On the other side!

After a few more days of sailing, the Beasts Pirates led by Kaido finally arrived at the central island of Wanoku, which is where Charlotte Linlin lives.

Cake Island!

A group of Beasts Pirates members looked at it a little blankly. Those towering buildings and the unique sweet smell of candies in the air made everyone's expressions change slightly...

Obviously, this is indeed the same as what the outside world said, the buildings here are all made of some food.

The Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates are both pirate groups at the level of the Four Emperors, but in fact, there is almost no communication between the two tacitly... No communication means no conflict, which is good for both sides.

What's more, if they came here in such a big battle this time without notifying in advance, the other party would have thought that they wanted to start a war and then fought.

Kaido frowned and watched all this. In fact, it was his first time here. Looking at the various races walking on the street, Kaido said in his heart

"Is this the paradise that the old woman wanted to build where people of all races can live in harmony?……"

As someone who used to work with the Rocks Pirates, he understood the old woman's ideal. The guy once told him that he wanted to create a paradise where all races could live in harmony...that is, the World of Nations!"

Now the other party seems to have successfully realized this dream." Many people would think so if they saw the appearance of the World of Nations before them.

But the sharp-eyed Kaido still saw the essence of it at a glance, living in harmony?...Hehe.

Kaido doesn't think that different races can live in harmony, because the strong race will inevitably oppress the weak race...this is the truth.

How can the strong share the same resources with the weak?

The old woman's ideal is still a long way to go?...As for his own ideal.

Kaido narrowed his eyes and subconsciously thought of an annoying figure, and quickly shook his head...He had to solve the crisis in front of him before he was qualified to consider the future.

While Kaido was thinking!

The three pirate ships have all docked, and the welcoming team that had been waiting for a long time on the harbor has come up.

"Welcome to the World, Mom has already prepared a banquet in the palace to entertain you!"

A tall man holding a lollipop-like object, with a long tongue sticking out, saluted very gentlemanly.

His name is Charlotte Perospero, the eldest son of Charlotte Linlin. His arrival also shows the importance that the aunt attaches to this event.

Behind him stood a row of figures with a distinguished aura, such as the second son Charlotte, Katakuri, the third son Charlotte, Daifuku, the fourth son Owen... and Charlotte Linlin's eldest daughter, Charlotte, Comperte, and the second daughter, Charlotte, Mond, and the third daughter. Charlotte, Armand... half of Big Mom's dozens of children are here now. This grand occasion is unprecedented.

Of course, this is not only because of Kaido's importance, but also to be prepared... After all, Kaido brought too many people.

Kaido did not reply. He squinted his eyes and just walked forward. King, one of the Three Calamities, greeted Perospero at the first time.

Kings are only at the same level. Perospero is not yet at the level that Kaido should pay attention to. King, one of the Three Calamities, is just right!


Perospero glanced at Kaido's back with a slightly cold look in his eyes, but soon recovered and began to greet the people of the Beasts Pirates.

Without too many episodes, the Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates happily headed towards the palace together.

The pedestrians on the street had long been driven away, so they could only watch all this from afar.

"Isn't that Kaido the Beast? What is he doing in the World of Warcraft? Fighting?"

"What a ridiculous fight! Can't you see that the other person is being rushed towards you?"

"I feel like something big is going to happen today. Everyone should be prepared.……"


A group of people whispered in their throats. It was really hard not to imagine the meeting of the two Four Emperors!

After walking for a while, the group finally arrived at the most magnificent palace of Cake Island, a giant building made of cream cakes!

There were two rows of solemn chairs inside, and at the end of the chairs were two things similar to thrones.

A fat woman, wearing a pink dress that was extremely inconsistent with her age, was lying on the throne on the right, holding a big cake and eating it with relish, as if she had not noticed the crowd that had arrived.

"Old woman, is this your way of entertaining guests?……"

Kaido said loudly and angrily as soon as he arrived. Hearing this, the fat figure on the throne finally raised his head from the cake and laughed harshly.

""Mom...Mom, I haven't seen you for so many years, and you still speak so harshly! I'm absolutely sick of seeing that face of yours."

As soon as the two met, there was a smell of fire!

Perospero and his group and Jin's group all looked at this scene calmly, as if they had expected it.

The relationship between Kaido and Charlotte Linling was a bit strange, like an enemy but not an enemy, like a friend but not a friend!

Sure enough, as soon as the two met, they looked at each other with indignation, and then the next moment...they both took out their weapons.

Kaido held a mace, and the domineering aura swept all around!

Charlotte Linling also sneered, waved her hand...the hat on her head flew into her hand as if it had life, and then turned into a several-meter-long sword in the blink of an eye! The domineering aura instantly entangled it!

��The two of them pointed their toes and rushed towards each other quickly!

"Thunderous gossip!"

"Thunder Slash!"

The two roared together, and their attacks with extreme power collided with each other in an instant!

In an instant!

The banquet cake that had been prepared in the palace was instantly blown away, and the whole place was instantly in a mess.

After a long time, the storm subsided!

Kaido and Big Mom stood opposite each other as if nothing had happened, and said in a deep voice

"Long time no see, old lady!"

"Long time no see, old man!" ps: If you enjoy watching it, can you give me a small gift?



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