"The flaw! I found it!"

Hawkeye Mihawk said in his heart. He changed his previous aggressive fighting style and directly put away the knife... Then he took a few steps forward!

Taking advantage of the gap when Akainu was attacking with all his strength, Hawkeye Mihawk directly held the black knife with both hands, and stabbed forward at a very fast speed!


This is a special method used by swordsmen to kill with one strike. This move is a complete killing move, and it leaves no room for maneuver... Either you succeed or you die!

Hawkeye Mihawk knew that as a swordsman who mainly relies on killing power, he could not fight a protracted war with Akainu, who was blessed with the domineering color domineering... So he kept waiting... Waiting until this guy who was as proud as himself would make an arrogant mistake.

When the opponent wanted to kill him with one strike, it was also an opportunity for Hawkeye Mihawk to exchange one for one or even turn defeat into victory. Obviously at this moment...

He waited!

In a split second, Akainu instantly discovered Hawkeye Mihawk's intention, but it was too late to retract his attack. He sensed the thrilling murderous intent at this moment!

""Damn it!"

Akainu cursed inwardly! But he also made a prompt decision and did not hold back... Instead, he punched Hawkeye Mihawk in the chest, and then tried his best to swing his body to prevent him from causing fatal injuries!

Life for life? Would he be afraid?

It was just that Akainu still had a little regret. He could have won without paying such a high price just now... But now he had to pay a terrible price because of his arrogance!

""Alas... what a pity!"

In a flash, Hawkeye Mihawk still noticed Akainu's decisive decision, and he had a little more respect for this tough guy in his heart!

Although he still couldn't kill the opponent, at least he could cripple the opponent... this is not a loss!

He thought, and the speed of the knife in his hand stabbed forward again!

And Akainu's lava iron fist also blasted forward at the same time!

Buzz! Buzz!

The atmosphere in the field became a little quiet with this strange change... A group of navy watching the battle looked at this horrifying scene with a look of shock!

"don't want……"



However, not everything can be regretted!

Mihawk's sword finally sank into Akainu's chest, making a strange sound... and Akainu's lava fist also punched through Mihawk's body!

It was extremely tragic!

The two of them just stood facing each other, as if petrified!

The battle between Akainu and Mihawk seemed to end in a loss for both sides!

But Mihawk was staring at the front with an unbelievable look... that is, his sword!

With large mouthfuls of blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth, Mihawk spoke in confusion.

"Why... why?"

Although his knife had pierced into Akainu's body, it didn't seem to be... He felt as if he had stabbed into the air. Akainu in front of him was almost fine!

But Akainu's answer to him was a sentence without a beginning or an end.

"Little guy! You're here!"

At this moment, Akainu, who had just experienced a life-and-death crisis, suddenly smiled, as if something great had happened!

Hawkeye Mihawk's eyes were blank, and his stern expression was particularly weird at this moment!

""Who?...Who's coming?"

The next moment!

With a wave of space fluctuations, the young man that Akainu had been thinking about slowly walked out of the black hole-like thing with a knife in hand.

He smiled and greeted Akainu!

"Well! I'm here! Uncle Akainu!"

Using Kamui at a distance, at the critical moment of the battle between the two, he blocked the fatal blow that Hawkeye Mihawk launched at Akainu!

Bai Ze finally arrived, otherwise he would never be able to forgive himself again...

There are some things... He really doesn't want to lose them again!

Hawkeye Mihawk looked at the two people so familiar, and then looked at Bai Ze's signature outfit and recognized that Bai Ze was the young navy who had become famous in this period of time.

The weird situation just now... Hawkeye Mihawk also understood it instantly!

He smiled a little self-deprecatingly, and in his heart he expressed deep contempt for Bai Ze, a guy who launched a sneak attack... Even Akainu looked down on him!

"Haha... it's such a shame that my life was taken away by a navy like you!"

Hawkeye Mihawk suddenly sneered at Bai Ze and Akainu.

Hearing this, Bai Ze's smile gradually disappeared... He tilted his head and looked at Hawkeye Mihawk with disdain and said, ps: Brothers, I'm going to take a day off today. There are a lot of unexpected situations... I'll try to make it up to you tomorrow!

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