Akainu who was grinning beside him... Akainu's personality is also different from what he knows.

"Is it because of me?"

Bai Ze was a little uncertain, but soon he shook his head... How could he have changed so much when he had only known him for such a short time?

Bai Ze thought... This is the real them!

"Little guy, what are you going to do now?"

Akainu looked at Bai Ze with satisfaction for a long time. The more he looked, the more satisfied he was... It took him a long time to remember to ask about the business.


Bai Ze answered simply. He planned to practice at the Marine Headquarters for a while, integrating all the new skills he had mastered during this period.

After all, his skills were really a bit mixed...

The Kamui and powerful illusion skills attached to the Mangekyō Sharingan, plus many Wood Release Ninjutsu, and three-color Haki...

Although Bai Ze was gifted, he was not that talented, so he still had to figure out how to match these skills.

"That's right, you do have too many abilities! It's time to calm down and integrate them.……"

Akainu nodded affirmatively, but after looking at Bai Ze's eager eyes, he immediately spoke with a firm look in his eyes

"But before you start practicing... you have to rest for a few days!"

"Ah this...Uncle, I don’t have time!"

"Don't give me no time, you have to listen to me during this period……"


Just like that, Bai Ze was forced by Akainu to rest for a few days. Although Bai Ze was helpless, he was still happy... and of course Akainu himself.

Akainu himself is also a workaholic, but compared with Bai Ze, a little crazy guy, he is still a little worse.

While the navy is gradually becoming prosperous!

The Beasts Pirates far away in Wano Country are in trouble at this moment!

In the glorious palace!

At this moment, more than half of the senior cadres of the Beasts Pirates have gathered.

For example, the Three Calamities and others, all of them are sitting in the second seat... They look serious, as if something bad has just happened.

And the one sitting in the main seat is naturally Kaido, the Beasts, who is one of the Four Emperors, the man who is known as the strongest creature in the world!

His expression is also extremely ugly at this moment, and his violent breathing has been echoing in the palace...

At this moment, the atmosphere in the palace is terribly depressing... Some low-level cadres have already lowered their heads for fear of causing Kaido's displeasure.

After a few minutes of silence!

Kaido finally took the lead in breaking the calm in the palace. He smashed the stone bench next to him with a punch and roared

"Can someone explain to me where the head of the young marine who broke into my Beasts Pirates three months ago is?"

"Why is it that the kill order I issued has no effect at all?"

"That young man returned to the Marine Headquarters safely without any trouble... and he even killed my partner during the period!"

That's right, the Beasts Pirates gathered here today... and unexpectedly, just like the top brass of the Marine Headquarters, they all did it for one person, that is...

Bai Ze!

The young marine who broke into the Beasts Pirates three months ago, really pissed off Kaido that day, so he beat Bai Ze to the ground as soon as he returned!

When he accidentally discovered that the ultimate cause of the destruction of the other party's village and the tragic death of his family was actually the fault of a cadre of their Beasts Pirates, Kaido knew... that young man would definitely fight to the death with his own Beasts Pirates in the future.

And based on the terrifying potential of that young marine!

So Kaido immediately issued a kill order, the kind that would spare no effort....He even used a traitor who had been hiding in the Marine Headquarters.

Unfortunately...it was ineffective!

When he was going to use other means to assassinate Bai Ze, the young man had already left the Marine Headquarters, and the next time the news of Bai Ze appeared came from Wano Country.

Kaido was dumbfounded at the time...Bai Ze actually killed Doflamingo, who was his partner in the biggest plan. His death was a heavy blow to the Beasts Pirates!

Revenge...This is definitely revenge on their Beasts Pirates!

Hearing Kaido's furious questioning, a group of people in the Beasts Pirates who were responsible for the assassination were so scared that they dared not raise their heads. After a long time, someone brave enough spoke out to explain.

"Boss, it’s not that we didn’t contribute, it’s that the boy’s anti-reconnaissance ability is too strong. We weren’t prepared yet... we were discovered!"


The man tried to explain with a bitter face. It was not that they were weak, but that Bai Ze was too strong. Although his group could assassinate those strong men whose bounties were hundreds of millions higher than theirs...even officials like the Three Disasters would be defeated by them if they were not careful.

In fact, his group had encountered Bai Ze several times in the past three months, but each time it was almost like giving away... that boy was too abnormal!

Moreover, the opponent's rhythm was ridiculously fast. He would change places immediately after hitting one place, and they didn't have time to set up the killing weapon!

It was impossible to assassinate successfully!


Kaido didn't want to listen to anyone's explanation at this moment. He walked down calmly... and was about to punch this bunch of waste to teach them a lesson!

But fortunately, at the last moment, a black figure teleported over to help the man block this unprovoked disaster.

Jin looked at Kaido and said in a deep voice,

"Calm down, Boss!"

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