"This is... Domineering Haki!"

Seeing Akainu's current state, everyone exclaimed in unison, and a group of navy officers were so excited that their faces flushed.

Domineering Haki... Their Admiral Akainu actually awakened Domineering Haki, this is really a pleasant surprise, the navy should be very happy!

"Damn it, if the news of Admiral Akainu awakening the Conqueror's Haki gets back to the headquarters, it will definitely shock those conservative old guys."

"Of course... After all, those old guys always use the fact that Admiral Akainu has not awakened his Conqueror's Haki to bully him, and now they are going to be slapped in the face!"

As Akainu's personal guards, they have begun to excitedly imagine the glorious days in the future.

That is, Akainu might be able to compete for the position of Admiral!

The Admiral of the Navy, the real head of the Navy Headquarters... If Akainu becomes the Admiral, the Navy will have to follow his will!

Everyone looked excited, but they tacitly did not discuss this taboo. After all, the most important thing right now is that the matter has not been resolved.���?

If it works...

Of course, the most significant effect of Akainu's awakening of Conqueror's Haki is to decide... the outcome of today's battle! Akainu already had a certain advantage in the battle with Hawkeye Mihawk, and now Akainu has newly gained Conqueror's Haki... It can be said that the balance of victory has completely tipped towards Akainu!

"I didn't expect this guy to unexpectedly awaken Conqueror's Haki during the battle with me... Hehe... My luck is really a bit bad!"

Hawkeye Mihawk muttered to himself. He was just surprised by Akainu's sudden awakening of Conqueror's Haki, but he didn't feel unfair... After all, this thing was originally the opponent's ability!

"Am I...finally going to lose?"

Hawkeye Mihawk suddenly laughed at himself, the absolute intuition of a strong man let him know how powerful Akainu was at the moment... The outcome of his battle seemed to be doomed!

But after so many years of unprovoked defeat, it was still a bit strange to finally experience the feeling of failure today!

Hawkeye Mihawk looked at the black knife in his hand, his eyes fell into deep thought... This old friend who had been with him for so many years might have to say goodbye after today! Maybe there would be no Hawkeye Mihawk after today!

But... Hawkeye Mihawk suddenly raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing an extremely satisfied smile!

"I, Hawkeye Mihawk, will die in a real battle!"

"Today's opportunity... is good!"

Knowing that he might lose, Hawkeye Mihawk will not be afraid of fighting. Today he will fight to the death!

Hawkeye Mihawk shook his sword, and the extremely domineering Armament Haki instantly permeated the blade, and released bursts of magic-like thick fog. This is the mutated Armament Haki that belongs only to Hawkeye Mihawk! It is much more domineering than ordinary Armament Haki... and at this moment!

Domineering! Violent, sharp!

This is the heyday of Hawkeye Mihawk. He narrowed his eyes like an eagle and looked at Akainu,

""Let's fight!"

Then, he shot out with a tip of his toes, and the ground split open like a spider web!

Hawkeye Mihawk slashed down with his sword, and suddenly a shocking sword light appeared, and the huge momentum seemed to split the sky in two!

"Come on!"

Akainu shrugged, and went straight to meet him without any nonsense, and blasted out with a pair of lava iron fists!

Instantly, he fought with Hawkeye Mihawk!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Endless explosions resounded throughout the island, and a large area of trees began to collapse because they could not withstand the shock wave. The fierceness of this collision was far greater than the battle in the previous few days. The two had no reservations at this moment!

What they wanted was a fight to the death!

But at this moment, Akainu, who had awakened the domineering color domineering, was obviously a little more powerful than before when the collision occurred. The upper hand!

Each of his moves had a little more charm than before, and the increase in Conqueror's Haki was subversive for a battle of their level!

Even Hawkeye Mihawk, the world's number one swordsman known for his killing power, began to retreat step by step by Akainu. Each of Akainu's heavy blows could push him back seven or eight steps! The scorching wind made his face hurt, but Hawkeye Mihawk remained calm... He just kept swinging his sword, and then stared at Akainu!

He was looking for a flaw. The flaw that can really turn the tide of defeat... Swordsmen are also natural assassins. As long as they find the flaw, the battle can often end in an instant!

Compared to the difficult battle against Hawkeye Mihawk, Akainu at this moment really felt what it means to be refreshed... He has never felt so much power at this moment!

Conqueror's Haki!

I didn't expect that Akainu's Haki would awaken in such a way that it turned out to be a blessing in disguise... Even the extremely proud Akainu was a little sad at this moment.

Things that were so difficult to force in the past are now so easy to come by... Is this a joke from the old genius or something.

If you want to talk about the only variable in so long, Akainu subconsciously thought of the little guy...

He really wanted to tell the other party this good news, let him know... His uncle Akainu is not bad either!

Watching a child perform in the New World, Akainu thought... It should be his turn on the next stage!

Thinking of this!

Akainu shook his head and smiled slightly, then let's end this battle quickly and welcome my Akainu's stage!

""Meteor Volcano!"

Akainu shouted, and the power of the devil fruit suddenly activated to the maximum. In an instant, an astonishingly high temperature began to spread throughout the field.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Groups of magma columns with extreme power began to erupt from the bottom, and the field instantly turned into a scene like hell.

"Die, Hawkeye Mihawk!"

Akainu said in his heart!

But as Akainu used his ultimate move, Hawkeye Mihawk's eyes moved slightly... He said to himself with a little excitement

"I found the flaw!"

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