"Kill Empress Hancock and Hawkeye Mihawk!"

As Bai Ze said this, Sengoku and Akainu were really shocked.

These are the two most active Shichibukai at the moment. The Navy has sent several waves of warships to try to establish friendly relations.

But the other party seems to be completely indifferent, and taking advantage of the big commotion caused by the alliance of Big Mom and Kaido, two Four Emperors-level pirate groups, they seem to have expected that the Navy would not dare to do anything to them.

And this is the fact!

The New World is too big, and the current turbulent situation makes the three admirals of the Navy almost unable to get away... Even the lazy Kizaru and Aokiji have been sent to the front line to keep an eye on Kaido and Big Mom's every move!

Akainu also has to watch Whitebeard and Red Hair Shanks... Not to mention Sengoku and Garp, they also have to guard the Navy Headquarters Marineford!

In short, those who can beat them are in trouble... and those who can't beat them will be sent there, so Sengoku has been holding back a rage in his heart!

"Killing these two... you will have the strength to kill Kaido and most of them, right?"

Zhan Guo asked in a deep voice, Bai Ze nodded honestly... he urgently needed to kill some

"Akainu, you should accompany Bai Ze this time! There is no need for a quick victory!"Zhan Guo pondered for a moment and issued the order directly. He did not ask Bai Ze about the motive of killing the two Shichibukai, but chose to agree directly and help.

Killing the two Shichibukai to vent the navy's anger? Zhan Guo did not think that Bai Ze would have such an idea, so Bai Ze probably had his own secrets... and this secret might also be related to his rapid improvement in strength.

Zhan Guo did not want to pay attention to such things. For him... Bai Ze was his own man, and it was enough to kill pirates together. He did not want to care about other things!


With the approval of Zhan Guo, Bai Ze and Akainu did not hesitate at all and walked out of the conference room door and headed straight for the port.……

"Uncle, don't you want to ask me why I am so eager to kill those two guys?"

Along the way, Bai Ze couldn't help but teased Akainu, but Akainu didn't seem to care about it. He laughed and patted Bai Ze on the shoulder.

"What do you want to ask? When I recruited you to join the navy, I knew that your goal was the same as mine, to kill all the pirates in this world and bring true peace to this sea!"

"So I won't ask about the process, I only look at the results……"

Akainu's words once again moved Bai Ze a little. It feels really good to be completely trusted by others.

"Little guy, you are better than I thought! I seem to have seen the scenery of the sea in a few years……"

Akainu seemed to have thought of something and sneered,"The Four Emperors will all become your foils. This era belongs to you and the Navy."……"

Akainu, who was worried about the future situation before, had completely disappeared when he saw Bai Ze today, and was replaced by absolute confidence.

In his opinion, the alliance between the four emperors is just a group of jumping clowns, and this era does not belong to them!

Akainu looked at Bai Ze with sharp eyes.

"Bai Ze, let me see your true strength!"


Bai Ze smiled, and his aura changed again, turning into a sharp look... The sword was waiting to be unsheathed!

Soon the two arrived at the port!

But the two did not take the same ship. According to Bai Ze, time was running out... The two needed to act separately. Bai Ze went to the territory of the Empress Hancock.

And Akainu's goal was the island of the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk.

The two warships quickly left the port and disappeared in the distant sea level!

Zhan Guo stood on the distant rooftop and watched the two set off. At this moment, his deeply frowned brows slowly relaxed, and the soldier changed into an expectant look.

He remembered Bai Ze's confident words, and Zhan Guo murmured

"The head of Kaido, the King of Beasts... I'm really looking forward to it!"



Daughter Island!

The territory of Empress Hancock, one of the former Seven Warlords of the Sea, this island is also one of the most special islands in the world, just because... this island is full of women, without a single man!

This kind of single-sex island is really the first in the world. Not only that... this island also has many cruel rules about men.

For example, you can't talk to men, you can't make friends with men, you can't... anyway, all the rules and regulations revolve around one theme.

Anyone who approaches a man... will die!

And the reason why such a strange island can survive until now is because of its lord, Boa Hancock, the leader of the Nine Snakes Pirates. Her title of Seven Warlords of the Sea has avoided a lot of trouble!

But it's different now... Empress Hancock has turned against the navy, so the Daughter Kingdom seems a little depressed at the moment.

Several women of different figures and appearances gathered together and whispered during the break between work.

"Have you heard? Another group of navy soldiers came to the port and were killed by Her Majesty the Empress... They are so unlucky!"

"Of course, there are men among them. All men deserve to die.……"

"But, that’s the navy...won’t this cause big trouble?"

"Hey... Why did Her Majesty abandon her status as a Shichibukai?"

Someone said worriedly, but was quickly interrupted by someone else.

"So what if it's the navy? Our ruler is Boa Hancock... Her Majesty the Queen is strong enough to protect us."

"Yes, that's right, Her Majesty is the most powerful, she is always right……"

"Damn the navy, damn the men too!"


Most of the people in the Kingdom of Women are very pious to the rule of Empress Hancock. In their eyes, Empress Hancock is the sky!���They are all right... even if they are asked to kill the navy!

Only a few women with their own thoughts are a little worried that the woman's decision will drag all the people in the Kingdom of Women into the abyss!

After all, the woman is too arrogant, so arrogant that she looks down on everything... but killing so many navy may have a price to pay.

If the Empress Hancock heard this, she would definitely execute this woman... She doesn't understand the price.

Because she is so beautiful, everyone should forgive her disrespect because of her beauty!

She killed people... it proves that the person deserved to be killed, and she herself is innocent.

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