At this moment!

In the palace of the Daughter Island, which symbolizes the highest power!

The Queen, Boa Hancock, is having one of the happiest moments of the day, which is bathing! In the huge bathing pool, the hot air carrying fragrance is rising over a large area, making the entire bathroom misty and making it impossible to see what is happening inside? All you can hear is the rustling sound of water and a lazy but charming female voice!

"I am indeed the most beautiful woman in the world... hehe……"

A slender figure emerged from the water, and the water slowly flowed down the person's jade-white body... Hancock looked at her reflection in the water and smiled confidently.

Beautiful, really too beautiful... Even she herself was touched when she saw her own perfect face.

""I am so beautiful... so beautiful that I feel everything will be right, and they should all forgive me."

Hancock seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly raised the corner of her mouth and said something without a beginning or an end!

At this moment, the door of the bathroom opened, and Hancock turned around and saw two familiar figures walking towards her. They were huge like a mighty man.

It was just that the two lumps of sediment on their chests proved their identity as women.

They were the senior cadres of the Nine Snakes Pirates, Boa, Sandasonia and Boa, Marigold.

The two are not only senior cadres of the Nine Snakes Pirates but also sisters of Empress Hancock. What outsiders don’t know is that the three of them escaped from the territory of the Celestial Dragons... Their previous miserable identity was slaves.

So the bond between the three is very deep, and they have become three sisters!

Empress Hancock is the eldest sister, Boa and Sandasonia are the second sisters, and the youngest Boa, Marigold

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that the two looked a little strange, the empress frowned and asked.

The two sisters looked at each other, and finally the second sister, Boya, Sanda Sonia, stood up and said

"Your Majesty, I want to ask how to deal with the group of navy officers captured a few days ago?"

Empress Hancock frowned slightly, and after thinking about it for a while, she remembered this trivial matter to her.

That is, the navy sent another group of navy officers a few days ago to test her bottom line. Counting the previous two groups, this is the third group...

The empress said a little angrily,

"I have told those marines not to approach my waters again, why won’t they listen?"

The empress didn’t understand. She thought her orders were reasonable. The death of the three Shichibukai made her smell a different crisis. The Shichibukai identity that had protected Daughter Island for many years seemed to no longer be able to protect the island, so the empress decided to strike first!

Divide the sea and rule, and don’t want to bother with the navy anymore!

But the navy actually dared to step into her territory, so it was not her fault... Twice in a row, she directly wiped out almost all of the marines, leaving only a small number as prisoners at sea. She thought she had given enough face to the navy, but the other party came for the third time...

Yes, the extremely arrogant empress always believed that it was the navy that didn’t know what was good for them, not her own problem!

"Kill all of his navy too!"

The empress said coldly, deciding the life and death of dozens of people in an instant!

"Kill them all?"

Boya, Sandasonia asked with an unpleasant expression.

"Will this cause dissatisfaction from the Navy Headquarters? What if they send troops to attack us?"

Boya, Sandasonia hadn't finished speaking when she felt a cold gaze looking at her.

Empress Hancock stood up from the bathtub, exposing her uncovered body to the air.

"Are you questioning my decision?"

The Queen's words were full of indifference, as if the person standing in front of her was not her sister, but a stranger!

This is the Queen, Boa Hancock, a woman who is proud to the core. No one can oppose her decision because she is the absolute center.

""No... No!"

Boa, Sandersonia lowered her head tightly, fearing that she would make this good sister angry again!

And sure enough, after not being rejected, Boa Hancock smiled again, completely losing her murderous intent just now.

"That's right, my decision will not be wrong...even if it is wrong."

Empress Hancock paused and then took her special pose, tilting her head the point where she only looked at people through her nose, then she stretched out her right hand and pointed, and said confidently

"Because I am so beautiful... they will definitely forgive me!"

The two sisters looked at each other and thought that they should not think too much... it would not affect their captain's decision anyway.

Besides, they both had a little hidden pride and thought that the navy was just like that... just kill them!

What can they do to them?


Soon, the two sisters issued the order of the Empress. A dozen female crew members of the Nine Snakes Pirates were immediately excited when they heard it!

The Empress is their belief, and they are so happy to help her!

Soon, a group of people came to the cell where the navy was imprisoned!

In the dark and cold cell, the leading Rear Admiral Lei Ze saw the group of women coming in with laughter, and immediately felt something was wrong.

"What are you going to do?"

He was answered with a cold laugh, and several big-breasted women immediately put their knives on his face.

The cold touch made the latter's face even uglier.

"Of course I will kill you marines, who told you to make His Majesty angry!"

The leading woman laughed, wanting to see these ugly men showing their ugly faces because of death, especially the kind of begging for mercy!

To her, men deserve to die, and male marines deserve to die even more!

But what he didn't expect was that Lei Ze didn't show the slightest fear of the impending death... He just looked at the pirates coldly and sneered

"Let me beg for mercy first, do you ugly pirates deserve it?"


Lei Ze spat a mouthful of water on the woman's face. He was not a fool... He didn't need to beg for mercy meaninglessly when he was going to die today.

It would be better to maintain the dignity of the navy before dying!

"Take them away!"

The woman wiped her saliva and sneered. She wanted to make these marines die in pain!

Swish! Clang!

Soon the dark and cold cell became empty. Dozens of seriously injured marines were tied up in a row... and were dragged away by the women like a parade!

Their goal was the seaside... where it would be easier to deal with the bodies!

Some girls on the street who had just joined the Kingdom of Women looked at this scene and murmured to themselves in disbelief.

"Why do they want to kill the navy uncle... Isn't the navy good?"

In the little girl's cognition, the navy represents justice.

But as soon as she said this, a loud slap sounded from her ear. She covered her face in disbelief and turned her head to look... and saw a crew member of the Nine Snakes Pirates, with a cold face, holding a long knife against her face.

"Her Majesty is the righteous one... This is the land of women, there is no navy here, only pirates……"

Then, under the shocked gaze of the little girl, the female crew member fiercely raised her long knife... and then dropped it swiftly.


The little girl's arm fell off, and blood spurted out... The tragic wail resounded throughout the street.

The citizens of the Kingdom of Women around watched all this numbly, no one tried to stop it and no one felt sorry for the little girl... because Her Majesty the Empress was watching everything here!

As citizens of the Kingdom of Women, although they were imprisoned on this small island, as long as they could live, it would be fine... even if they lived foolishly.

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