Three days later!

At the port of Wano Country, with a loud horn sounded, the main ship of the Beasts Pirates, which was almost full, and two auxiliary ships set off!

On the main ship, there were rows of figures standing, including the leader of the Beasts Pirates, the Four Emperors Kaido, and the three disasters representing the worst evil, Jack, Quinn, and Jin... They looked serious, and no one knew what they were thinking. There were also many Beasts Pirates cadres standing on the two auxiliary ships. Such a large battle... made the ordinary crew members of the Beasts Pirates who did not know the truth couldn't help but daydream.

"Who are we going to war with?"

"Great, there's a war going on!"


They were excited. As members of the Beasts Pirates, what they liked most was plunder and war, especially big wars... They liked it even more, because it meant military merit, and military merit meant the improvement of status and strength.

Compared with the unrealistic fantasies of the ordinary crew members of the Beasts Pirates, some insiders on the warships did not look very good... Because they knew what the mission was today.

That was to set off to Wan Guo to form an alliance with the BIGMOM Pirates, a pirate group at the same level as the Four Emperors!

Taking the initiative to form an alliance, in the final analysis, it was still a little disadvantageous for the Beasts Pirates, and they could not help feeling a little embarrassed.

Thinking about the reason for their alliance... It was even more embarrassing, because they were forced to form an alliance because of a navy boy.

It was simply a great shame!

But thinking about the scenery and situation after the alliance, they became excited again... After the alliance of the two emperors, it should be the first major force in the pirate camp!

Just like this, a group of people had all kinds of thoughts, excitement, anger, sadness, and hesitation... They gradually sailed away from the harbor and disappeared into the sky.

In front of the harbor, some members of the Beasts Pirates looked at each other in a corner, and then left quickly... These spies from other forces wanted to report this information back quickly.

They were excited.

"The Beasts Pirates are making a big move!"

As Kaido and his team set off for Wan Guo, the news of their departure quickly reached the ears of other high-ranking officials.

For example, the Navy!

At this moment, in the Navy Headquarters, Marinford, in Sengoku's office, Sengoku looked at the intelligence report about the Beasts Pirates in his hand with a puzzled expression.

"Kaido suddenly made such a big fuss. What on earth does he want to do?"

"Damn it, why am I increasingly unable to understand the current situation?"


The spy that Sengoku planted in the Beasts Pirates was of a high rank, but the other party only knew that their destination this time was to go to Wan Guo!

That is, the territory of the Four Emperors Charlotte Linlin. Sengoku didn't understand why Kaido would go there with such a big lineup, was he going to start a war?

Sengoku would never believe that Kaido would go to war with the Big Mom Pirates of the same level, but apart from starting a war...what other reason did this guy have to suddenly go to the opponent's territory!

It's not Sengoku's fault that he is stupid, it's just that the alliance of the Four Emperors is really too terrifying... He couldn't imagine it at all.

Dong! Dong!

A gentle knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in!"

Zhan Guo quickly put away the intelligence, and then put on a dignified expression again, but when he saw the person coming, the dignified expression changed into a good-natured smile.

Just because this person is... Bai Ze!

A dignified expression is not suitable for dealing with someone like Bai Ze. Zhan Guo poured a cup of tea and said with a smile

"Little guy, what do you want from me?"

Bai Ze, who had been forced to rest for a few days by Akainu, was in good spirits at the moment. He shrugged and got straight to the point.

"Marshal, I want to improve my Conqueror's Haki. I feel like my Conqueror's Haki seems to have reached a bottleneck!"

Conqueror's Haki! The top skill in the pirate world... It's almost on the same level as the Sharingan. Bai Ze has no reason to waste it, so he came to ask Sengoku for advice right away!

"The bottleneck of Conqueror's Haki?"

Zhan Guo looked at Bai Ze deeply. What a monster... He has just mastered Conqueror's Haki and has already reached the threshold of Conqueror's Haki?

This is a skill that he has mastered after studying Conqueror's Haki for a long time!

Zhan Guo took a deep breath and quickly brought Bai Ze to an open space.

He took a deep breath and said,

"You look at……"

After saying that, Zhan Guo narrowed his eyes slightly, and a domineering aura similar to Bai Ze's surged out. This aura did not have Bai Ze's tyranny and tyranny, but it had a meaning that belonged only to Zhan Guo, that is, righteousness!

Crack! Crack!

As several thunders burst out from Zhan Guo's body, and then wrapped around Zhan Guo's dark arm... He swung his fist and punched the ground hard!


In an instant, a huge explosion sounded... The granite floor was hit like paper, and a large hole with a diameter of dozens of meters appeared!

"This is called the King's Haki Entanglement! It is a higher level of power used by the master of the King's Haki.……"

Zhan Guo quickly began to explain everything to Bai Ze, demonstrating and teaching at the same time... Zhan Guo still has great potential to teach people.

Bai Ze understood very well, and he had a better understanding of Zhan Guo's strength. The man in front of him might only be inferior to the one-armed man, Red-haired Shanks in terms of Conqueror's Haki.

As for if the two really fought, Bai Ze could not predict the outcome.

After Zhan Guo's demonstration and explanation, Bai Ze only spent half a day to find a sense of it.

Black lightning began to emerge from Bai Ze, and then began to squeeze... compress, condense, and the originally terrifying power became even more terrifying after such compression!

Bai Ze frowned slightly, pulled out the magic sword Ghost God Cry... Conqueror's Haki began to entangle it... Zhan Guo, who was standing aside, looked at Bai Ze's operation with a serious expression, what a genius... He had more confidence in Bai Ze's previous statement of killing one of the Four Emperors within six months.

Zhan Guo did not understand how Bai Ze could practice everything so quickly, and only Bai Ze himself knew that he was blessed by the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Bai Ze slowly dispersed the Conqueror's Haki. He didn't intend to become a fat man in one go, and he suddenly had a new idea about the use of Conqueror's Haki.

What if Susanoo was entangled with Conqueror's Haki?

Bai Ze thought to himself, this is indeed feasible... But he didn't intend to try it now, not because he didn't trust Sengoku on the side.

But he was afraid that this trump card would be leaked by some people with ulterior motives. After all, the Navy Headquarters was not a group of Aiki!

"Marshal, something bad has happened!

Suddenly a cry of surprise reached the ears of the two men, and a messenger hurried over.

"All our troops stationed on Kraika Island and Daughter Island have lost contact.……"


Zhan Guo's expression changed drastically. How could he not know the names of these two familiar islands? This is the island where Hawkeye Mihawk, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and Empress Hancock live.

Lost contact... Most likely he was killed!

Zhan Guo rushed to his office with an angry face. These guys are looking for death...

Bai Ze narrowed his eyes and watched Zhan Guo's back go away. It seems that the situation on the sea has changed faster than he expected.

Bai Ze looked at his hands, clenched them, and murmured.

"I have to be faster.……"

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