The exchange between Kaido and Big Mom was so strange and natural. After the collision, they sat on the throne as if nothing had happened.

They laughed and chatted, but their expressions seemed to be cursing.

"Old lady, I haven't seen you for so many years, but your strength is still the same"

"Mom...Mom...haha, you too!"

"Old Woman……"

"Old stuff……"


Perospero and Jin looked at each other and began to sit casually on the messy seats.

Fortunately, the two of them had controlled their strength, otherwise no one would be able to sit in the meeting place today!

In the next half an hour, the whole palace was filled with joy. The Beasts Pirates and Big Mom Pirates were both four emperors, so there was almost no barrier between them.

According to the attitudes of their respective bosses, the people below got along well. Perospero dragged Jin to eat a lot... The latter did not refuse, and all came.

The two think tanks of the four emperors seemed to have seen eye to eye.

Quinn, the second of the Three Disasters, approached Charlotte, Daifuku and the two brothers Charlotte Owen and started chatting. The three of them soon became like they had met too late.

Jack, the last of the Three Calamities, saw that his two brothers had both approached the other party's top leaders to build relationships, so he couldn't just sit there idle... so he quickly approached a guy who was a little quiet on Big Mom's side.

The man was carrying a trident-like weapon, and his face was covered with a scarf so that his expression could not be seen. He leaned against his seat and had a strong smell of"keep away from strangers"!

Jack knew the other person, and that person seemed to be the most outstanding one among Big Mom's sons, one of the three generals... Katakuri

"Quinn and Jin know me well. I am the highest-ranking member of the Beasts Pirates besides the boss... I should be the one to deal with the other party's top leaders."

Jack was secretly delighted, and then he went up to greet Katakuri with a smile on his face.

"Brother, you must be Katakuri, right? Do you want to drink?

Jack raised the wine bottle in his hand and said confidently, but Katakuri, who had been pretending to squint, raised his eyes and asked Jack a heart-breaking question after seeing his expression.

"You are... Jack, one of the Three Calamities? Where is your arm?"


Jack's face turned bitter at that time. How could his arm be lost? It was all because of that damn Bai Ze.

Thinking of this, he looked at Katakuri fiercely again,"Why are you bringing up such a topic?"

"Hehe... I was in a peak battle and was accidentally injured by the opponent."

Jack replied impatiently


Katakuri answered him with a meaningful"oh", which contained a lot of disdain, sarcasm and a hint of... contempt.

After Katakuri finished speaking, he crossed his arms and pretended to squint.

"You are so special……"

At this moment, Jack was trembling with anger. Damn it, he shouldn't have come...

Quinn and Jhin, who were far away, saw this scene and shook their heads helplessly.


After half an hour of talking about the past, Kaido and Big Mom finally put away their smiles and returned to a dignified expression. Everyone knew that the talk was over and it was time to talk about business.

Both sides fell silent at the same time and looked quietly at the two throne owners.

"Old woman, what did you think about what I told you on Den Den Mushi?"

Kaido shrugged and looked at the woman beside him with a pair of majestic eyes.

This was his real purpose today, to seek an alliance...

But Big Mom obviously didn't understand this absurd request. What kind of alliance is this?

She didn't want the Ten Thousand Nations she created to be involved with other forces, even if the other party was a force of the same level... Wano Country.

Big Mom, who was not very happy, squeezed her chubby face into a ball and sneered directly.

"Is that navy kid named Bai Ze really that scary? Is he so scary to a proud guy like Kaido? Why are you coming to my territory?……"

This is how the two communicated. It was like this when they were in the Rocks Pirates, so Big Mom's words sounded extremely harsh.

The three disasters all looked a little ugly when they heard this, but Jin and Quinn were still able to control their facial expressions. They just slightly adjusted their amplitude to reappear a smiling face.

But Jack was different. He was in a bad mood after his arm was broken and he was ridiculed. When he heard this... his expression suddenly twisted.

""Fuck you, old woman...what are you pretending?"

Jack cursed madly in his heart, including the Big Mom Pirates.

Katakuri, who was squinting, raised his eyebrows slightly, and his outstanding observation Haki knew Jack's malice... He secretly thought about finding an opportunity to teach him a lesson.

Kaido frowned, listening to the constant ridicule and abuse from Big Mom on the side.

Instinct made him want to leave the table directly and have a big fight with Big Mom, but out of concern for the future...that is, the navy boy.

He glanced at his brothers in the audience. He didn't want to lose this group of foundations he had created with great difficulty.

He took a deep breath and put on an extremely serious face, as if he didn't hear Big Mom's abuse at him just now.

"The navy kid named Bai Ze is really strong. Three months ago, he might not be able to defeat any of Jack and the other three. But the speed at which he grows is too terrifying.……"

"He reminded me of Roger, and also of our former captain... that man, Rocks.……"

"I, Kaido, have never feared anyone in my life, but I am afraid of the speed at which that boy is growing!"

Spies are almost impossible to get rid of, so the Navy knows about the Beast Pirates, and Kaido also knows about the Navy Headquarters.

He knows that the young pirate is growing rapidly, and he also has a hunch about the coming storm in the future.


Big Mom put away her smile and listened to her old friend's chattering with a gloomy face. The more she listened, the more solemn her expression became.

She took a deep look at Kaido's face. Kaido at this moment was very different from the one she knew... When he talked about the navy boy, there was no pride on his face, only deep fear.

Big Mom knew how proud the man in front of her was, and the person who could make him change so much... would it really be simple?

If that Bai Ze grows up, will he destroy the current situation and then point the butcher knife at her pirate group?


Even so far, Big Mom still had a little fear of Bai Ze, whom she had never met, but thinking of that terrible possibility... Big Mom's expression became solemn.

A few minutes later!

Kaido stopped talking and fell into silence... Big Mom did the same. Her chubby body rose and fell violently with deep breathing, and the whole palace was quiet and depressing.

Perospero and his group and Jin's group looked at this scene with solemn but contradictory expressions.

What will happen next?

Is it a true alliance of the Four Emperors!

Or a peak battle after being angry and humiliated!



The mixed emotions of the people in the palace continued for a long time.

Finally, the Lord of All Nations, the woman with a strong majesty, stood up. Her indifferent eyes swept over each of her children.

Then she said in a deep voice

"From now on, the BiGMOM Pirates officially form an alliance with the Beasts Pirates, and the two sides will share intelligence... and share it in time of war!"


The aunt talked about a lot of rules and regulations about the alliance, and finally shouted

"Anyone who dares to disobey will die!"

Kaido also stood up at this moment. He came to the right side of Big Mom with a mace on his shoulder. The extreme pressure released by his broad body made it difficult for many people to raise their heads.

"Those who disobey! Die!"

Perospero and Jin stood up at the same time and shouted.


Then everyone below stood up straight one by one, and they all shouted



Many ordinary people on Cake Island listened to these voices and looked up at the sky with solemn expressions.

They murmured:

"The weather is going to change……"

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