On the coastline of Daughter Island!

The sunset is hanging beautifully in the sky, and the warm sea breeze is blowing gently on the coast. The whole coast looks quiet and beautiful.

But with rows of kneeling figures and bloody limbs and arms around, it looks a bit weird!


The leading crew member of the Nine Snakes Pirates shouted softly, and the next moment... the other members who had been prepared immediately swung their butcher knives!


Blood flew everywhere, and a big head rolled to the ground. The face of the young navy was full of unwillingness until his death... The teeth of the other navy who were still forced to kneel were about to break... Their eyes were half angry and half desperate.

As navy members, they were executed by pirates like this, which was simply outrageous. If they had known it, they should have died in the battle!

Lei Ze, who was originally sent to want to release the goodwill of the navy with Empress Hancock, watched all this with lifeless eyes... watching his comrades fall down one after another!

He is actually a conservative member of the navy. He believes that the current navy should not go to war with pirates at will, and that some pirates do not deserve it. Death, maybe there is some unspeakable secret...

Yes, Lei Ze was still a little naive at that time. With the support of conservative military leaders and his own talents, he was promoted to the rank of rear admiral in the navy easily, and he had hardly experienced any major wars...

His understanding of pirates was still stuck on some ordinary sea bandits and robbers. It was not until he met the extremely proud female emperor during this period that he knew what lawlessness was... The latter didn't say a word to them at all, and killed half of their comrades.

He was also captured by the other side!

Lei Ze smiled sadly at his current situation... Damn, if he was given another chance, he would never show mercy to pirates again! The female crew member of the Nine Snakes Pirates, who was the leader, laughed disdainfully when she saw Lei Ze's unconvinced look.

"What, you don't accept it, Navy?……"She shook her head and slapped his cheek with the knife again.

"This is what happens when you anger our Empress.……"

Dozens of navy soldiers had been slaughtered, and at this moment the woman raised her hand slightly... The speed of execution increased again!

I believe it will be Lei Ze's turn soon. Feeling the approach of death, Lei Ze looked at the woman and shouted

"Damn pirates... You'd better not let me have an afterlife, otherwise I will definitely slaughter all of you damn pirates!"


Lei Ze roared at the hyena like a dying lion, but the woman who had followed the empress for a long time... and pondered the impact just sneered.

Then she raised the big knife and chopped it hard at Lei Ze's neck...

The speed was as fast as lightning, bringing bursts of breaking wind!

Lei Ze closed his eyes resignedly, hoping for the arrival of death in his heart... But he didn't feel that kind of pain for a long time!

And the originally noisy coast was now extremely silent, as if it was just a precursor to the coming of great terror.

"Am I dead?"

Lei Ze opened his eyes with a puzzled look on his face, and then he saw a figure in front of him!

The figure was not tall and a little thin... A long sword was slung across the man's waist, adding a touch of unique momentum to him.

The figure's large navy justice uniform was blown up by the sea breeze and hit his face.

"You said you wanted to kill all the pirates... Does that still count?"

A somewhat immature and cold voice came from a strange figure. Lei Ze was a little puzzled... The owner of this voice sounded like he was not very old.

But Lei Ze quickly got rid of his chaotic thoughts and nodded and answered,

""I have only one goal in the future... that is to kill all the pirates in the world!"

Lei Ze said loudly, and the man nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay! Then remember what you said today.……"

The man turned around and revealed a mask, half crying and half smiling, which was extremely weird!

"Bai... Vice Admiral Bai Mo!"

Looking at this familiar mask, Lei Ze exclaimed that he was too familiar with this mask.

That was the most powerful man in the navy in recent times. Although he was young... he killed three of the Seven Warlords of the Sea in three months!

And became the youngest vice admiral of the navy!

Bai Ze's bloodshot pupils spoke to Lei Ze,

"Kill these pirates... cut off their heads and bury them with their dead comrades!"

Lei Ze looked around in surprise, and saw that the scene on the coast was a bit weird...

More than a dozen female crew members of the Nine Snakes Pirates were now under control, and thick trees came out from the ground and coiled around them!

Wood Release Ninjutsu!

Bai Ze saw all this on the sea several miles away, and immediately used Kamui to speed up and rushed here. After hearing the words of the Navy Rear Admiral... Then he controlled everyone with a Wood Release!


At this moment, Lei Ze, who had escaped death, was surrounded by anger. He picked up the big knife beside him and walked towards the women.

At this moment, all the members of the Nine Snakes Pirates looked at him with horror.

""Ugh... don't!"

She wanted to beg for mercy but it was too late. Lei Ze raised his sword without hesitation and chopped it down!

Snap! Snap! Snap!

One after another, the heads fell to the ground unwillingly, and the blood dyed the ground red... Not only that, Lei Ze seemed to be killing mad. Not only did he chop off their heads, but he also chopped off their surroundings, leaving them to howl in despair...

After ten minutes of treatment, all the people were dead!

Lei Ze, who was blood-thirsty, turned his head and looked at the young man... He saw that the latter had his hands on his chest, and seemed to not take this hellish scene seriously at all.

Swish! Swish!

Finally, the young man moved. He turned around and walked directly inside.

"Lieutenant General Bai Mo, what are you going to do?

Bai Ze replied without turning his head.

"There are too few heads to commemorate them... I'll go add some more!"

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