In the top floor office of the Marine Headquarters in Marinford!

The miserable Sengoku has been busy with the Hawkeye Mihawk and the Empress Hancock!

Just a few days ago, the two warships sailed to the two seas according to the orders of the conservative boss. According to the conservatives, they were going to prepare to release the goodwill of the navy first!

After all, as the former Seven Warlords of the Sea, they were also official pirates recognized by the World Government. How could Bai Ze's killing make them afraid... It is understandable that they set up their own business.

In order to ease the situation, the conservatives sent dozens of navy led by a colonel to negotiate.

When Sengoku heard this idea, he disagreed, but thinking of how he helped Bai Ze suppress them in the meeting room a few days ago, he had to turn a blind eye and watch them operate!

So the two warships set off, and then... there was no more!

After entering the two seas, the two warships lost contact together, as if they had evaporated from the earth!

But even with his eyes closed, he knew it was the work of those two Shichibukai.

At that time, the conservative group within the navy was furious and wanted to ask for an explanation from the other party... but the other party had no intention of giving an explanation and simply pretended to be dead!

And today!

Something that made Sengoku even more speechless came out. The conservative group sent out two warships again without notifying him, this time led by two rear admirals from the navy headquarters!

Thinking that this sincerity was already great, the other party would definitely not tear their faces off easily!

At this moment, Sengoku, who knew this information, twitched at the corners of his mouth.

"What on earth are these guys doing?...Seeking peace with pirates? Are they crazy?"

Zhan Guo was really furious. He really didn't understand what was going on in the minds of these conservatives.

Is our navy so weak? Is it necessary to show goodwill to pirates like this?

Zhan Guo didn't understand them, just like those conservatives didn't understand Zhan Guo. For didn't matter whether they were pirates or not. They were willing to kill when they had an absolute advantage.

But when the situation was bad, what they thought about was how to save their lives and how to protect their hard-earned official positions?

Fight with pirates? What good would that do...protect civilians? What did that have to do with them? That was something the marshal and the admiral had to consider.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

A rapid knock on the door interrupted Zhan Guo's thoughts. He took a deep breath and put on a calm attitude again.

"Come in!"

With a creaking sound, the door opened and the messenger rushed over in a hurry. He said to Zhan Guo with a grim expression:

"Oh no, Marshal... The two warships we sent out have lost contact again.……"

Sengoku listened to the other party's story with a twitch in his mouth. It was just as he had predicted... The two forces of Empress Hancock and Hawkeye Mihawk had completely torn their relationship with the navy!

As for the reason...

Sengoku shook his head. He didn't have the idea of blaming Bai Ze. What those Shichibukai did was too vicious. If he was there at the time, he would have taken action too.

"Marshal, Queen Boa Hancock said... our navy must not set foot in her territory, otherwise we will die!"

"Hawkeye Mihawk said his island is 20 nautical miles in radius and he doesn't want to see the navy.……"

The messenger said with a twitch in his mouth, those two former Shichibukai are going to completely muddy the waters... The trust in the navy had already dissipated.

"Got it!"

Zhan Guo took a deep breath and quickly calmed down. He narrowed his eyes slightly... I wonder what he was thinking?

The messenger thought that he was worthy of being Marshal Zhan Guo. He was not panicked at all about such a big thing...

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The rapid knock on the door sounded again, and Zhan Guo said without changing his expression

"Come in!"

Soon, with a creaking sound, the door opened and a higher-ranking intelligence officer walked in. The man's handsome face was full of worry... as if something extremely bad had happened.

Zhan Guo took a puff of his cigar and looked at the man with an ugly expression.

He was already tired... Hawkeye Mihawk and Empress Hancock had already dealt with such a big thing before, could anything be worse than this?

"Marshal, the Beasts Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates have formed an alliance today!"

The intelligence officer took a deep breath and said concisely


Zhan Guo listened to this information with disdain. Three seconds later, the cigar in the corner of his mouth fell to the ground with a snap. His tiger eyes stared at the man.

"What did you say?"

Zhan Guo said in a trembling voice. The man's mouth twitched and he repeated

"Marshal... The Beasts Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates have officially formed an alliance, today……"

Why did the field stop for a few seconds?……


Zhan Guo took a deep breath and said bitterly.

He couldn't understand why the situation changed so quickly... Why?


After the two left, Zhan Guo lay alone in the chair for a long time... Until the sunset, Zhan Guo muttered to himself except two words.

"Bai Ze!" ps: If you enjoy watching it, can you give me a small gift?

Thank you!


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