Seeing the navy being slaughtered like pigs and dogs by pirates, this feeling made Bai Ze go back to the past... His village was like that at that time. The villagers were also kneeling on the ground in rows, waiting for death in despair!

It was just that the village was even more unlucky at that time, and not even a savior appeared, so more than half of the villagers died that day.

Today, the slaughterers are still those damned pirates, but the slaughtered are indeed replaced by the navy... It's a bit absurd and a bit destined.

Bai Ze walked while looking at the vast sky with a sigh.

When the group of pirates slaughtered the navy just now, he was actually a little angry... He knew why?

This means that the navy's efforts for so long have finally smoothed out his complaints about the navy at that time. At this moment, Bai Ze has finally established a bond with the navy...

He, Bai Ze, is already a real navy, and his comrades were killed... How can Bai Ze not be angry.

Of course, another reason is that the major general swore to slaughter all the pirates in the world... It's the same as what he said at the beginning.

"Uncle Akainu, Marshal Sengoku... Mr. Garp, Aokiji... Oh, and that extremely lazy Kizaru……"

Bai Ze whispered the names of the people who had helped him tremendously in the past few months.

Although Bai Ze knew that some of this was due to the privileges given to him by Sengoku and the overall tilt of the Navy's educational resources... but the majority of them were people like Kizaru and Aokiji who saw Bai Ze as the future hope of the Navy... and therefore taught him with all their might.

Bai Ze was not a fool, nor was he the kind of person who was ungrateful!

He would repay all these favors one by one... so...

Bai Ze narrowed his eyes and looked at the crew members of the Nine Snakes Pirates who were coming one after another. The noise just now was not small... and had attracted them all!

"The damn navy actually dared to kill our people. Sisters, let’s go together... Kill this navy and avenge our sisters!"



A group of women rushed towards Bai Ze with all kinds of weapons.

Bai Ze saw this scene and shook his head slightly, saying meaningfully

"Repaying a favor... starts from now on!"

Bai Ze put his hands together, and then quickly began to make seals. Bai Ze then shouted softly

"Wood Release,"

The women looked at Bai Ze with confused faces as he formed seals with his hands. They had never seen ninjutsu and thought that Bai Ze was going crazy.

What's the use of dancing with his hands?

But... the next moment, several green buds appeared on the ground, and then they grew wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye... Then, under the shocked eyes of the women, they were tied up directly!

And these trees seemed to have vitality, as Bai Ze raised his hand!

The buds at the top of the tree pierced directly into their heads like sharp thorns, taking their lives in an instant!

Rows of female corpses hung on the trees, like purgatory on earth!

The familiar sound of the kill broadcast soon rang in Bai Ze's mind!

〖Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing a Bailey pirate with a bounty of 5 million, and be rewarded with 5 slaughter points!〗

〖Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing a Bailey pirate with a bounty of 8 million, and reward 8 slaughter points〗

〖Congratulations to the host……〗


Bai Ze walked forward with a cold face and said nothing, as if everything that had just happened had nothing to do with him!

The Nine Snake Pirates, who were coming from afar, watched this horrific scene with their mouths trembling.

There was a big question in their minds, which was……

"Is this guy really a navy? Why does he seem even more cruel than the pirates?"

"And is the navy's revenge finally coming?"

Except for the Empress, most of the crew members of the Nine Snakes Pirates are normal people. They know that the navy's revenge will come sooner or later. They just didn't expect it to be today!

But no matter how scared they are, they still rush forward one after another.

Because their Nine Snakes Pirates have never been a good group of people. If the Empress knew that they dared to run... they would most likely die, and maybe even implicate their relatives and friends!

Instead of this... it's better to just die like this!


A group of crew members of the Nine Snakes Pirates rushed towards Bai Ze, and then... just like before, the bodies were hung on the trees and drifted in the wind!

Bai Ze just kept killing while walking towards the palace.

Until he reached the town, the empress still did not appear, and not even a senior cadre took action, which made Bai Ze a little confused.

Is Ya Hancock not here? Or does she not know that she is killing people?

At this moment, in the palace of the Kingdom of Women!

What was quite different from Bai Ze's expectation was that the empress was in the palace, but at this moment she was still immersed in the joy of taking a bath!

Once in the morning, once in the afternoon... At this moment, she was taking an afternoon bath, and her beautiful body needed to be well maintained.

"Your Majesty! A navy has killed many of our sisters and is really heading our way!"

"That navy seems very powerful.……"

The two sisters of the Empress, Boa, Sandasonia and Boa, Marigold are reporting to the Empress, and are hinting that the other party should act quickly!

But the Empress did not seem to stop, and was still lying in the bath... admiring her beautiful body!

Some female crew members died, so let them die! How could their lives be more important than what she is doing now... The Empress, who was a slave before, has long been extremely cold-hearted...

To her, she is the most important, and other people's affairs, including their lives, are not worth one ten-thousandth of hers... Just a navy who came for revenge.

After I finish taking a bath, I will kill the other party and turn the other party into an eternal stone sculpture!

Boa, Sandasonia and Boa, Marigold���After a glance, he gave up the idea of persuading her... The two of them pushed the door open and walked out.

They decided to deal with the ill-intentioned navy on their own!

Soon, the huge bathroom returned to silence, with only the rustling sound of the empress Boa Hancock playing in the water. She strolled in the bathtub by herself...

With a beautiful face and explosive body, she was like the most perfect work of art in the world!

She was the most beautiful woman in the world, Boa Hancock!

"I am really too beautiful...hahahaha……"

Boa Hancock laughed loudly for several minutes. She felt that she was almost done with the shower and finally decided to deal with that damn navy!

Revenge on her, Boa Hancock? Why?

How could the navy have any resentment towards her, no matter how beautiful she was?

The empress chuckled twice and was about to turn around and put on her clothes, but halfway through her turn... her eyes were fixed!

I saw a boy in the navy justice uniform standing by the bathtub without knowing when. Under the strange mask, only a pair of blood-red eyes were exposed... emitting a heart-pounding light!

The most terrifying thing was that there were two human heads at the boy's feet!

Two female heads, one with green hair like a waterfall, and the other with orange... Their hair was a little weird like a little snake.

And the faces of the two women were full of unwillingness and confusion, as if they were surprised about something before they died?

The two of them were Boa Hancock's two sisters, Boa, Sandersonia and Boa, Marigold.

They had only been out for a few minutes, but now their heads were already separated!

The empress stared at the heads of the two sisters, stunned for a long time... Then the cold murderous intent instantly swept around.


The empress shouted shrilly!

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